What is "ADVANCED PREPPING" in your opinion....?

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Certainly a lot of what has been discussed is important. These include the things you store away for the future, the skills you have, your knowledge, the location you choose, your proficiency and certain tasks, your health and fitness, and a host of other items. But none of is is advanced. These are fundamental basics, and you need to have taken care of these.

“Advanced“ is your mindset that is prepared for the overwhelming “suck” of the world to come. It’s the willpower to overcome any obstacles and to persevere when everyone else breaks down as they watch the ones they love die and world about them crumble, it’s the critical thinking skills and clarity of thought after being up for 72 hours on the run when you are cold, tired and hungry. These are the items that will separate the living from the dead.
I am thinking what would daniel Boone do. Then I set out to get those thing in order.
My hand wood working tools are better than anything he had. My families rifle,shotgun & hand guns are better then his. My anvil,metal working tools & garden tools are better than his. He had more trees, but I have a few myself. I have a few stoves & fire pits, a slaughter tree & stainless steel butcher table, knives, saws, cast iron pots to finish a 450 pound animal. I can build a rabbit box in my sleep & a fox proof chicken wagon.
Advanced prepping is beyond what I do, I think. If there's ever a total society breakdown, I'm toast, because the meds I need to stay alive probably aren't going to be available. I prep for short term scenarios. I prep for localized disasters - having what I need to get me out of a bad situation, to a better situation. I also stock up on consumables that may wind up in short supply. The recent TP shortage would be an example. I try to prep financially - having 4 to 6 months of cash on hand. I keep multiples of shoes and boots, winter clothing, etc. because those things can fail during bad weather, and then you're SOL if you need them. I keep emergency kits in my vehicles with ignition sources in them. I keep arms and cutting tools. And on and on...

That's all basic stuff, I think. I'm not set up for the long term. I'm not going up a mountain to live off tree bark and stewed rabbit. But if I have to evacuate in a hurry, I'll be two steps ahead of everybody else and I'll have what I need to keep going til I get to my BOL. And I think that qualifies as prepping...
Prepping is NOT a noun. It is a verb. Anytime a word is defined as an act or action it is a verb unless it modifies a verb at which point it is an adverb..
Since we we prepare for the future we are all doing advanced prepping.

i was looking at post and now see the reason you posted noun vs. verb thing. i have zero knowledge to be honest of proper grammar terms etc. i had copied and pasted meaning/definition is all. so i went back and looked at my source...yall scholars will have to figure this out as its over my pea brain...lol...all i know is i cant get the vision of a nun in garter out of my dirty brain when i read your post without glasses on !

from the online search using bing...it said this at bottom... Powered by Oxford Dictionaries


prepping (noun)

  1. the action or process of preparing something, or preparing for something.
    "after hours of prepping and cooking and stressing and a few near-breakdowns, Thanksgiving was wonderful"
      the practice of making active preparations for a possible catastrophic disaster or emergency, typically by stockpiling food, ammunition, and other supplies.
      "prepping is a way of life and there is always something new to learn, tasks to do, and gear to purchas


prepping (present participle)

  1. prepare (something); make ready.
    "scores of volunteers help prep the food"
    • prepare oneself for an event.
      "to prep for his role he trimmed his unruly locks"

1920s: abbreviation of prepare or preparation.
😂 😂 LOL I now have the most comical vision of me trying that. Hair flying, bouncing down this most horrific dirt road trying not to fall off. My foes would probably die from laughing

is that you harley quinn? with streamers and push bell on handle bars going ringggg ringggg...luring folks in with them ...roflmao

...prepping not just to survive a period of weeks or months until 'someone else' fixes things and you can go back to normal, but rather prepping to NEVER go back to normal.

...unless you start living NOW like it already happened, there will be certain levels of prepping you will never be able to reach while trying to live a double life...

