I'm just stating a fact here. Toexist has a message/likes 262/130 ratio of under 50%. Most of the people on here have much better than that. Material General has over 100% ratio as does many others.
A lot of people are weak and will not stand up to an *******, but I will. Don't care, I can do this all day. If we were in person I would do it there also. I never back down. My second to last altercation I beat the living snot out of a guy with an Asp baton
As far as being banned is concerned...if the powers that be feel like doing so...I welcome it with open arms. They would be doing me a favor.
Wear your badge with pride tuff guy.
Just curious, if the board owner(s) would be doing you a favor if they banned you and you would welcome it with open arms, then why even be here? Why be part of a community if you are not going to be a part of it in a positive manner?
I often do wear my badge with pride. I try not to have to though, conflict really does suck.
Wasn't trying to prolong anything. I was asking a serious question (s). Serious not being a dick.
Honestly, I ignore most advertisement. Although there were a couple really suggestive Hardies commercials that caught my attention! Some are harder to ignore than others.Outdoor advertising doesn't really work on me. I never pay attention to the dam things.
Sounds reasonable to me. We're all here for the same thing; to share our experiences and ideas and to learn from each other.Gentlemen let's take it down a notch please. I currently dislike things that MG has said in another thread but, I do my damnedest to not resort to flat out name calling and that seems to be all that's left on this thread. Let's clean it up or I'll be forced to use the big stick. Toexist, MG please ignore each other as best we can. ARTIC! You have been here for a while and I haven't had to yell at you yet. Please stop. If not for your sanity then for mine. Lol. We all can't get along at times I know but, I will separate you kids if you don't stop it. Lol
I'm not picking sides here, but have noticed that for a person living in a populated city with diverse culture toexist is a little thin skinned and quick to react defensively on any different opinion stated here. You would think being around so many people with different views that one would become more tolerant of new views. Either way, being civil and positive is a good trait to have in life.
Ok Brent. I guess there are some exceptions.Honestly, I ignore most advertisement. Although there were a couple really suggestive Hardies commercials that caught my attention! Some are harder to ignore than others.
In case you didn't notice, I have responded with a like on some of your posts as well, when I felt they warranted it. I hear many slanderous comments about being liberal here without throwing a fit. I just choose to ignore them when I don't agree. I don't actually consider myself a liberal or conservative, but look at each issue on its own merits. Like I don't like trump, but that dosent mean I don't like some of his ideas. Even being that liberal puts me in the minority here, so being from a city dosent put you at any more of a disadvantage. Anyways, if you ever want to win anyone over to your viewpoint, being confrontational isn't going to do it. Explaining your ideas in a positive manner has a much better chance.Yes well in my opinion it seems like every time something is resolved someone has to say something to continue the argument. You can be guilty of this sometimes Brent. Just saying.
How many times does someone need to express their dislike/hostility towards city people. It becomes more than an opinion when it's being repeated constantly...at every opportunity.
Also if you're "liking" an insulting comment...you're actively taking part in the argument by endorsing a side...and thus perpetuating it. As a city fellar I'm the minority here so whenever there is a debate I'm responding to multiple people all at once.
From now on I'll just forward examples to moderator till it stops.
In case you didn't notice, I have responded with a like on some of your posts as well, when I felt they warranted it. I hear many slanderous comments about being liberal here without throwing a fit. I just choose to ignore them when I don't agree. I don't actually consider myself a liberal or conservative, but look at each issue on its own merits. Like I don't like trump, but that dosent mean I don't like some of his ideas. Even being that liberal puts me in the minority here, so being from a city dosent put you at any more of a disadvantage. Anyways, if you ever want to win anyone over to your viewpoint, being confrontational isn't going to do it. Explaining your ideas in a positive manner has a much better chance.
I don't give a flying rats behind about ur area. I doubt where ever it is is very exciting considering that 50% of ur days consists of posting weather updates on an Internet forum which u troll.
.Weather is a very important factor to us that rely on the crops we produce not only for us humans but also for the livestock we feed. Our daily lives is dictated by weather events that may impact our winter food inventory. Some depend on grocery stores whereas some depend on what we grow and raise.
I check the weather every chance I get for freezing temps, snow, rain, heavy rains and even thunderstorms that may produce dry lightening strikes that may produce forest fires, it's far more relevant than those the live urban areas.
A side note, weather also impacts the food grocery stores carry