What are your dreams? What did you do last night?

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
We have a "What are you doing thread. a " What are you listening to" thread, and a dinner thread,
I figure, "Why Not?"

Last night I was in a zombie movie, but the zombies weren't overly violent or even overly scary, just catatonic and dirty. rats carried the plague and if a rat, a zombie or the fleas bit you, you got something like airborne Alzheimers and were reduced to a drooling, pants-pooping idiot within 48 hours. its why we called them "stinkers". and if you gave one food, it would shamble off with the rest following it trying to get the food. it was nuts!
Been having weird dreams of late...

Sometime around dawn I had a dream about a guy I haven't seen in 30years. In real life I worked with him in LA, early 90's. He was the tech at a hospital where I serviced the catscan, a small hospital a couple blocks from the La brea Tar pits.

In the dream he paid for me to fly to LA to help him figure out who murdered his son. Anyway, we kept talking to people in that neighborhood... then a scientist I knew from the tar pits started helping us. Somehow Cedars Sinai hosp became important where I also serviced the ct in real life. The hospitals are only a mile or so apart on San Vicente blvd.

Then the 3rd hospital in that neighborhood popped into the dream. A coworker serviced that one, Saint Vincents in real life, a guy name Tom. But in the dream he got murdered after we talked to him. But for some reason we kept driving up and down Wilshire blvd (tar pits) but when I'd get out of the car I was at one of the hospitals which are all on San Vicente. For some reason the street names were important.

Then I woke up... weird...

edit... one more detail... the scientist I knew from the tar pits kept wanting to talk about the tommy lee jones volcano movie..
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Dreams can be very useful to you if you choose them.

Step One:
Meditate often. This can be simple as just sitting for a few minutes and stopping your mind.

To formally learn to meditate, I suggest going to the lake one summer day, drink a half bottle of beer, lay on your back on a towel and blank out your mind. Listen to the birds, the kids playing, . . . . . Just loose track of time.

Step Two: Turn on the recorder. Several times during the day tell yourself that you will dream that night and that you will remember it.

Step Three: Be patient and you will learn to translate the dreams. Recall the dream early in the morning to analyze it. Otherwise you will loose it.
They don't have to to be wild ones. Many times dreams are helping you see or know things you may have overlooked.
Some of the strange things in the dream is the "hook" used so your memory will hold the dream, such as a whale chewing gum but the other details may be saying something to you.
We have a "What are you doing thread. a " What are you listening to" thread, and a dinner thread,
I figure, "Why Not?"

Last night I was in a zombie movie, but the zombies weren't overly violent or even overly scary, just catatonic and dirty. rats carried the plague and if a rat, a zombie or the fleas bit you, you got something like airborne Alzheimers and were reduced to a drooling, pants-pooping idiot within 48 hours. its why we called them "stinkers". and if you gave one food, it would shamble off with the rest following it trying to get the food. it was nuts!
Went back here again. had more fun this time.
As often happens when I wake up then go back to sleep, when I woke up again I remembered a dream I had.
I was in the city trying to get an appointment, haircut maybe. I left the place, crossed the street to get to my big old van (don’t have it any longer), was working on opening the door, realized I hadn’t locked the passenger side, the side I was on.
I smiled, feeling dumb about that but seeing things were as I left them.
Suddenly I hear this incredibly loud jet sound and turning around I see an enormous rocket 🚀 headed into the sky, no, wait, it has now tilted and, oh dear God, it is now arcing into the earth, slam. It crashed into the earth, less than 10 miles away.
My cell phone rings, it is my husband (he actually died a few years ago IRL). Are you okay, etc? Get home! Are we going to meet somewhere? I was like, why bother? I’ll be lucky to get home in 2 hours. I told him we were staying put as we had nowhere to go and I would work on getting home…the general direction the rocket had crashed into, only beyond that. Since I wasn’t home, I don’t know which house we lived in, in the dream. Likely the last one we owned. Woke me up. Good morning. 🌞
I'm not sure I'm not dreaming right now. I seem to be getting unstuck in time. I get up to do whatever, I look at the clock, I go back to bed, I get up, and it's three hours before I last looked at the clock!

I think my sweetie better lay off the catnip or I'm liable to wake up with Clinton still in office! 0_o
I used to have nightmares all the time, and many times the same ones: plane crashes, I was either in it, or on the ground watching
driving over scary bridges, and they were totally unrealistic, like nothing coud be built like that and they never ended until I drove off, sometimes car accidents, I died many times in my dreams, including once from snake bite. I remember them very clearly to this day. I dreamed 9/11 long before it happened (planes flying into buildings) , occasional I would dream about zombies or wars too.

Then we moved here and almost miraculously the dreams went away completely. I didn't even have a nighmare about plane crashes before we went to Germany last year
Part of it probably because I never slept well at all in Orlando

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