Blam. For me, this really Nails the 'bigger picture' here, too, as I (and, acknowledged - I very well may be in a 'small minority', here, in thinking this way, but..) feel Very strongly that we're (largely, the US, but, soon-to-follow, the rest of the World..) on the very Cusp of crossing an 'Event Horizon' that I don't see any easy way 'back from', TO anything like the "normal" we're all used to..

..and by "normal", I mean our 'relative autonomy of Freedoms' - Personally / Family-wise, Agriculturally / Entrepreneurially, Socially / Educationally, and so on - that each of us enjoys, that makes the "United States" what it "was" (and, for now, still pretty-much "is"..) - The Freedom to Go / Do / Buy / Say / Think / Act, etc - pretty-much how we all Want (within the bounds of "Law" / morals, etc..)

What I'm talking about, is this whole, insidious - and Evil (from the standpoint of it's purpose is to Crush personal Freedoms, and introduce Control in Every nook and cranny of All our lives..) - push for this 'Great Reset', with the 'Elites' at the top, and ALL of us, wallowing in an "equality" of their design / machination. But, it's an 'equality of everyone being crushed to the Floor', that was so deftly-portrayed in '1984' - A wholly Broken society, forced into (essentially) Slavery, 'managed' by Terrorism and Propaganda / Mind-control via completely-puppeted 'Media' - all under the 'all seeing eye' of the Surveillance state..

..NO "Private Property", no "Farms" or 'Ranches' or 'Homesteads' / BOLs, etc - ALL, therein, just 'State assets', to be divided up (amongst the Elite / Puppetmasters First, of course..) and doled out in 'rations', in soley sufficient portion to Barely keep people "functioning" - just enough to 'work the new Plantations' - all under the "new Normal"... And I truly believe that thinking "Nah - that Can't happen, here" - is, frankly, just as much 'Normalcy Bias' as thinking we can or will go back to the Old "Normal" from where we are Now..

I'm not trying to derail this into a 'Political discussion', but honestly - I believe / observe that we just witnessed, this past fall, a 'Political 9/11' - it's truly unbelievable to me that 'what Happened, Happened'.. Not because I thought it 'could-never happen', but more so because of the Scale, and Scope of what was gotten Away with - This Country's 'political normal' was totally Eviscerated, and is - at this Time / Point - totally and completely Broken..

(ie: the 'SCOTUS'?? Pff - What Scotus?? Pfff, just like when 'Dubya' sat there in that school - and freaking Did Nothing - while the Country he supposedly was the 'Commander in Chief' of, was (again, supposedly..) being "Attacked by Terrorists" - well.. Just like then - "The Dog Didn't Bark", if you get my inference.. :mad:

So, where this is all going / Why I think it ties into your quoted-truths, above, is that If 'We' - all of us who consider ourselves "prepared for anything" - We had All Better be working towards / planning to Get Out of these 'Necropolises', as you eloquently put it, and be Well-established and fortified into our 'Homesteads' - and small, tight-knit Communities, if we Don't want to get 'swept up when the Cattle-cars come'...

...and I Really Do believe they Are going to hard-push this NWO-garbage into 'Law' and 'Policy' and 'Code', and Are going to - at least Try - to Break all of us / Take all we Have, and try to 'legislate us under their Boot', and then 'redistribute our Everything' to fulfill their purportedly-benevolent (but actually malevolent..) vision of a 'Better World' / 'New Normal' or whatever TF they are smoking this week..

..And all this, Above is going to take 'Advanced Prepping', because it has to become OUR 'new Normal' - just to survive what's being attempted - and have any semblance of hope to keep things even as "normal" / relatively "Free", as they are Now - let alone US (as Neighbors / Communities / Enclaves / 'States' of like-minded Survivors) be the ones to define what Our "new Normal" is in the Future - as it Should be. It should Never be what these 'self-anointed Demi-gods' envision / say it should be, or try to 'force-feed thru feels', then 'Bills' - and then jackboots and drone-strikes.

