"WHAT" information source do you trust, Including yourself......??? Maybe YES or Maybe NO.

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Can you even trust "yourself" as a source of critical information.....???
People get into trouble when they think to much and ignore their inherent common sense. Or worse yet put complete trust in sources known to be either unproven or actively misinforming/disinforming them. I have had far greater success just listening to my gut and following my instincts.
No source of information is either 100% wrong or 100% right......even blatant misinformation sources will put as much correct information into their feed as they can, to make the deliberate misinformation more credible.

I have traveled to many news worthy places and seen the reality on the ground and the corresponding news feeds for that place, from various types of news media.

All that experience has allowed me to develop analytical filters that help me separate real facts.....from deliberate misinformation and inadvertent factual errors.

That analysis wont be 100% accurate either.....but is better than just accepting all sources or worse still, just the sources that tell you what you want to hear.

If I were to summarize what that usually means, it would be that way too many people assign to events, some deep deliberate conspiracy, when just simple old incompetence and dysfunctionality are really/mostly to blame.
I trust myself. If I’m wrong I’m the one that has to live with my mistakes. I get upset when having to live with someone else’s mistakes or values.
Very few of us - if any of us - are truly a "source" of information. It's much more common for us to get information from multiple other sources ourselves, then combine it, analyse it, add our life experiences to it, test it, alter it slightly, practice it - and then make our own decision on how best to use it and pass it on to others. I wouldn't call us a "source" in this more common case.

That being said, it sure seems like there are fewer and fewer reliable and trustworthy sources of information these days. I know I'm a skeptic of just about everything I read or hear. The harder someone pushes their ideas as "the truth", the less likely I am to give them much consideration. This attitude may have had it's beginnings in being the rebel, but it has been validated over and over so many times that it's now a core part of my thought process. "Don't give too much weight to those who give themselves too much weight." I definitely don't jump on any bandwagons speeding by. Usually, I "miss the bandwagon!" That can be a good thing to keep you out of impulsive or emotionally driven decisions, but it can also be a bad thing if over analysis and indecision slow you down to the point of being detrimental when dealing with time-critical issues.

It's harder to make decisions when you don't really trust the source of the information you are using to make those decisions. That, in a nutshell, is my analysis of our current situation/society.
If One Chooses Long, One Usually Chooses Wrong...!!!