...prepping not just to survive a period of weeks or months until 'someone else' fixes things and you can go back to normal, but rather prepping to NEVER go back to normal.
...unless you start living NOW like it already happened, there will be certain levels of prepping you will never be able to reach while trying to live a double life...
Blam. For me, this really Nails the 'bigger picture' here, too, as I (and, acknowledged - I very well may be in a 'small minority', here, in thinking this way, but..) feel Very strongly that we're (largely, the US, but, soon-to-follow, the rest of the World..) on the very Cusp of crossing an 'Event Horizon' that I don't see any easy way 'back from',
TO anything like the "normal" we're all used to..
..and by "normal", I mean our 'relative autonomy of Freedoms' - Personally / Family-wise, Agriculturally / Entrepreneurially, Socially / Educationally, and so on - that each of us enjoys, that makes the "United States" what it "was" (and, for now, still pretty-much "is"..) - The Freedom to Go / Do / Buy / Say / Think / Act, etc - pretty-much how we all Want (within the bounds of "Law" / morals, etc..)
What I'm talking about, is this whole, insidious - and Evil (from the standpoint of it's purpose is to Crush personal Freedoms, and introduce Control in Every nook and cranny of
All our lives..) - push for this 'Great Reset', with the 'Elites' at the top, and ALL of us, wallowing in an "equality" of their design / machination. But, it's an 'equality of everyone being crushed to the Floor', that was so deftly-portrayed in '1984' - A wholly Broken society, forced into (essentially) Slavery, 'managed' by Terrorism and Propaganda / Mind-control via completely-puppeted 'Media' - all under the 'all seeing eye' of the Surveillance state..
..NO "Private Property", no "Farms" or 'Ranches' or 'Homesteads' / BOLs, etc - ALL, therein, just 'State assets', to be divided up (amongst the Elite / Puppetmasters First, of course..) and doled out in 'rations', in soley sufficient portion to Barely keep people "functioning" - just enough to 'work the new Plantations' - all under the "new Normal"... And I truly believe that thinking "Nah - that Can't happen, here" - is, frankly, just as much 'Normalcy Bias' as thinking we can or will go back to the Old "Normal" from where we are
I'm not trying to derail this into a 'Political discussion', but honestly - I believe /
observe that we just witnessed, this past fall, a 'Political 9/11' - it's truly unbelievable to me that 'what Happened, Happened'.. Not because I thought it '
could-never happen', but more so because of the
Scale, and Scope of what was gotten Away with - This Country's 'political normal' was totally Eviscerated, and is - at this Time / Point - totally and completely Broken..
(ie: the 'SCOTUS'?? Pff -
What Scotus?? Pfff, just like when 'Dubya' sat there in that school -
and freaking Did Nothing - while the Country he supposedly was the 'Commander in Chief' of, was (again, supposedly..) being "Attacked by Terrorists" - well.. Just like then - "
The Dog Didn't Bark", if you get my inference..
So, where this is all going /
Why I think it ties into your quoted-truths, above, is that If 'We' - all of us who consider ourselves "prepared for anything" - We had
All Better be working towards / planning to Get Out of these 'Necropolises', as you eloquently put it, and be Well-established and
fortified into our 'Homesteads' - and small, tight-knit
Communities, if we Don't want to get 'swept up when the Cattle-cars come'...
...and I Really Do believe they Are going to hard-push this NWO-garbage into 'Law' and 'Policy' and 'Code', and Are going to - at least
Try - to Break all of us / Take all we Have, and try to 'legislate us under their Boot', and then 'redistribute our Everything' to fulfill their purportedly-benevolent (but
actually malevolent..) vision of a 'Better World' / 'New Normal' or whatever TF they are smoking this week..
And all this, Above is going to take 'Advanced Prepping', because it has to become OUR 'new Normal' -
just to survive what's being attempted - and have any semblance of hope to keep things even as "normal" / relatively "Free", as they are Now - let alone
US (as Neighbors / Communities / Enclaves / 'States' of like-minded Survivors) be the ones to define what
Our "new Normal" is in the Future -
as it Should be. It should
Never be what these 'self-anointed Demi-gods' envision / say it should be, or try to 'force-feed thru feels', then 'Bills' - and then jackboots and drone-strikes.
I hope this makes at least quazi-sense..
If not, this 'bloke' sums the 'Issues' up pretty well:
...And the 'concern here', is that - Unlike in 1992 - when all this NWO-garbage really began to 'gel', in the form of Agenda 21, et al -
we've Never been Closer to this
actually getting Fully implemented - and Really starting to
Affect ALL of us -
Including ya'll 'out in the sticks'... Make no mistake - this
Isn't just 'about the Cities' -
they Want to Control it ALL. (why do you think they're going So hard for 'Gun control'??) Countering that requires 'Advanced Prepping', imo.
Ok, I'll shut up now.