I hope this makes at least quazi-sense.. 😊 If not, this 'bloke' sums the 'Issues' up pretty well:

...And the 'concern here', is that - Unlike in 1992 - when all this NWO-garbage really began to 'gel', in the form of Agenda 21, et al - we've Never been Closer to this 💩 actually getting Fully implemented - and Really starting to Affect ALL of us - Including ya'll 'out in the sticks'... Make no mistake - this Isn't just 'about the Cities' - they Want to Control it ALL. (why do you think they're going So hard for 'Gun control'??) Countering that requires 'Advanced Prepping', imo.
Ok, I'll shut up now. :ghostly:

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  • Changing lifestyle to where preparedness for emergencies becomes a daily, if not hourly focus of attention
  • Embracing the philosophy that crises do happen and that just because a very severe crisis hasn't happened
  • recently, that doesn't mean a very severe crisis won't happen in the next five minutes.
I totally agree with this. IMHO "Advanced" Prepping is making it a lifestyle. You don't just think about it. You live it every day. It is always in the back of your mind like situational awareness. You never have enough. It is always evolving in every life situation.

I have said it before, and I will take it to my grave, and this comes from personal experience. Your life can be turned upside down into an SHTF situation in a heartbeat. If you are not prepared ahead of time you may survive, but life will be extremely difficult. Why would you not prepare?
After reading all these great posts I think that "Prepping" has different stages.
There is the beginner prepper who just dabbles in one small aspect, like bug out bags and 72hr kits
There are intermediate level preppers who make advances in a few areas, food storage, energy, security, medical, but not all
There are what I call balanced preppers who incorporate a balanced approach covering almost every need with the focus becoming a life style of readiness
And then there are ADVANCED preppers who take everything up a notch, these are the people who cover every aspect of prepping, who practice it every day and who know what to do in every situation, because they have anticipated and planned for it.....

I am sure that I have over simplified this condition that we call Prepping, but I don't know how to describe it any other way. I don't know many advanced preppers, if you look closely you can all ways find kinks in their prepper armor. I think of becoming an ADVANCED prepper as a goal that will always be just a little beyond what we did today....
Yes many good points.

"Advanced Prepping" in my minds eye is a goal which if achieved will allow one to survive long enough to restore order and allow for us to THRIVE!

Mankind has clawed and scratched to reach a state where comfortable life-styles are possible. They had to figure it out as they went. We have a big advantage over our forerunners in that we know what worked before and can do it again.

Granted I would not be able to produce a chip that will restore a vehicle to operational state. But a person could convert a machine shop to steam. I would not be able to crack crude oil to produce petroleum products, I can harvest coal from a seam near my house.

1860 or so technology would allow us to THRIVE.

Once civilization is restored it can rebuild but that would require groups of people working together. It will not be fast but it should be faster than the last time mankind did it.

Advanced prepping is preparing to THRIVE.

Well, there is a good part of "thrive". It's not all bad.
Like my mom's rant, she's 88 and was raised locally in an Old Order home down the road....
as to my cousins now....how can they live like that? Why can't they have a phone, a tv, a radio? Why can't they just get in a car and go to town? Do you know how freezing it is to do laundry like that (outside) and hang it on the line? Why do the women have to wear dresses and cover their heads? Boy, she can go on and on. But I'm very comfortable in my community, and these things she dislikes aren't bad things, they just are what they do. So, going back to the early 1900's or whatever isn't the end of the world. I enjoy the art of visiting more than turning on the tv.
Agree with Ben, that things have already been invented, and if they went away would probably come back faster. But many don't care about those things anyway. I still don't have a smartphone.
I don't share your optimism that "Thrive" is coming back. And hopefully "Thrive" never comes back, as it only leads to what currently exists.

If there was to ever be much recovery, it will "NOT" originate or transpire through what was once call "America".
I have no idea what the world will be like after I pass. They will have the advantage of learning from the mistakes if they chose to look at history.

I can at best hope to bootstrap the process.

..And hopefully "Thrive" never comes back, as it only leads to what currently exists.

Well, yes and no.. Yes, in that Honestly, I think communities like the Amish and folks like the 'Townsends' demonstrate this nicely, and embody both How, and That a 'simpler - yet still Fulfilled and Happy - Life' is "possible" even in this 21st Century..

