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Awesome Friend
Nov 2, 2012
Hello! I am HJ1984 and I am the female moderator of the site! I was just given this title and I just want to take a few moments of your time and welcome you to the site! I am sure that you can tell that women are few and far between in the prepper world, or maybe they are all just "closet prepping" as I like to call it! I too was a "closet prepper" until just recently.
Being a mother and homemaker I feel it as my duty to prepare my family for ANYTHING that could happen that threatens the lives of my children and family. Be it a devastating storm or an economic collapse, I want to have done everything I possibly can to be ready for that day.
Women bring to the table a ton of knowledge and ideas that are sometimes overlooked by men...don't get me wrong, men play a very important role in our survival and without them we most likely wouldn't make it. Though I feel they could survive without women, I think they'd rather not :) We are stronger in ways that they are weak and vice-versa. We must educate ourselves with the knowledge that they have to offer and we should offer up our knowledge to them as well.
Please look around the site, be active and speak your opinion and post your ideas often as we can only learn more from each other! I feel that women tend to plan for general disasters/emergencies on a daily basis (e.g Fresh clothes for a soiled baby, Tylenol and tissues in our purses, everything else that we carry in our "everything but the kitchen sink purses" that ppl are always shocked that we have yet thankful we do!) and that helps us to better prepare for bigger emergencies as well!
I can't wait to talk with you all and hear your thoughts, concerns, questions, ideas and more!
Welcome aboard and please feel free to message me at anytime!
Hello! I am HJ1984 and I am the female moderator of the site! I was just given this titale and I just want to take a few moments of your time and welcome you to the site! I am sure that you can tell that women are few and far between in the prepper world, or maybe they are all just "closet prepping" as I like to call it! I too was a "closet prepper" until just recently.
Being a mother and homemaker I feel it as my duty to prepare my family for ANYTHING that could happen that threatens the lives of my children and family. Be it a devestating storm or an economic collapse, I want to have done everything I possibly can to be ready for that day.
Women bring to the table a ton of knowledge and ideas that are sometimes overlooked by men...don't get me wrong, men play a very important role in our survival and without them we most likely wouldn't make it. Though I feel they could survive without women, I think they'd rather not :) We are stronger in ways that they are weak and vice-versa. We must educate ourselves with the knowledge that they have to offer and we should offer up our knowledge to them as well.
Please look around the site, be active and speak your opinion and post your ideas often as we can only learn more from each other! I feel that women tend to plan for general disasters/emergencies on a daily basis (e.g Fresh clothes for a soiled baby, tylenol and tissues in our purses, everything else that we carry in our "everything but the kitchen sink purses" that ppl are always shocked that we have yet thankful we do!) and that helps us to better prepare for bigger emergencies as well!
I can't wait to talk with you all and hear your thoughts, concerns, questions, ideas and more!
Welcome aboard and please feel free to message me at anytime!

Just joined yesterday and still learning my way around your site. Not sure exactly what sort of things you are interested in sharing with others. Since I am a new secret prepper, a retired nurse and a writer, I would like to post on things I have learned and mistakes I have made.
Hello! I am HJ1984 and I am the female moderator of the site! I was just given this title and I just want to take a few moments of your time and welcome you to the site! I am sure that you can tell that women are few and far between in the prepper world, or maybe they are all just "closet prepping" as I like to call it! I too was a "closet prepper" until just recently.
Being a mother and homemaker I feel it as my duty to prepare my family for ANYTHING that could happen that threatens the lives of my children and family. Be it a devastating storm or an economic collapse, I want to have done everything I possibly can to be ready for that day.
Women bring to the table a ton of knowledge and ideas that are sometimes overlooked by men...don't get me wrong, men play a very important role in our survival and without them we most likely wouldn't make it. Though I feel they could survive without women, I think they'd rather not :) We are stronger in ways that they are weak and vice-versa. We must educate ourselves with the knowledge that they have to offer and we should offer up our knowledge to them as well.
Please look around the site, be active and speak your opinion and post your ideas often as we can only learn more from each other! I feel that women tend to plan for general disasters/emergencies on a daily basis (e.g Fresh clothes for a soiled baby, Tylenol and tissues in our purses, everything else that we carry in our "everything but the kitchen sink purses" that ppl are always shocked that we have yet thankful we do!) and that helps us to better prepare for bigger emergencies as well!
I can't wait to talk with you all and hear your thoughts, concerns, questions, ideas and more!
Welcome aboard and please feel free to message me at anytime!
Well said!
Just joined yesterday and still learning my way around your site. Not sure exactly what sort of things you are interested in sharing with others. Since I am a new secret prepper, a retired nurse and a writer, I would like to post on things I have learned and mistakes I have made.
Looking forward to your posts!
I just joined tonight and the information here is so overwelming but in a good way! This community is exactly what I was looking for :)
I think it's interesting to see the different mindset between the sexes when it comes to prepping. My husband is all about the tools, and I am all about the food and clothes. Lol!
I lean towards food and stuff too but, being a single woman, I have to learn how to do everything else too. This is not going to be easy....Tools, ughhh.
So as a learning exercise, I post unusual survival things on my FB page. It forces me to read and learn different things and techniques that I really don't have a clue what I'm doing. I don't get to try them all but I have great memory retention so its all getting crammed in my head.

