I fed the cat, fed myself, took a nap, rinse repeat. made some posts.
Mel, looks great! Would you be willing to start a thread about worm farming?My worm farm.
...have you had your gall bladder removed or digestion issues by chance?I fell asleep after my last post. Didn't get jack squat done. Slept all day. Mom woke me up several times "Are you STILL sleeping?" I got up and prepared food for her and had some cereal for myself but had no energy for anything else. Might have to call my doctor about getting these thyroid meds replaced even though I still have a 2month supply. They just aren't working.
There was a point when I recognized there more time associated with completing those projects than I had left. So I try to do something every day to earn my keep and enjoy myself as I go.I have to finish mowing..I have a bunch of stuff I have to do , but I know after mowing I'll likely be done. I no longer fret if I dont get everything done on my weekends. I've finally givin myself permission to at least enjoy some of my time off sitting around , reading n relaxing.
I've never had that attitude mainly because I could get everything on my to do list done.
...now I'm like ehh...I'll get to it.
It's been such weird weather this year, I'd say try and see what happens!!Church this morning and than went home and got some plants in the ground today. Do you it’s too late to get carrots and onion seeds in the ground in zone 6?
…, I've learned to "work the windows" at certain times of day, allowing cool air in at night and sealing in that air as the outside temperature rises. When done properly, I don't have to mess with the A/C, just run a fan in the hottest part of the day. Saves money…
Me, too! I know people who spend a day out knocking out the projects. I have to do a little bit every day. Some would call me a gradualist.There was a point when I recognized there more time associated with completing those projects than I had left. So I try to do something every day to earn my keep and enjoy myself as I go.