My wife and I were just talking about this last night - after we got ourselves a little space in the countryside/woods and the tools to be self-sufficient there, (and maybe a helicopter to get us there quickly ;P ), I'd want to be like an old school patron of the arts. We know/are aware of budding authors, musicians, playwrights, etc. and would reach out to them (probably under an NDA) and be like - what is your wildest dream. Want to tour the country in a bus with your face on the side of it? Done! Want to get 10,000 copies of your latest book printed and a website created and optimized to sell it? Done! Want to rent out a theater for a month and have the most amazing backdrops and sets built for it? Done!
I think that would be the most satisfying thing to do, putting some more love and beauty out in the world and lifting others up
I think that would be the most satisfying thing to do, putting some more love and beauty out in the world and lifting others up