..We don't bloody NEED '3D virtual everything' and bigger and more 'immersive' Cinemas, and '75 permutations of the Disney channel' and mega-Concerts with Teenage starlets gyrating their junk in millions of faces, and Totally off-the-rails Amoral free-for-alls and Hedonism everywhere you turn, and More and More .Gov intrusion into Everything, etc, etc.. *Ptui!!*

..But, no, in that there Does exist a 'Balanced Thrive' - many so-called "Third-World Countries" demonstrate this well - and I also agree that it's NOT going to come from the Technocratic 'Great Resetters', and Nebuchadnezzer-like NWO-cartellians, Nope..

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one persons thrive is another mans poverty....i mean just look at today across globe...we have folks till ground and planting crops with john deer tractors with satellite guidance systems and we have folks still plowing with oxen and wooden plow points ! thats some irony,paradox,juxtaposition or whatever them big words might be fitting for use ! we also see folks despite having supposed advances not getting crops from ground but we see some with oxen and wooden plow getting nice crops...theres lack of skill on both levels of it seems or can be. a person can be a failure in a modern society as well as a 'lower society' on food chain of supposed prosperity of life.

thrive is subjective to the individuals view point.
My issue with "WE built America" and "WE blam sure can do it again". Is look at the list of men who died building the Hover Damn. The Hover Damn is a good standard of typical American achievements to great advancement. OK.....don't like that one.....The Great American Rail Road system, another great advancement in the quality of life for Americans. But peek a little deeper and see "exactly" who physically built those projects and hundreds of others.

I go to town once a year for supplies, and the last stop out of city is Walmart. I have near zero human contact through out the year, other then the mail delivery person if there is a package. There is typically 60 to 80 customers in that Walmart "Super Store" when I enter. Now that is my first annual experience of viewing a "Bunch" of humans. I "ALWAYS" have the same first observation. They could "not" do work. They could not do any physical work.......zero. OK.....to be honest maybe two or three out of 60 or 80 could work five hours a day...."MAYBE".

Americans for the "most" part are fat.....very FAT. Such poor physical condition, that the store is a motorized go-cart shopping cart crashway.

If it all goes to Hell......Americans ain't the ones rolling up their sleeves and laboring 12 or 14 hours a day.......nine days a week, six weeks a month, 15 months a years. No just like in the past if it is to get manually done, foreign labor will get it done........Which begs the question, with out something of value to motivate them, they ain't coming. Was payment in "Gold" coin they got fro 1850 to 1950 building America. (Not intended to be racist......but nearly all the 200 plus men who died building the Hover Damn, where then called "Chinamen".

Look who is building most of what Americans currently consume........China.

Do you think just maybe the Elite Rulers......know basic history for forward planning.
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some will some wont...heres my issue...folks say i am going to run of to the woods and build a cabin...i ask why? does something magical happen where all homes just fall down? unless infrastructure is bombed or burnt its going to remain intake and in place as a whole for a very long time. train tracks just dont up and rust away in a year or even a few decades. oh i know theres maintenance to everything and we are seeing results of some of lack right now but i am also seeing some pretty high dollar infrastructure being rebuilt last bit.

i also ask you think you can build a cabin...some cant build a chicken coop with modern tools and power much less a cabin with hand tools and no draft power from mule or oxen etc.

dont get me wrong running to woods to avid being kilt and waiting out others...is a thing. but you will be in a hole or debris hut but not a fancy cabin. ever hear echo of axe at work? it goes a very long way.

infrastructure...we see it still today from time of rome...how much longer will be see bits of this modern industrial society.? none of this is going to go just go away outside of war as a whole in lifeetime of anyone currently alove today from newborn to old folks. just not happening. i am not saying a flood or fir or something will not tak out som ys it will and an but i am painting with a very broad brush. here right in my community theres homes still standing from 1800's ! and barns etc.

