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HCL Supporter
Sep 7, 2013
https://townhall.com/columnists/chr...e-war-to-destroy-everything-you-love-n2601083Have you ever felt like you’ve woken up to a world in which up is down, wrong is right, and it takes immense courage just to say things that are obviously true? It’s not your imagination.

You’re not in the Twilight Zone. You’re in a new reality, a harsh new upside-down world in which the American flag is the symbol of oppression, freedom is slavery to the socialist state, men make better and stronger women than actual women, the media colludes to cover up truth, and every day sees your freedom to speak and even think what you want hunted down, cornered, and curtailed.

It’s not your imagination. You’re in the Woketrix.
What is currently going on worldwide is the downfall of every culture and every nation.
One splits first the population into various "new faiths" and waits until the different factions jump at each other's necks and kill each other.
When that happens, the nation has failed, either it disintegrates and the population lives in an anarchy in which there is only murder and manslaughter and nothing else, or the future state waits until the population is so decimated and raises something new.
But if a nation like the USA or Europe should disintegrate, I don't see anyone who will build something new from the heap of rubble.
There will be a decimation of the population and in the end it will go on like in the Middle Ages.

I think we will not be able to stop it, the fronts are now too hardened, the world leadership has already led us over the abyss and divided into too many groups.
probably more than one Karen attack during the holiday - but - a doozy on a Delta flight down in Atlanta - old guy was supposedly eating something and some Karen come tearing down the aisle ranting about no masking - ultimately slaps the old guy and fights herself loose to spit in his face >>> finally took a male passenger to wrestle her to the rear - ohhhh yeh she got arrested - BIG TIME

PS - believe it not - wasn't GTR

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