Back in the 70s when I really started I was prepping for lay offs, illness and accidents. I stored all the basics, water, food, toilet paper, guns and ammo and I had all my back-packing gear. We spent as much time as we could in the wilderness areas and lived off the land when possible.
As my information grew and the theories about financial and societal collapse grew I added to my preps. Back then we called it survival and kept ourselves separated from the more militant groups. when you get tired of all the doom and gloom theories you realize the being prepared for life's mishaps is just a good way to live. I started growing food plants instead of flowers and expanding my skills into canning and preserving food. Now we have three pantries with stored food, a full freezer and a well stocked fridge. I got myself completely out of debt, the home paid for and moved to a place where it will be easier to deal with nature because I am out of the way of natures worst. I don't live where there are military bases or in the path of nuclear melt downs and volcanoes are not in my future. There are still things that are hard to avoid like Yellowstone or 20 mile asteroids colliding with the earth or solar storms and HEMP attacks but I am better prepared to be OK without power. With three pressure canners going the freezer and fridge can be converted to canned goods in a couple of days. I have fuel for the canning burners and dry goods to provide calories that will be needed. I have two foot lockers full of medical gear along with a well stocked first aid kit. My skill set has grown to help handle just about everything that is survivable.
I have learned that life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease. You can't take it too seriously because nobody gets out alive. So, take the time to enjoy each day to its fullest and plan so that you can keep enjoying the future. The key elements are faith, hope and love.