i built a log barn nearly 30 years ago...its still solid as day it was built. baring fire it will be standing far after i am gone. theres a log cabin near me and its very old..it has had minimum maintenance done to it but has 2 things going for it. its up off ground and has wide roof over hanging keeping water off it. its built from a fast growing pine and it rots fast too if wet or in contact with ground. like just a few years. i met the guy owns it and his grandfather and family and friends built it in 1928. its built from virginia pine !

things to consider to is people aging...we got to face facts none of us can do what we use to do for a wide array of reason but all based on age and injury that comes with living life. i use to cut truck load of wood after my regular job to get extra money once upon a time. that aint happening now or in future..i cant do it. i cut loads of wood measured by loader bucket now and thats enough at a time on my injured spine. i can cut more but i need to rest awhile i cant cut a truckload all at once,split and load and deliver it. i only cut wood for myself.

theres cabins here that been well taken care of that my grandfather helped to build in 1930's while in the ccc's. i visit them yearly.

things change and so do people but we got to swallow that and go forward with life.

america has changed many times since it was founded and its going to change as time marches on. all countries have if you look at history.ask a indian how its changed from their perspective...just as one example..theres lots and lots.

sourdough mention chinese building RR..well they use to do all the work in alaska in fish canneries as well.there were opium houses there too before alaska became a state and it was a free do as you will place.those short brothers in southeast talked and wrote about it.

blah blah blah
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some will some wont...heres my issue...folks say i am going to run of to the woods and build a cabin...i ask why?

To get away from all the people who don't.

The only real obstacle to survival is other people.

But you have to do it YEARS before you actually need to. Hence the concept of survivalism as a lifestyle rather than a thing you go do when SHTF.
To get away from all the people who don't.

The only real obstacle to survival is other people.

But you have to do it YEARS before you actually need to. Hence the concept of survivalism as a lifestyle rather than a thing you go do when SHTF.

goes with the rest of what i was saying...why? you cant build a chicken a coop now what make them think they can build a log cabin with handtools...they better off staying out as they lack skills as well as cached items. any of us just running neeley willie off to a spot without cached items will struggle. its reason to have plans and back up plans and back ups to back ups etc. on and on.

i see folks tell about building fire say they can do it...and i seen them start a fire...but i asked ok..now show me how you keep that fire going...many cant as they never kept a fire going for very long. theres entire things like this...but i know you get it.

but hence the reason why they going to run they need to stay put where at least they might have a chance since they are versed more in that area of life and whats around them...if that makes sense.
To get away from all the people who don't.

The only real obstacle to survival is other people.

But you have to do it YEARS before you actually need to. Hence the concept of survivalism as a lifestyle rather than a thing you go do when SHTF.

i guided a korean college kid once on a backpacking camping fishing trip into a wilderness area for a few days. i was walking around lake catching fish and he was sitting down resting at edge of lake. i had a few fish and getting back to him he was sitting there in a heavy coat shivering and saying its cold. i looked at him and i was standing there in light weight poly pro tops and bottoms only and was fine temp wise. i just looked at him and said...get out of the shade and in the sunshine you idiot !

i was gutting the fish and he said you really going to make me eat a fish. i said yes we planned this and i killed them we will eat them. when fish was ready he looked at me and said i dont have a plate..i laughed my rear off and reached over and took top ramen bag and pulled it tight and said heres your plate and plopped his fish on it for him. he hesitated a bit and took one bite of a wild native trout and polished it off and a few more.


i did take him and taught him how to shoot a rifle and he was a natural at that.

he was a engineer something another in college or going to be..i bet he tells tales about a crazy timber beast dragging him through wilderness to camp andfish and shoot guns to this day...lol
To get away from all the people who don't.

The only real obstacle to survival is other people.

But you have to do it YEARS before you actually need to. Hence the concept of survivalism as a lifestyle rather than a thing you go do when SHTF.

