I would love to be close to a group like that. I have a small network of people in my community that are aware of my prepping and are very excited about doing it with me so I am definitely trying to start up my own little group. I run and manage a mobile home park that is very rural where every one owns their own home and and we have a river full of fish in our back yards. There are a few here that want nothing to do with it but don't think we are crazy, we had 2 feet of snow last winter in our area and some houses were out of power for almost two weeks, everybody in our little community pitched in to help and this is where I began thinking to start my own group of preppers here. Everyone has something to offer whether it be medical education, weapons training, or food storage skills and wilderness survival skills and hunting capabilities, most all of us fish so the river in our back yard has made a great way to supplement our food. I plan to put a community vegetable and fruit garden in one of our common areas. This way no one feels the urge to loot each other. We are a very close community but I wish I could get more of them to become more serious, I have to give my prepping ideas to them in a round about way so it seems like fun and a community event rather than a doomsday prep. Lol, I'll keep working on all 24 homes in my community and hopefully get them all prepared so when my husband and I move to build our homestead in the Washington state wilderness they will be at least able to care for themselves. I prep for my family and myself but I also strive to teach others how to be smart and survive so thing as little as a power outage. I hope over the years I can be of great help to everyone who wants this knowledge and I also will never turn down knowledge, I want to learn until the day I die, I will never feel fully prepared. :3