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I totally get that. Our daughters are both out on their own doing their own thing life and career-wise now. The oldest is a Nurse Practicioner, and the middle one is a lawyer. The boy’s the only one still at home, but that’s just until he graduates with his PhD in computer science come the spring. (Yes I’m broke but unbelievably proud). We’ve been moving holidays for a while now. The celebration is when you have your family, at our age, your children around you! Good for you Kev!

Congrats on your family's success too my friend...

My Daughter is currently practicing and seeing patients on a part time basis...with less than 6 months till the end of her internship...when she receives her PhD in Psychology at 27 years of age.

The Wife and I are very proud of her accomplishments...as she is also holding down a full time job with the DoD...with a Top Secret Clearance handling Naval Aviation Inventory Control-Ship to Shore.

:smilie flag:

Not today, but on Saturday I had the great pleasure of taking my boys with their Boy Scout Troop to the US Naval Academy for a tour and Football game. If you've never seen the Academy Silent Rifle Drill Team, it is quite impressive. Guaranteed, no one knelt for the Anthem.

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I totally get that. Our daughters are both out on their own doing their own thing life and career-wise now. The oldest is a Nurse Practicioner, and the middle one is a lawyer. The boy’s the only one still at home, but that’s just until he graduates with his PhD in computer science come the spring. (Yes I’m broke but unbelievably proud). We’ve been moving holidays for a while now. The celebration is when you have your family, at our age, your children around you! Good for you Kev!

You have reason to be proud.
So, retirement is not far away, right?
Moved more wet leaves around this morning...as this week is the last time for mass pile leaf collection by vacuum truck at the end of your property line...after that, you also gotta bag 'em for collection.

Then made myself a few leftover turkey and everything else wheat toast sandwiches for lunch...


Should be good and tired of turkey by Thanksgiving Day...Hopefully the in-laws will make a bone-in ham.


Decorated our studio for Christmas. We are slammed with work after Thanksgiving so we thought it best to get it done today. It's looking a lot like Christmas in here. :Xmas:
Nuthin' Much now...

Made breakfast for the Wife and I earlier... Waffles with Pork Roll and Home Fries.

May stop down the VFW Post later and shoot some pool with da boys...

Damn Shooter, your comment about the ham just reminded me of something. I forgot to get a ham!

Gonna run out to ShopRite & see if I can find one. I'm sure the pickins will be slim!:eek:
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The wife and I are working to 3pm today. Then we are going to pick up our dogs from the groomers and heading up to our Lake house. We are excited be off work for 5 1/2 days. :woo hoo::woo hoo::woo hoo:
Just got back from the ShopRite and as expected very crowded. Thank goodness I was able to find a nice ham.

Now my menu is complete!:D

I'll be making Turkey, Baked Ham, Seasoned Collards, Baked Macaroni & Cheese, Cornbread Stuffing, Gravy, Candied Sweet Potatoes & fresh locally grown Cranberries.

Desert will consists of Chocolate Ice Cream, Butter Pecan Ice Cream, Pound Cake & Sweet Potato Pie.

I think that's enough!
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Thanks Lee. Since I retired, cooking has become one of my hobbies that I really enjoy!:D

I've got my turkey on & I'm systematically preparing the other goodies for tonight's feast!

It should be a good day as there's lots of football on & I'm looking forward to eating some good food & spending time with my family.:D
Going to enjoy all the blessings that this year has wrought with Family & Friends...!!

Hope You All will be doing the same...!!

Taking a pause for the cause, as I still have more stuff to cook. The house is smelling real good with the aroma of turkey baking in the oven.

Got the game on, a blazing fire in my fireplace & trash talking with my son.

Life is good!:D
Most of the morning... online shopping for Christmas...picked up quite a few bargains.

Now, waiting for Cyber Monday sales for the things I haven't got yet.

Already store bought the wrapping paper and bows...and got the house decorations out from the shed. Will put up exterior lighting this weekend...with the daytime temps expected to be in mid-50's.

Should be finished my list by the first-second week of December...the Wife's birthday is the 12th.

I enjoy the holidays better when all the shopping and wrapping is done...hell, I bought my Daughters 1st gift in September.

Will get our Christmas Tree from the same tree farmer as the last few years...he delivers and sets it up in the house for a nominal fee.

Well worth it.

Bring on Christmas...!! :Xmas:

Just a little running around today, then come back home, sit by my fireplace & watch all the sports tournaments on the tube with my son.
Hey Supp, ain't retirement grand!:great:
Boy, you got that right!!! I shoulda pulled the plug 2 years earlier.
Everybody that calls me, asks the same thing: "So, whatcha doing?".
I tell them I have a list about 4-foot long of things I AIN'T doing, and offer to read some...
Not changing hydraulic hoses, not doing a brake-job, not burning the skin off my arm on a hot exhaust manifold, not driving 60 miles just to hear someone say: "we figured out what was wrong, didn't they tell you?":bang Head:, not rebuilding regulators, hydraulic cylinders, engines, transmissions, changing and uploading software, and my specialty: troubleshooting electrical system problems:eatagun:

After my sinister laughter dies down, I tell 'em: I'm drinking a beer, watching Fox News, making meaningless posts on some gun forum, and feeling sorry for their pitiful *****:lol:
Oh, and petting my lap-cat:D.
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