Yes - primary bugout to some more survivable rural location is best done years before the crisis - it takes years to setup a chunk of rural land to be even moderately self sufficient. In reality, most homesteads are not even close to self sufficient. That raises the question: If a less remote location with your house on it is not even close to self sufficient, then why not abandon it and head for somewhere really remote to wait out a very severe crisis?

Secondary bugout (or more correctly an INCH - I'm Never Coming Home Journey) is inherently prepared for short notice evacuation.

That should be an evacuation from your rural location to somewhere really remote (ie wilderness - and a substantial distance into it) via rural or remote, low traffic roads.

INCH capability is among the very advanced prepping capabilities.

My INCH capability can get me and several other people into a wilderness area with enough supplies to last a couple of years (and longer if wild foods and some modest gardening are factored in).

As to what that looks like - think more like military deployment and less like camping.......

INCH requires the capability to carry >30 tons or so of gear/supplies over very poor roads (or even where there are no roads), probably at night and covering your tracks as you go.

All the same capabilities that apply to survival in your rural home would need to come along with you.

A couple of years is long enough that the dying time would have passed, and with the right gear and group of people to make a new start, a new permanent/safe enough location could be chosen and a new home established.

Not everyone has some place that they could go (that is near enough and practically accessible) - but when people are picking the rural location to setup their homestead, they should consider the proximity to genuine wilderness in their property selection criteria.

I did.
I enjoyed the various opinions so far.

I would like to hear some more insights to help me enhance my plans.

I tend to believe that wilderness is wilderness because it is not conducive to habitation for one reason or another.

One of last resort BOLs is located in Western NY which is Amish Country. Most turns off the hard top will take us down a dirt road where I have seen men plowing a field with a team of horses. I would not call that area wilderness but rather farm country.

As a kid I read about trappers living in the wilderness trapping for furs. At least once a year they traveled to the closest trading post for supplies. With no trading posts,how does one survive for multiple years

I enjoyed the various opinions so far.

I would like to hear some more insights to help me enhance my plans.

I tend to believe that wilderness is wilderness because it is not conducive to habitation for one reason or another.

One of last resort BOLs is located in Western NY which is Amish Country. Most turns off the hard top will take us down a dirt road where I have seen men plowing a field with a team of horses. I would not call that area wilderness but rather farm country.

As a kid I read about trappers living in the wilderness trapping for furs. At least once a year they traveled to the closest trading post for supplies. With no trading posts,how does one survive for multiple years


Take the staple food you need with you (that is part of the >30 tons).

Supplement that with wild food and even some smaller scale agriculture (but understand that is just supplementary, nice to have but not essential).

The fact that a wilderness is not survivable for most people is why that is where the "people" threat will be smallest - especially when you "filter" out all the idiots by going some distance into that wilderness - by means that most people do not have access to.

This is advanced prepping because people need to get past the idea that they are going to abandon everything they don't take with them - but INCH is about the only way to survive a crisis so bad that agricultural/rural areas are unsurvivably dangerous. It is a strategy to survive the dying time.

You come back when the threats have mostly died off.
One of the traits I really like about my place is that 100 yards from my backdoor is the start of 100s of square miles of wilderness area. I'm literally the last piece of private property on that road.

Its why even though bugging out is the last option, I think its probably going to be highly successful in my case as I'm not driving through a single city, highway, or property to get to mine. I just load up the convoy, take a left a hundred yards down my own driveway, and its just me, hundred of miles of old logging roads and whoever else was already up those roads when it started. Drop a few trees behind me, and take down a couple of bridges and nobody else is (easily) coming up that way behind me.

Drive for an hour until the road runs out. Unload the convoy, carry the stuff a mile further up the mountain in trips and get out the chainsaws. In about a week I should have a log cabin large enough for the 6-8 people I plan for, and tight enough to last the first winter without having to come down for anything.

I HIGHLY suspect any attempt to bug out in a sever crisis that requires you to drive through or past any cities, or town on the way to your BOL is very likely to fail, as is any bug out plan on foot UNLESS where you are going is a place that is already maned, and stocked and you simply need to carry enough stuff to last you a few days of foot travel.
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