What if the police announced you’re on you own....

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To a point, always someone out to make a buck over knowledge , guess that's why people hack. Off subject, how do I access the message in the upper right block.
From inbox or alerts? Either way just click on it and then click on anything in the drop down box to reply
I had an aquaintence once that I told I trust everyone until they give me a reason to not trust them. I was young. He said he never trusted anyone until they proved they were trustworthy. I hope I’m never as cynical as he was but realize with age that I trust less and less people.....
I think your acquaintance is wise. . . . apparently I am that cynical these days.
Taken from http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread452286/pg1

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
Basically, in times of war or emergency, when a government sanctioned group of soldiers shows up at your door, they tend to be well armed and if hungry you can bet they would help themselves just as they have in the past. I read that during the civil was the platoon leader would issue an IOU voucher for whatever they took that would be paid by the government at a later date.
These are old EOs (and have been public for many many years) and many have been revoked or superseded, I would be disappointed if our government didn't have a plan for some form of continuity of water and food chain, all this doesn't mean the government is going to brake down the doors demanding all your food nor does it say in any federal statute that hoarding food is illegal, this is something I keep seeing on the internet all the time, the only time hoarding was ever brought up in a legal setting was hoarders in federal subsidized housing but that wasn't pertaining to food.

EO10990 JFK February 02, 1962 Superseded by EO13676 September 18, 2014
EO10995 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED September 4, 1970
EO10997 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO10998 JFK January 17, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11000 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11001 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11002 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11003 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11004 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11005 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11049 JFK September 14, 1962 REVOKED February 25, 1986
EO11051 JFK September 27, 1962 REVOKED July 20, 1979
EO11310 Johnson October 11, 1966 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11921 FORD June 11, 1976
These are old EOs (and have been public for many many years) and many have been revoked or superseded, I would be disappointed if our government didn't have a plan for some form of continuity of water and food chain, all this doesn't mean the government is going to brake down the doors demanding all your food nor does it say in any federal statute that hoarding food is illegal, this is something I keep seeing on the internet all the time, the only time hoarding was ever brought up in a legal setting was hoarders in federal subsidized housing but that wasn't pertaining to food.

EO10990 JFK February 02, 1962 Superseded by EO13676 September 18, 2014
EO10995 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED September 4, 1970
EO10997 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO10998 JFK January 17, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11000 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11001 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11002 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11003 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11004 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11005 JFK February 16, 1962 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11049 JFK September 14, 1962 REVOKED February 25, 1986
EO11051 JFK September 27, 1962 REVOKED July 20, 1979
EO11310 Johnson October 11, 1966 REVOKED October 28, 1969
EO11921 FORD June 11, 1976

Shows ya how up to date the Internet is!!
and this to all history buffs; those of you who don't belive your own gov't wouldn't use force against your own, go back in time when WW1 vets went
on strike to get the money that the gov't owed them for their service...what did DC do? it did send in the armed forces with tanks to crush those vets
and those forces were led by McArthur, so we can never be shure what to expect from our gov'ts..
and this to all history buffs; those of you who don't belive your own gov't wouldn't use force against your own, go back in time when WW1 vets went
on strike to get the money that the gov't owed them for their service...what did DC do? it did send in the armed forces with tanks to crush those vets

When Patton was CO at Fort Benning, he publicly threatened to roll the tanks into Phenix City, AL and "flatten the place." Phenix City was where the soldiers went for, shall we say, "R&R" ;) but would often get into trouble.
We are on our own in the UK, the only time you will see the cops if if you hurt a criminal, then they will come....... for you. EG UK cops currently will NOT turn out for

Theft of Vehicles
Theft FROM vehicles
Theft from Garages, Gardens, Greenhouse and sheds
Shop lifters
Retail fraud
Credit card fraud
Criminal damage / Vandalism
Anti social behaviour
Domestic or commercial burglary unlike suspect is believe to still be present
Theft of pets or livestock.

It varies slightly at times and counties.

