What would you do ?

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Colt 1911

Swiss army knives / multi tools
Jun 18, 2012
Southern California
Scenario.... It's 11.00 am kids are at school, you and spouse are at work. Normal day, sun is shining and BAM, EARTHQUAKE. " lets say all family members are alive and not hurt " Your car is totaled cause the parking structure collapsed. Spouse's car okay but bridges are out. You are twenty miles from your kids and spouse about the same. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS ? WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH YOU ? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ? Oh yeah, water mains are broken and contaminated with sewage, people are starting to get freaked out. Land lines do not work and cell service is so over crowed you cant make a call and your battery is at 15 %.

I would like to hear your honest answer on what you have with you and your plan.

Thanks, and if you want to add to the scenario " throw another wrench in the works " feel free.
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Scenario.... It's 11.00 am kids are at school, you and spouse are at work. Normal day, sun is shining and BAM, EARTHQUAKE. " lets say all family members are alive and not hurt " Your car is totaled cause the parking structure collapsed. Spouse's car okay but bridges are out. You are twenty miles from your kids and spouse about the same. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS ? WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH YOU ? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ? Oh yeah, water mains are broken and contaminated with sewage, people are starting to get freaked out. Land lines do not work and cell service is so over crowed you cant make a call and your battery is at 15 %.

I would like to hear your honest answer on what you have with you and your plan.

Thanks, and if you want to add to the scenario " throw another wrench in the works " feel free.
Sounds like northridge quake in the 90's.
What I have with me is my get home bag (Thanks, Colt for this idea last year). Yes, this goes into my office with me. This contains my 2 meter/70cm radio, 3 days food, change of clothes, small med pouch, emergency blanket, etc. Wife also has one. Cell phones will be down for some time. I do have a glock 23 in my bag. I would have the wife head towards the kids, and I will do the same. It is at this time I would be wishing I had a mountain bike with me. I feel it is best for both to head to the kids as we don't know who will arrive first.
I would grab my pack which is always next to me. Hitch a Ride or run to the nearest Walmart(this is California I have one about every couple of miles). With my card and the emergency cash I have in my pack (300.00 in 20's) I will procure a bike legally or not(employee's may have abandoned ship). I then pedal my ass home after sending text messages that I'm alive and I'm coming for them so stay put I also remind them to turn on their walkies(My fiancee and children all have black box walkies in their packs and like me they always have them). The average speed of a bicycle is 15 mph I get home in about 1 1/2 hours( I'm averaging 20 miles as the standard for this You didn't mention how far from home you were). I have a gassed up Honda 250 with 2 -5 gallon back up tanks ready and head out to get the family.Water is not an issue with me. I have enough purifying things to start a war with and toilet tanks are everywhere. Kids first. Then spouse. Dogs at home will protect children. Wife at least has usable vehicle and can avoid most conflict.
You all carry a bag with you on your person all the times? Do you go to Walmart, shopping, church, everywhere with it?Don't you get stopped carrying a pack into stores? Or do you leave them in the car...just trying to learn. I have some supplies in the car when we go some places further from home, but not when we go to the market or run other errands. My Mr. would probably not go along with that, he already thinks I'm a bit obsessed with prepping. If he only knew just how much I think about it!!!
Mr. Roninsensei do you have food,water, chg of clothes in your bag? You don't get stopped like at the movie theater they say you can't bring your own snacks. We don't go to. The theater but it is an example.
Mr. Roninsensei do you have food,water, chg of clothes in your bag? You don't get stopped like at the movie theater they say you can't bring your own snacks. We don't go to. The theater but it is an example.

You all carry a bag with you on your person all the times? Do you go to Walmart, shopping, church, everywhere with it?Don't you get stopped carrying a pack into stores? Or do you leave them in the car...just trying to learn. I have some supplies in the car when we go some places further from home, but not when we go to the market or run other errands. My Mr. would probably not go along with that, he already thinks I'm a bit obsessed with prepping. If he only knew just how much I think about it!!!

Either on me or in the car, always !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great replys, I am with you guys on grabbing a bike also Roninsensei i dig the walkie talkies> you are twenty miles from kid and spouse.
Nope they don't ask I go all the time. I don't see the need to carry water I has enough knowledge to find water virtually anywhere. Yes there is food in my bag in the form of either tigers milk bars or cliff high protein bars but all i have to say is that I get hypoglycemic and they don't question me anymore.
Just remember Lindy knowledge is lighter that gear. You can dramatically drop the amount of gear you need to carry with knowledge. Think Macgyver all he ever had was basic stuff. I aim to be the same. Study books like the SAS survival guide and Look around at this site. Become a member and use our video section..
We loved that show Mcgyver...I will have to talk my Mr into letting me get a VIP membership so I can watch the videos. So far the answer is still no. He doesn't understand me so much. He only supports my prepping to a point. I will keep trying to learn. Thank you for helping me!
Most walkies Lie their asses off about range! These are by far the best for their price but they are costly also line of site is the main problem with walkies. I've found them to be usable at a good 15 miles with no obstructions in the way but with obstructions only a good 2 to 3 miles if your lucky. If your serious about them let me know I have a guy and I might be able to get you a discount if I tac them on our bodyguard company account. I have the Black Box Bantam in UHF go UHF if you can its way clearer.

My 07 Recon and i'm off to get the boys from school.The biggest issue is they go to different schools,both about 7 miles from the house,but in opposite directions.A couple GHBs from my suv will be strapped to the front rack.My wife has a GHB in her work vehicle,if roads are not usable we keep a folding bike in the back of her suv for this very reason.Her goal is to head straight home and wait for me.My older son can also "hoof it" if needed by staying along the main roads but keeping well off of them,in the woodlines straight to home.

