What Would You Do?

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Jan 23, 2019
I was watching a movie on Netflix last night title Don't Look Up. It is an apocalyptic spoof about two scientists (Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence) who discover a comet that will impact the Earth in six months. It is a spoof, and satirizes the incompetence of government, and the bureacracy they have to face among other things.

It was late and I couldn't even watch it to the end, but it made me think "What Would You Do?" This is an extinction level event. It is a massive comet, and it is going to hit the earth 100%. Would you stock up and try to find a safe place, or would you just make your peace with God and take what comes? I'm still on the fence; not sure what I would do.
Depending on the size and location of impact, if it were to strike outside of the US I would probably lean toward survival. The experts could be wrong on how severe the outcome would be. There is local underground former limestone quarry but I’m sure the gubment would be keeping the riffraff out. It was setup as a Cold War shelter back in the day.

Maybe I could get my ham radio gear and sweet talk my way in to a shelter?
I was watching a movie on Netflix last night title Don't Look Up. ...
Off topic sea story

In my youth I fixed CCTVs. The Fed Reserve Bank was a customer. They had a camera mounted on concrete pillar out front to record the front door.

So one blustery I climbed a ladder to the platform about 20' above the street. While working, the wind blew the ladder down stranding me on top of the platform.

It was about noon so there was plenty of foot traffic on the street. So I proceeded to yell down at passing pedestrians. Nobody wanted to look up when hearing a voice from above! Nobody!

Eventually one person did look up. :thumbs:

My point is people don't want to look up.

In this scenario the impact was supposed to be in the Pacific Ocean (I think) 60 miles west of Chile. I would think there would be places in the mountains in this country that would be relatively safe, but what would life be like when the rest of the planet is destroyed?
Ah just get the family together and talk about options and choices. Probably try to find out as much as possible about the coming collision and then do what I can to make it as likely as many as could possibly survive will have that chance. I would say suspended in a steel reinforced concrete chamber inside another one would be the only way and it would have to be in a place you could be sure to get out of. with enough supplies to get you out.

If the rest meant the most destructive violent and the ruling class war lovers, it would be great.
What kind of damage would a comet do? Would the impact be felt all around the earth? I would think so, in one way or another/ I think there are many possibilities for the outcome.

If it hits off the coast of Chile, I think that on the other side of the earth, the impact would be much less. I would think there would be tidal waves especially off the west coast of South America.

One of the theories about the dinosaur extinction is a comet impact to the earth. There are other theories.

If Chile were the closest country, I would imagine that they and much of South America would be impacted and have many if not all deceased. What about France, or eastern Canada, or Germany? I would imagine that they could survive, but be impacted some how.
One of the theories about the dinosaur extinction is a comet impact to the earth. There are other theories.
Pretty sure the consensus is it was an asteroid.
It did hit water. Didn't matter. If you were a large land based animal, it was over. What could get underground or stayed underwater had a chance, and enough survived to keep life going.
Depends where one lives and plans on staying. For me living near the continental divide with not too many people around I would try for survival. There are handy mine tunnels around, a couple tons of wheat can be bought localy and lots of trees for firewood. . Buckle down for a year or two and see what happens.

As was mentioned read the book Lucifers Hammer.
What kind of damage would a comet do? Would the impact be felt all around the earth? I would think so, in one way or another/ I think there are many possibilities for the outcome.

If it hits off the coast of Chile, I think that on the other side of the earth, the impact would be much less. I would think there would be tidal waves especially off the west coast of South America.

One of the theories about the dinosaur extinction is a comet impact to the earth. There are other theories.

If Chile were the closest country, I would imagine that they and much of South America would be impacted and have many if not all deceased. What about France, or eastern Canada, or Germany? I would imagine that they could survive, but be impacted some how.
It would throw up enough debris into the atmosphere to darken the planet for some time. Plant life would die, then the animals that feed on it, then the animals that feed on them. It's only a matter of time before the entire food chain disappears.
I would not try to survive the unsurvivable. That's pointless by definition. I would talk with and cherish memories with my family as long as I could, until life itself became only a memory. That's the way I want to go.

Lucifer's Hammer is a good book. But I would probably opt to read something else that I hadn't read yet given the limited time I'd have left. I have been intentionally dragging out James Rollins' Sigma Force series for years, so I can make it last longer and not run out of books. I'm maybe 2/3 done at present. I would definitely push to finish that series if a comet was coming.
It depends on the type. Some asteroids are rubble piles held loosely together. These would...somewhat...break up and some burn up. It'd still be an extreme event...but...an iron-nickle one is a real worry. Knowing it's the end of me is one thing...but...my kids...friends...the whole race??? That would take the edge off of things. But, then, the ex would go, too...so...there is that!
What damage would a comet do ??

It is said a comet opened up a big part of the Gulf of Mexico and made the dinosaurs extinct..

Supposedly scientists have found the comet at the bottom of the Gulf... No idea how big it was when it hit or how big when it was found...
Part of me says - if it's an extinction event, what would be the point of preparation? I'd live life to the fullest while I till could, and make my peace with things.-

On the other hand, I'd likely question the prediction. There is always room for error. I'd question - do we really know when and how and how bad? So I'd probably prepare for my loved one as best as I could.

I'm thinking the best course of action would be a balance of both - prepare (just in case) - but not at the expense of spending time with loved ones and God (just in case).
If I thought there was a chance, I would do my best to survive. Wouldn't just give up and say, "Oh well".
I feel the same way. I would be giving up on a lot of time and effort.

I was given a talking to by my chief petty officer. He said...

Ben, the only way you will fail is when you give up. Until then you are just still working on it. Never give up.

That advise has worked for me so far. If God proves me foolish who cares?

If I thought there was a chance, I would do my best to survive. Wouldn't just give up and say, "Oh well".

I feel the same way. I would be giving up on a lot of time and effort.

I was given a talking to by my chief petty officer. He said...

Ben, the only way you will fail is when you give up. Until then you are just still working on it. Never give up.

That advise has worked for me so far. If God proves me foolish who cares?


i am with yall..i just keep grinding out daily life.

i might go to town with double axle trailer though !
On the other hand, I'd likely question the prediction. There is always room for error. I'd question - do we really know when and how and how bad? So I'd probably prepare for my loved one as best as I could.
With the hype level of panic-spew we have today, it could likely only cause a tidal wave at some country we've never heard of :rolleyes:.
I too would be in the "I want to see it for myself" camp.
Read all of the threads here about the CME/EMP pulses that we had that were going to send us back to the stone-age for 500 years:oops:.
The biggest one so far knocked our satellite TV service... for a whole 15 seconds:rolleyes:.
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I would not try to survive the unsurvivable. That's pointless by definition. I would talk with and cherish memories with my family as long as I could, until life itself became only a memory. That's the way I want to go.

Lucifer's Hammer is a good book. But I would probably opt to read something else that I hadn't read yet given the limited time I'd have left. I have been intentionally dragging out James Rollins' Sigma Force series for years, so I can make it last longer and not run out of books. I'm maybe 2/3 done at present. I would definitely push to finish that series if a comet was coming.
But how would we know if we could survive it or not?
I doubt "the powers that be" would let us in on the extinction event secret. They want us all dead anyways, so they'd be in their bunkers and we'd all be working away not knowing what was coming down. In all honesty, that's the way I'd want it to be. Not knowing when I'm going to die is a gfit from God.
The initial post that asked us to comment on what we would do specified "this is an extinction level event". I was commenting on what I would do in an event of this magnitude (i.e., an unsurvivable event).
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Die anyway, sometimes that is what happens. Overcome may be an impossible goal.