I went shopping last week. I found some cranberry sauce on the shelf at WM for $1.06 per can. I bought the case of cans they had left. I went to check out and they rang up at $1.28. I told them the shelf price and they honored that, but I know that when (if) they restock it will be higher.
Aldi raised the club pack of TP again. I was buying it for a long time at $16.99, then it went to $17.99 and now it's $20.99. I walked right by them. Geez, now all that TP I have piled up at home has just become an investment. I think it's doing better than my silver as far as investment value is concerned.
I saw name brand green beans at WM for $1.26 per can.
I went to a local grocery store that had their brand on sale for .50 per can, plus I had a coupon so I bought a couple cases just for good measure. I still have plenty of them but can't help but buy them at that price while I still can. The ones I have stocked, I paid .33 per can for back in the day.
I noticed the deals were pretty much non-existent this shopping trip. However, the shelves were pretty well stocked. I wonder how long that will last? If the shelves start becoming more empty, those prices are going to go up even further. Supply and demand still rules.
For anyonen shopping at WM, watch the register as you check out and stop them if they ring up at a higher price than what was on the shelf. They WILL honor that price. The prices are going up faster than they can keep up with and they know it, so they will give you the shelf price and not give you crap about it.