What are you ( not ) Prepping for ?

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You can't plan ahead for all of em. You should try tho.

No matter what the event is...

You still need:

The "why" doesn't change that. So as long as you have those basics covered, you're fine.
Our ancestors lived without power for eons, so it isn't the end all, be all of society.
Nature has a way to correct things, humans are no different than a blade of grass as far as nature is concerned. If certain members of the human race choose to perish for nothing other than a lack of electricity, whats the problem? Quite frankly I see benefits ;)

my prepping at this point is pretty basic,,,I live in the boonies so unless it is a all out nuclear war I am going to be here,,a good basement with one small exit door to the outside some solar panels to run the well and a few other items I have plenty of wild game and lots of places to fish nearby,,,,for me it will be a trip back to the mid 1800's,which is really not all that bad
yes we will all be living in the 18th century post collapse.(view "tales from the green valley" on youtube, this is how I think life will be like ).
some might say I prep for war when I joined the reserve unit here,so be it.
but I will learn new stuff,get some nice gear ( to keep for a few years ;) ) and if it goes to *****,then I have more stuff to use,more knowledge to rely on.

there is something happening here,don't know what as my "beloved" prime called for a urgent meeteing with all the ministers...my only problem is who can I trust in my neck of woods??
thought I could trust my oldest son,but we have some serious issues right now, and my bro seems to have heart problems,so basically I'm a one man band right now..

Love this because a lot of people won't read between the lines.....( Trust ) IF you are lucky you will have ( one ) person you can truly trust up to a point......( Family ) who you think you should be able to trust, but you better keep your eyes opens and head on a swivel.....not picking on poster of comment....just as usual for me and for which so many disagree....you have to question everything and look at everything.......often our greatest threats are not disease, war or weather, but those closest to us....if you accept everything is good.....you just lost....
Love this because a lot of people won't read between the lines.....( Trust ) IF you are lucky you will have ( one ) person you can truly trust up to a point......( Family ) who you think you should be able to trust, but you better keep your eyes opens and head on a swivel.....not picking on poster of comment....just as usual for me and for which so many disagree....you have to question everything and look at everything.......often our greatest threats are not disease, war or weather, but those closest to us....if you accept everything is good.....you just lost....

That's very true. Family and friend dynamics plays a significant role but in the end complacency will destroy many communities and organized groups come post-shtf, in the same breath though so will paranoia. A group and community can not survive if everybody is paranoid about each other so the balance is a double edge sword
the trouble with the UK prepping scene is sorting out the real preppers from the hobby preppers and the ones doing it for the meets and events.
we've both seen the names come and go, yet you and I are still around.
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I visited a few UK prepping/bushcraft sites, I never joined nor engaged in conversations given it appeared PC, perhaps out of fear of the UK Government least that was my take, they did appear to be more tuned to it being a hobby not so much a life style on the one's I visited again maybe out of fear of the UK Government?
any website could be under scrutiny of TPTB anywhere, just as much in US as in UK, a lot of the sites are bushcraft orientated, some nothing more than camping forums, I know bushcraft is a part of prepping/survivalism but some people act like its ALL of it which is incorrect.
I visited a few UK prepping/bushcraft sites, I never joined nor engaged in conversations given it appeared PC, perhaps out of fear of the UK Government least that was my take, they did appear to be more tuned to it being a hobby not so much a life style on the one's I visited again maybe out of fear of the UK Government?

APPEARED PC !!!!! Thats the quote of the year I got banned from one forum because the owner and I quote said " I dont want American style survivalists on my forum". Another one does not allow any political comment or any discussion about weapons and self defence. Not fear of the govt just Politically correct, Inclusive, Multi Cultural non confrontational etc. Some are more like Home cooking, Knitting and Cake making forums, a few others totally confuse Survivalism and Preparedness with Wilderness survival and Bushcraft.
and we both know one forum run by a load of old women- literally, where one is not allowed to talk about weapons, hunting, butchery or anything else which might "frighten the horses".
Survival is survival, no matter what continent one is on... American Survivalist? *sigh

The problem lies in the perception outside of the US often created by the US media itself that in the 80s and 90s portrayed the American Survivalist movement as like Burt Gummers, Randy Weaver , Timothy McVeigh etc and the easily fed Europeans swallowed the bate hook link and AK47, They got it into their heads that US survivalists were all Posse Comitatus militia types looking to overthrow the gummint. They did not bother to look at people like Mel Tappan, Ragnar Benson, Jeff Cooper etc.
Then of course the truly insane confusion over what a SURVIVALIST actually was / is did not help and still to this very day some folks think bugging out with a knife and flint to live in the woods catching squirrels and trapping fish is SURVIVALISM, esp if it allows them to buy an Ex Army Land rover, Wear Cammo and run round the woods like they were ex SAS. If you asked one of them " OK its February, its sleet and snow you have to bug out for what ever reason, How is your Wife, Parents, Children and Granny going to manage for three months in the woods living under a tarP??? " We still see Bushcraft and Wilderness Survival being referred to as Survivalism and Preparedness, instead of them simply being one small facet of preaparedness and survivalism. and as BP pointed out many forums are ran by ladies with very delecate sensibilties who are often easily offended. There are a few good to very good UK forums but sadly they often attract hobby preppers, wannabes and the ubiquitous trolls so many of the established middle of the road survivalists dont bother with forums and go for closed E mail groups and closed Facebook pages, which at least stops the trolling.
The survivalists in the 1970s WERE what we call preppers now, but when they got associated with people like Ted Kaczinsky, they started calling themselves preppers to avoid the stigma. So "survivalists" now have pretty much the image you described.

Preppers just raise eyebrows, but aren't generally viewed as domestic terrorists, just kooky or paranoid.

And yes I was unceremoniously booted off the first prepper site I joined for a fairly innocent comment I made. No warning, no explanation. They apparently only tolerated a fairly narrow range of opinions.
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yep, I got booted off a UK forum for some innocent remark I made, one minute I was okay next time I was banned, no discussion no argument, just banned, oh well it wasn't any loss.
I think they should have been arrested and sent to The Hague for trial, especially Tony B. Liar who didn't tell parliament the truth about going to war in Iraq, "dodgy dossier" and all.
do I prep for tornado? nope,not in my neck of woods
tsunami,same thing.
do I prep for war,terrorism,cold weather,viral outbreak,economic disaster,yup,could happen here and the more I do hrs in the hospital,the more I fear some nasty bug that comes...

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