What's everybody doing today?

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My worm farm.


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The High School has graduation today, and the twins are in band, so they'll be at the school to play for the graduation ceremony today, then off to parties. We're having a small cousin reunion supper at my favorite cousin's place tonight. There is a cousin who came in from Indiana, so we'll be meeting him and his wife.
Hoping to get some more gardening done today.
Quiet Sunday morning, just the way I like it... sharing quality time with the cats, watching the birds hit the feeders & baths. Gonna be a warm day today, so I'm enjoying the morning while it's still cool. Threw in a load of laundry too, I like to do that early so the dryer doesn't heat up the home... doesn't matter now when the windows are open and the place is cool, but later, it'll make a big difference. Here in the Southwest, I've learned to "work the windows" at certain times of day, allowing cool air in at night and sealing in that air as the outside temperature rises. When done properly, I don't have to mess with the A/C, just run a fan in the hottest part of the day. Saves money, and I need to do that right now... when we hit triple-digit heat I'll have to run the A/C at times, just to knock down the heat inside the home. :confused:
I fell asleep after my last post. Didn't get jack squat done. Slept all day. Mom woke me up several times "Are you STILL sleeping?" I got up and prepared food for her and had some cereal for myself but had no energy for anything else. Might have to call my doctor about getting these thyroid meds replaced even though I still have a 2month supply. They just aren't working.
...have you had your gall bladder removed or digestion issues by chance?
I've developed thyroid issues after my gall bladder removal. It took a bit to figure it out but basically the bile from the gall bladder processes many things , one of its functions is to process/ activate hormones created by your thyroid into its usable proper forms n functions. If your gall bladder is gone or not working properly, the lack of bile salts needed for these functions can manifest into thyroid issues.
If you try to replace thyroid meds WITHOUT dealing with the digestion issues, proper bile salts n whatnot..the thyroid meds wont do much good because they are not getting processed properly.
I'm no doctor and this just happened to be my issue I've been dealing with the last few years. My drs insisted I was going through menopause after I've been trying to tell them I feel like I'm falling apart physically. The only major medical issue I had was my gall bladder removed a few years ago n after a bit..I'd been struggling.
For awhile I accepted the it's just menopause n you do work in a mill explaination..but after my energy level took a serious nosedive I insisted they check my thyroid after found some information on the gall bladder thyroid link.
So..my issues are getting way better n I'm almost back to normal ..but I hear it is a common oversight..
I did get the protected bed planted out.


Lots of broccoli plus a dew peppers and some tomatoes. That was all of the extra plants I had started. Two nights of gentle rain watered them in.

Growing on The Ridge has some complications. The first is the critters. I have focused on stinky stuff like garlic and onions since they can defend themselves. The next is water.

The closest water is 50' below the raised beds and hauling via buckets is an emergency option only. I did have a ram pump to pump water to a small pond at the top of the hill and was nice but... the collection dam was prone to silting in during torrential rain storms.

I did dredge it out but a week or 2 later it happened again. I have alternative plans to run the ram pump using the 2 springs but that project is on hold for now. That being said...

I have relied on God to water the gardens and rhe orchard. It has worked so far.

I have to finish mowing..I have a bunch of stuff I have to do , but I know after mowing I'll likely be done. I no longer fret if I dont get everything done on my weekends. I've finally givin myself permission to at least enjoy some of my time off sitting around , reading n relaxing.
I've never had that attitude mainly because I could get everything on my to do list done.
...now I'm like ehh...I'll get to it.
I have to finish mowing..I have a bunch of stuff I have to do , but I know after mowing I'll likely be done. I no longer fret if I dont get everything done on my weekends. I've finally givin myself permission to at least enjoy some of my time off sitting around , reading n relaxing.
I've never had that attitude mainly because I could get everything on my to do list done.
...now I'm like ehh...I'll get to it.
There was a point when I recognized there more time associated with completing those projects than I had left. So I try to do something every day to earn my keep and enjoy myself as I go.