I do like to go hiking at times and I'll get to test some of the things I learned then.
Good evening ladies! I am sooooo glad to see the amount of women talking here already! I just got off of work and I am working on loading a video for the past weekends prepper buys! I am SOOO behind!
I love this :) I haven't been on the site for a while and Im so happy to see this! I've started coupon shopping so now I'm going to start stocking up on canned goods, drinks, medicine, etc (prepping on a budget). Also, my husband and I have gone shooting! I think I'm a natural.
I love this :) I haven't been on the site for a while and Im so happy to see this! I've started coupon shopping so now I'm going to start stocking up on canned goods, drinks, medicine, etc (prepping on a budget). Also, my husband and I have gone shooting! I think I'm a natural.
I am glad you like the Lady Preppers section!
My husband subscribed to the Sunday paper for coupons, so far so good! A good read as well while drinking my coffee before church. Great coupons for children/adult medicine, body washes and what not.
This may sound silly to some, but the way it kind of looks to me is that the guys are all about dealing with the actual SHTF, you know being a manly man and shooting things. Women deal with the actual SHTF as well, but we seem to be more tuned into what happens after the fan's been hit. Things like food sources that are renewable, yes MREs do have a place and so does just sticking a piece of meat over the fire and charring it enough that it stops squirming. Things like clothing for growing kids, schooling for those kids, making a home again somewhere and have it not be just a cave or bundle of brush.

I really don't mean to down the guys and I'm really not. The guys bring a lot to the table, so do we, as well as we are usually the ones cooking what goes on that table. I think women come at prepping from a little different angle is all. Anyhow, howdy all.
Hello my name is Renee and I am new to this I have some things but feel its not enough any suggestions
don't have a gun yet but am preparing to buy one just unsure of what to get. I have three lovely daughters and a son and would hate not being able to provide for them
I was thinking about starting to coupon too. Figured it would help out with the food supply!
I do not yet know how to use coupons. I'm not a dummy but I just don't get it if someone can take the time to explain it to me I would love to start using them. thanks in advance
I have a friend at work that coupons and she knows where to go to get the best value and best coupons. I think Harris Tieter is where she shops and often leaves with them owing her money back. I have a lot to lean from her!
Nice to see some likeminded ladies. ;) Think my prepping started from my family not living near big cities as a child. We had to do more for ourselves, but this was just what you had to do. As you have guessed I'm old with 5 grown Children, 16 Grandchildren & 6 Great Grandchildren. Have gardened since childhood with my folks, & am now a Master Gardner Volunteer, & a Master Food Preparer Volunteer, and Master composter. I have a large guarden of my own & grow most of our veggies, some fruit, have a few chickens, & have run a small family business for 32 years. Prepping came naturally with all this background stuff ;) I live in the Pacific Northwest so garden year round. When I met my husband 35 years ago, I had ( & still do) more firearms than he did. Hunting and fishing was just part of life. I take Tai Chi & would like to learn knife fighting if I could find a teacher in this area. (Think it would keep me out of trouble, lol)
Wow, I could learn a lot from you Ivori :) Maybe you could give tips on growing and stuff. It's getting harder and harder to find stuff in detail since so many sites are cropping up. They just talk in general and you can find that stuff anywhere. I've shot a few guns but don't own any. I realize I'm going to have to get one eventually so any advice for the women would be appreciated. I'm a small girl so no talk about big guns, they would probably knock me over.
Thank you. My prefrence is is my baretta model 90, small enough to fit a womans hand, has a good punch & hits exactly where you would point your finger.
But if you want something that is cheap to shoot so you can get started I would suggest trying out some 22 pistols to get used to the noise, weight & actually shooting. If you have a gun club in your area a gun safety course can get you started the right way.
Perhaps you have a friend that is gun savy. Good place to start
Do not recommend just having anyone start you out. Its all about using the tools correctly ;)
I have a friend at work that coupons and she knows where to go to get the best value and best coupons. I think Harris Tieter is where she shops and often leaves with them owing her money back. I have a lot to lean from her!
any pointers on how it actually works would be nice also
thank you
and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL from my family to yours

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