But make a Non PC comment about EMs or LGBTXQUERTY types or insult a certain religeous group the police will have you.
I'm of the mind that if the cops can't or won't handle it, then people should be allowed to handle it for themselves, but it doesn't seem that's what happens. No, when they decide they can't handle it, they don't want to be responsible for anything but heaven forbid people take care of themselves - everyone just has to be at the mercy of the latest criminals or terrorists or whoever can control the "streets" I guess.
in my area of the UK all the rural and small town police stations have been closed, now if you ring 999 the police have to come from Exeter over 30 miles away, if they even bother, that takes at least 45 minutes on our road system, not much good if your facing a burglar with a knife or a gun.
so we are on our own already and its not even WTSHTF.
we tend to sort out our own problem in this neck of the woods, a few years ago a burglar (in a family of burglars) was hung by another person of my acquaintance, by the feet out of an upstairs window and told "you are leaving this area and you are leaving today", he and his family left without picking up any of their stuff and were never seen again.
Maybe when you call the police, you should tell them the bad guy is saying bad things about Muslims. Seems that gets their attention...

Here in the U.S., these "flash mobs" attacking Whites at random and beating them half to death is becoming more common in most of the large urban areas. The truly sad part is, if you carry, and were to be attacked, and you shot and killed a half dozen of them, YOU would be the media's "bad guy!" I can see the headlines now, "White man shoots, kills six Blacks indiscriminately in downtown area." These mobs aren't after money, they are doing this purely because it provides an opportunity to "beat down a White man," with no fear the White man might prevail, and because the Blacks are more racist than Whites ever thought about being. Headlines or no headlines, I've got 13 in the mag, 1 in the chamber, and two extra mags clipped to my belt. I will simply start shooting if ever attacked like that. Damn the headlines. And at that range, I'm not going to miss.
we tend to sort out our own problem in this neck of the woods, a few years ago a burglar (in a family of burglars) was hung by another person of my acquaintance, by the feet out of an upstairs window and told "you are leaving this area and you are leaving today", he and his family left without picking up any of their stuff and were never seen again.
Is everyone sure that they actually left? Maybe they are still there hidden in the freezer or 6 feet under the garden. Might be better for the next town they would potentially live in.
Here in the U.S., these "flash mobs" attacking Whites at random and beating them half to death is becoming more common in most of the large urban areas. The truly sad part is, if you carry, and were to be attacked, and you shot and killed a half dozen of them, YOU would be the media's "bad guy!" I can see the headlines now, "White man shoots, kills six Blacks indiscriminately in downtown area." These mobs aren't after money, they are doing this purely because it provides an opportunity to "beat down a White man," with no fear the White man might prevail, and because the Blacks are more racist than Whites ever thought about being. Headlines or no headlines, I've got 13 in the mag, 1 in the chamber, and two extra mags clipped to my belt. I will simply start shooting if ever attacked like that. Damn the headlines. And at that range, I'm not going to miss.

Liberal cities are the greatest possible adverts for NOT living in them, London, Birmingham or San Francisco, Chicago, Baltimore etc if folks CHOOSE to live there then they must accept the consequences.
Here in the U.S., these "flash mobs" attacking Whites at random and beating them half to death is becoming more common in most of the large urban areas. The truly sad part is, if you carry, and were to be attacked, and you shot and killed a half dozen of them, YOU would be the media's "bad guy!" I can see the headlines now, "White man shoots, kills six Blacks indiscriminately in downtown area." These mobs aren't after money, they are doing this purely because it provides an opportunity to "beat down a White man," with no fear the White man might prevail, and because the Blacks are more racist than Whites ever thought about being. Headlines or no headlines, I've got 13 in the mag, 1 in the chamber, and two extra mags clipped to my belt. I will simply start shooting if ever attacked like that. Damn the headlines. And at that range, I'm not going to miss.

A newish trend in the UK for ethnics to gain street cred and acceptance in their local gang is they must go out and stab or shoot an innocent person, Two ethnics in London reently just ran up to a 16 year old girl guide in London and stabbed her to death, They did not even know her. But the black community are against Police stop and search procedures.

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