My bike

Her bike

folding bike-10.jpg
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Just remember Lindy knowledge is lighter that gear. You can dramatically drop the amount of gear you need to carry with knowledge. Think Macgyver all he ever had was basic stuff. I aim to be the same. Study books like the SAS survival guide and Look around at this site. Become a member and use our video section..

I got life straws for us, those are light and don't take up a lot of room, we could use those in water we find in a pinch. I could put one in the car and one by our BOB's.
I got life straws for us, those are light and don't take up a lot of room, we could use those in water we find in a pinch. I could put one in the car and one by our BOB's.
Absolutely,in fact,i'd recommend it,they are only good if you have them with you when you need them the most.
My 07 Recon and i'm off to get the boys from school.The biggest issue is they go to different schools,both about 7 miles from the house,but in opposite directions.A couple GHBs will be strapped to the front rack.My wife has a GHB in her vehicle,if roads are not usable we keep a folding bike in the back of her suv for this very reason.Her goal is to head straight home and wait for me.My older son can also "hoof it" if needed by staying along the main roads but keeping well off of them,in the woodlines straight to home.

My bike
View attachment 1559

Her bike

View attachment 1560

Nice set up ! Really glad to hear everyone has there GHB !! Totally awesome.
I know all this is common sense and I should be able to know this on my own. I think and process things by talking it out so while I feel foolish for not thinking about that sooner I'm grateful no one don't put me down for a lapse in thinking when I ask elementary questions.
I know all this is common sense and I should be able to know this on my own. I think and process things by talking it out so while I feel foolish for not thinking about that sooner I'm grateful no one don't put me down for a lapse in thinking when I ask elementary questions.

Oops...I meant to say "I'm grateful no one puts me down..."
I know all this is common sense and I should be able to know this on my own. I think and process things by talking it out so while I feel foolish for not thinking about that sooner I'm grateful no one don't put me down for a lapse in thinking when I ask elementary questions.
There is preppers of all levels here from total noobs to advanced survivalist,everybody is treated with the same respect and most love to help out in any area they can.You'll find that out the more you post and mingle with the crowd.You won't be belittled as all of us started out just like you at some point.
I know all this is common sense and I should be able to know this on my own. I think and process things by talking it out so while I feel foolish for not thinking about that sooner I'm grateful no one don't put me down for a lapse in thinking when I ask elementary questions.

Fire away on the questions, I've been at this awhile and I learn stuff from new members all the time. Have you tried the life straw yet ? Takes a bit to get going but they work well. Glad you are on board, everyone " almost everyone except Tom " are here to help each other out.
Sounds like northridge quake in the 90's.
What I have with me is my get home bag (Thanks, Colt for this idea last year). Yes, this goes into my office with me. This contains my 2 meter/70cm radio, 3 days food, change of clothes, small med pouch, emergency blanket, etc. Wife also has one. Cell phones will be down for some time. I do have a glock 23 in my bag. I would have the wife head towards the kids, and I will do the same. It is at this time I would be wishing I had a mountain bike with me. I feel it is best for both to head to the kids as we don't know who will arrive first.

Lucky on the glock, I can't carry where I work.
That has been my experience, everyone has been wonderful. I guess just being by myself all day and trying to be creative at figuring out how to do things with my different limitations my self confidence is low and my brain foggy from the pain meds. I'm a people person and miss my job so much and being around people so seems like I doubt every thought in my head.
One reason I was fine getting a manual chair is if the power goes out I can still use my chair and on my better days if we have to travel without a car I could use it as a walker and to haul my bag.
Thats a great idea to have a manual chair! keeps you moving too...when I was a lot younger I shattered my femur and was basically immobilize for a long time....I loved when i got my wheelchair and was more free to move around. The extra movement even from my arms I really feel like it aided in my recovery!

Back to the original posted question... I dont live in an area that has earthquakes (not saying that it is not possible) so if we did in fact have an large earthquake more people would be freaking out than in a place that has experienced them before. I dont have a parking structure near by, but if for some reason I could not use my car I would grab my get home bag and take one of my bosses bikes...They have a few extra in the garage so it wouldnt be missed....and I would start the long trek home. I know the back roads to my house and would avoid heavily traffic areas at all cost...maybe I would even lay low and wait a day or two for the idiots to calm down. I have enough food for 2-3 days just in case I would have to walk home (I believe if i had to walk home and take lots of breaks/be hiding and avoiding others it would take me 2-3 days to get home)
I have the advantage of not having kids...and for the animals my husband and I work opposite schedules and one of us would be home to take care of them-my husband and I have a rule to meet at the house (no running around town looking for the other one....we generally know where the other person is but this rule is to avoid running around with the other idiots and risking our safety....just meet at the house)
good plan there ma'am.might try some form of comunication,like walkie talkies if yall havent already..on acount,who ever is at home will be wanting to know where the other one is at all times.and if that person can.go get that person when the time is right to do so..
We have two kids in different schools in opposite directions. My husband works closer to them than I. The 9 year old could escape the prison of school and make her way home on foot without difficulty. My husband would go for the 5 year old. We keep GHB in the cars. Each bag contains 3 water bottles for each of the family, protein bars and fruit bars. Small mre style on the go meals. Also, first aid kit an lighters and matches, para cord, and car chargers for our phones.

I would need to get myself home and we have four different bridges we could cross. The closest is a swing bridge that was built around the dawn of time. That would be the likely spot to cross. They also have jet ski rentals at that bridge. Since I know the waterway and rivers really well, I could take a ski and head to the closest landing near my house cutting my travel time exponentially. My oldest or husband could in turn, retrieve me from the landing just a few miles from the house.

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