Hello! I am HJ1984 and I am the female moderator of the site! I was just given this title and I just want to take a few moments of your time and welcome you to the site! I am sure that you can tell that women are few and far between in the prepper world, or maybe they are all just "closet prepping" as I like to call it! I too was a "closet prepper" until just recently.
Being a mother and homemaker I feel it as my duty to prepare my family for ANYTHING that could happen that threatens the lives of my children and family. Be it a devastating storm or an economic collapse, I want to have done everything I possibly can to be ready for that day.
Women bring to the table a ton of knowledge and ideas that are sometimes overlooked by men...don't get me wrong, men play a very important role in our survival and without them we most likely wouldn't make it. Though I feel they could survive without women, I think they'd rather not
We are stronger in ways that they are weak and vice-versa. We must educate ourselves with the knowledge that they have to offer and we should offer up our knowledge to them as well.
Please look around the site, be active and speak your opinion and post your ideas often as we can only learn more from each other! I feel that women tend to plan for general disasters/emergencies on a daily basis (e.g Fresh clothes for a soiled baby, Tylenol and tissues in our purses, everything else that we carry in our "everything but the kitchen sink purses" that ppl are always shocked that we have yet thankful we do!) and that helps us to better prepare for bigger emergencies as well!
I can't wait to talk with you all and hear your thoughts, concerns, questions, ideas and more!
Welcome aboard and please feel free to message me at anytime!