an old couple i knew many years ago told me the best way to prepare for hard times is to change your life so you dont notice it. thery had an old house that he payed off, lived in a rural area, an older vehicle paid off, no big bills or debts. but they had a pretty decent food storage, he hunted and got an elk every year, gardened, canned up alot of food and just lived real simple. they were technically at poverty level and only in the end had their SS but a little savings for emergency like fixing the truck or something.
they were content, and had the basics of what they needed. i liked going over there and trying to learn somethings from them. like how not to need what everyone around you says you need, lol
an old couple i knew many years ago told me the best way to prepare for hard times is to change your life so you dont notice it.
Me too.Doing our best right now to make sure we can make do with what we have
OK, you've got me curious. What are you spending your money on?What really sucks, is that for most of the things I spend money on, its 200%+ inflation I'm dealing with.
OK, you've got me curious. What are you spending your money on?
What really sucks, is that for most of the things I spend money on, its 200%+ inflation I'm deali
As a followup, its why I have always stressed BALANCE in prepping.
Because we never know when SHTF, and because unless you are infinitely wealthy, you can do it all at once, prepping is something that you build up year by year.
But if your plan is something like:
Year 1: buy 10K rounds of ammo.
Year 2, build a bunker
Year 3, buy five years worth of food
Year 4, drill a well
Year 5, install a wood stove
and SHTF on year 2......your screwed.
So if there is such a thing as 'The Aerindel Prepping Doctrine'
Its to keep things in balance as you expand so that you always have matching quantities of the main preps.
If your at the 72 hours stage of prepping, have 72 hours of food, water, shelter and security.
If your at the 72 weeks stage of prepping, have 72 weeks of food, water and shelter and security. Don't be the guy with a lifetime of ammo and a week worth of food.
Because I've been following this doctrine, I have no real problems in the current situation.
Other than boredom and depression.
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