What Would You Do?

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I would immediately book six months at "The Mustang Ranch".
It's closed. Guberment took it over and it went bankrupt - they can't even run that profitably!

I doubt I would believe the reporting agency just based upon my track record and theirs. Might call my kids and a few others for the heck of it then live until I die.
I probably wouldn't believe it and I'd just go on with my life as usual.

When the Y2K thing was happening, I read the news and was prepared to reset my computers if they all crashed.

We lived in Alaska and went to Texas for Christmas. Wouldn't you know we would fly back to Alaska on New Years Eve Y2K?

We would arrive in Alaska before midnight so we knew we were safe. Then. As we were flying between Dallas and Minneapolis, the pilot came on and said "In case you didn't know, all planes are set to Greenwich mean time. It is midnight there...........NOW. "

We didn't fall out of the air.
So I take any doom predictions with a grain of salt.
So, if you looked up and saw a comet coming towards you, you wouldn't believe it?

Oh, and I was an I/T professional. There was a significant amount of software that needed changed for Y2K. ;)
Well.... if I SAW the comet..........maybe. I'm always chill on the outside. It's the one thing I can do.

I know that there were significant software issues. I'm just glad plane didn't fall out of the air. The plan was for us to be on the ground in Anchorage before midnight.

We celebrated Y2K New Year coming in in the Anchorage baggage claim area because the portal to the luggage area on the plane was frozen shut. There was one little girl with her 2000 glasses and she jumped up and down excitedly. Everyone else sorta groaned.
The initial post that asked us to comment on what we would do specified "this is an extinction level event". I was commenting on what I would do in an event of this magnitude (i.e., an unsurvivable event).
Just do what I always do, keep going and adapt. Que sera, sera. I'd prefer not to die slowly, or see loved ones the same. I do have about six months of reading to get through, so I'd be busy. I suppose the time of year it hits would make a difference also?
I spect that someone or a whole lot of somethings will survive just like they have survived purported ELE events in the past.
Why do ya think that on every continent ancient large underground cities are discovered?
They needed a reason to construct such complexes.
the real question to ask is what would you do if you knew without a doubt the world was definitely going to end and everything on it was going to die in 6 months

and what everyone else would do

there would be those that wouldnt believe it of course
there would be those that would say " God's plan, not worried"
most if not all would stop working I would imagine
some would freak out and cause chaos

I would try to spend the rest of our lives with my kids and grandkid if that was possible
I would stop being on a diet and eat all the chocolate and ice cream I could find
I think I might shoot all the animals a few days before so they don't suffer and then start doing all the drugs I could find and drinking so I am not sober when it hits
I think that a lot depends on if everyone knew or if just you knew. Once everyone knows panic sets in, prices go crazy, and things get ugly (even if the world is not completely ending).

In general I'm a fighter, so I would do an assessment, estimate where the best chances are that I could afford. Contact all my kids and try to get them to join me, go waaaay into debt and buy all the stuff that I think we're going to need and start working towards a good end....
One of the factors in my decision is my age. I believe I could stock enough supplies to last for over twenty years, and I don't think I will live that long. I am making the assumption from this scenario that I would be far enough from the inital impact, or ground zero, for it to have a significant impact. If you survive the initial impact you can assess what you will have to do in the aftermath.
It would throw up enough debris into the atmosphere to darken the planet for some time. Plant life would die, then the animals that feed on it, then the animals that feed on them. It's only a matter of time before the entire food chain disappears.
Some time around 1800, there was a volcano that erupted and created enough ash or smoke to block sunlight for at least one summer. There was a major crop failure and people starved.
Given that the premise set forth in the opening post is fact and common knowledge, and happened today.... I'd be screwed. I'd have no choice but to hunker down where I am and fight til the bitter end. Yes, I know chaos would erupt around me, and I'd have to struggle with making peace with my maker in the end, as I'd do as necessary to survive.

A year from now? Pretty sure it would be different as being part of this community will inspire me, and I'll learn about being more prepared and it'll open up some options.
I think that a lot depends on if everyone knew or if just you knew. Once everyone knows panic sets in, prices go crazy, and things get ugly (even if the world is not completely ending).

In general I'm a fighter, so I would do an assessment, estimate where the best chances are that I could afford. Contact all my kids and try to get them to join me, go waaaay into debt and buy all the stuff that I think we're going to need and start working towards a good end....
I too am worried more about the damage the 'panic-spew' will cause (ie: Y2K) than the asteroid.
Folks should research the extinction of the dinosaurs; trick question:
What killed them off, high temperatures or low temperatures?

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