What Are You Having For Dinner

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"Does anyone know a good french onion dip mix or good recipe for French Onion Dip? I am trying to limit the extra stuff in the fridge and sour cream make more sense than having several several containers of sour cream based stuff.... I might be off, but anyway, I would love some input...."

My DW does the same, the Lipton french onion soup and sour cream.

I make great french onion dip.
sour cream
grated onions raw or can use onion powder

We had beef burritos, banana split ice cream.Sprite
I use the lean hamburger meat (they haven't been selling the regular). It works better for the meat & potato stuff I make than the fattier stuff. Less gristle it seems. Last time I used the cheapest hamburger meat (all that was available at the time) I ended up chipping a tooth on a piece of bone.

There has been a meat shortage lately though.

Brownies sound good.

I used to love french onion dip until I got to the point that I can't eat onions. I can have the dehydrated stuff, but the smell now bothers me after I had extremely bad reactions to onions. It's a shame bc I used to love onion rings.
TV dinner Meatloaf with mashed potatoes. Best rated on the internet, it reminds me of the Crocodile Dundee quote about eating lizard "Tastes like ****, but you can live on it"

Back to making my own :D

I keep a couple of the staffors meatloaf/mashed potato dinners in the freezer for those rare occasions when I'm to exhausted to make anything but really hungry... they aren't bad as a meatloaf/potato sandwich with ketchup. The ketchup really helps... 😁 Ketchup can make almost anything edible.

Tonight I fried up a catfish fillet and hushpuppies, made a nice salad to go with...
I helped my brother make beef stew. Used corn starch and mixed it in to the beef broth first. It worked for thickening, but I think we put a little too much. Also had stew meat, butter potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots. My brother keeps using some sort of peppery spice that I'm allergic to. Gives me a headache and makes my nose drip. My mom hates it. I asked my brother not to use it but he said I need to suck it up or something. He doesn't take my allergies seriously. Need to find some different seasoning that doesn't leave me with a headache. My new allergy medicine doesn't work worth crap.
We took a road trip to the National Park today. While we were driving thru we parked near a nice creek and I broke out my day pack. We had planned to take a day hike, but wife just wasn't up to it. Plus it start sleeting about 10 minutes before we got to the trail head. Decided she didn't need to be out in that. Anywho, here we are in a nice gravel parking lot and I break out my pack, get out a new little gas stove and new fuel bottle I picked up to try it out, my 16 oz cup with folding handles Both from my GHB, a long handled titanium spoon, and a freeze dried backpacking meal Chicken fettucini alfredo and a bottle of water. Setting up the stove took all of a minute. fired it up meal required the just under the amount of water in the bottle. Put the cup on the stove after lighting it and getting flame set. 5 minutes later water is boiling, pour it in the pouch and zip it up after stirring. 15 minutes later we have a meal.
First time in years trying a freeze dried meal, and I gotta say it was pretty good. Rated for 2 servings, Wife stopped before I did and we were both full. I wanted to try some of these meals for multiple purposes. One just having a good meal while on the trail. Secondly to have a good meal during an expected bug out situation. Also during a Get Home situation during a crisis trying to get home from work or on a trip.. Results were very good. Filled us up, and was super easy to fix and clean up.
We've got a trip planned soon and this type stuff will be good to have in the truck should we get stuck some where.
This morning a cast iron skillet of biscuits with bacon gravy and Wrights slab bacon.

Tonight it will be a baked potato, baked chicken and sauteed yellow squishes........lol.

Just now noon and everything is ready to cook. Just pop it in the oven and the last 30 minutes start the squash.

My Wife is gonna be spoiled, me doing dinner two nights in a row, lol.

Daggum it, I am making myself hungry.
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Best bacon there is IMO.

On sale here this week for $4.79 we always stock up when we catch it like that. It is the best just wish I had a big home grown tomato to go with it!!

Good idea think I'll make some biscuits and gravey today to go with the roast in the oven.
Biscuits and gravy go with everything!
OMGoodness! Hubby went ahead of me and made the biscuits.They are fantatic, just used 2 ingrediants, sour cream and self rising flour. :thumbs: :woo hoo:Of course this won't be happening often, we had extra sour cream but it would be too expensive to use it all the time.
I think I would miss the butter or lard in a biscuit but I'll give that a go.

HashB you can put all the butter you want on it after its done. :thumbs: I was surprised it worked but this is our 2nd time to make them and they really are good,light, and just enough crisp to make em good.