I think it's really meant to be a prop to get us thinking about where we might have holes in our preps and/or our plans. As you demonstrated, if X then Y for various scenarios. Kudos! Yes, just prompting us to think along those lines so we aren't missing something.the problem with this is the question of why you would only have one more store trip. I know I will probably annoy some people here saying this again, but devil is in the details. If we were about to get nuked by Russia, I would not go to the store at all for example, no point. If hyperinflation happened ( money losing its value at a extreme rate) , I would go buy everything I could fit in the yukon, and the truck with the trailer attached that doesn't go bad , including any hay bales left anywhere that were not horrible. I would max out every credit card I have also and I would try to get foreign currency at the bank if that was still possible ( I have some Euros)
If a real pandemic happened ( like the Stand type thing), I would not go anywhere. If enough people die, there will be plenty of food left for the remaining people to eat, you would just have to go look for it. I would not expose us to the disease
So yeah, it totally depends on the situation
@Tommyice & all
So many moons ago, the family worked together as a unit. Men and women both did everything but had rolls within each "category." Meaning food preservation: garden, kitchen, smoking, hunting, etc. Even firewood: women often helped. Again they worked together. Then came the "Land lords" (politics) forcing one to work outside the home which due to the fact that women have babies, the husband worked away from home putting all "home" tasks on the wife. His income was vital to their sustenance and hers became complimentary. And here we are today, that value still weighing in. If things revert back to both working from home, it will quickly become evident how important/valuable each task is.