I had to leave home at 0345 yesterday to get to work at 0500. Then we worked from 0500 to 2230 and I had to drive an hour home. Because we worked so late they gave us a late start today, 0700, so I was up at 0515 and out the door at 0545. I'm on my lunch break now, trying to stay awake. I would guess we'll work until 2100 tonight but tomorrow will be an easy day. It better be easy, cuz I am wore out.

Hope all of you have a safe and productive day!
Made a dent after a tank n half of gas n about 7 airborne dog turds later I missed...
I'm arms are a tad red, so I took a break. 5 minutes into it my neighbors kids popped by.
I have a hard time putting them off even though I cherish my me time. They are good little ones and bored bored bored. They are from the city n the little girl who is about 5 n brother maybe 7 ? Like to collect eggs n visit. My place is fun because I have critters n a different lifestyle I think.
So after a cold glass of ice water for her, I figure she can help me plant onions in the garden.
She was into it n had fun and I at least got one package in the ground.
Her brother came by and..its kinda funny..but he is a totally city boy. He doesn't like tall grass, freaks out about ticks n yellow jackets, not real into the garden because that's dirty.
But he does like collecting eggs for his mom and he has been trying to be friends with my dog. His sister blabbed on him too. He comes around when I'm not home into my back yard trying to befriend my dog.
That wigged me out a bit...
Danny dog is chill and aloof with folks. He really was pretty feral when I adopted him. He has come a long way with being social. These kids seem to understand he wasnt treated well before I go him and they have to let him make the move to be friends . Danny seems to like them whenever they visit , he follows us about like today he came out into the garden , laid in the shade n watched us plant onions. That is my dogs way of being friendly n social. When he is feeling more social he will come close , ask for a pet or friendly sniff n lay down close to observe ..
It seems to become the young man's mission to befriend Danny.
My terms are n have been only when I'm home. I had to have them both promised me to never come into my back yard when I'm not home. While I dont think my dog will do anything and so far he hasn't..I'd hate for anything to go south n frankly pissed.
I never went into peoples private space or yards without permission as a kid. That was like a sacred rule you dont break.
I think I will be installing a lock on the gate ..sucks that I have to do that but ..what choice do I have now?
Gah...other than that..I'm enjoying a cold one now..havent had a Coors since last summer..


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Been an interesting day. Ordered Ravioli from amazon, instead of 4 cans, they delivered 24 :p. Nobody likes ravioli that much, so I text the neighbor to see if her grandkids will eat it. from there it was barter, she wanted to cut my grass in exchange. it went sideways from there, the backyard neighbor runs out to make sure I'm ok cause the other neighbor is cutting my grass :p. this is gonna be fun :p
Quail hatched today, unfortunately only 2 out of 18 (so far, I'll give them another day before I write them off). Just realized the humidity reading in the incubator hasn't changed the entire time, so I think it's broken - which may be part of my problem. I'll get an auxiliary one before the next batch to see if we can't do better - usually I get a 75-80% hatch rate.

Heading out in a bit to check and see if we can see the lunar eclipse. Have to wait for the moon to rise over the mountains, which will give a pretty short window to see it.
Farmer’s market and nursery. Got tomato plants, cukes, summer squash, and a cold-hardy rosemary. Also bean seeds and fennel seeds, and more netting to deal with the deer, and a soaker hose for the veggie beds. Hopefully it will improve on hand-watering.

I’ve promised myself a seed-starting setup for Christmas. Plants have gotten really expensive and they didn’t have the same varieties this year that we liked last year.
…, I've learned to "work the windows" at certain times of day, allowing cool air in at night and sealing in that air as the outside temperature rises. When done properly, I don't have to mess with the A/C, just run a fan in the hottest part of the day. Saves money…

That’s how my dad taught me.
There was a point when I recognized there more time associated with completing those projects than I had left. So I try to do something every day to earn my keep and enjoy myself as I go.

Me, too! I know people who spend a day out knocking out the projects. I have to do a little bit every day. Some would call me a gradualist.

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