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@Heartbroken isn't it great when the young ones pitch in? Mine did on Monday and between us all we cleaned things up and now I have poison oak! Wasn't even greening up yet with leaves and all that, nope. I got it from pulling the roots I guess, but I don't have it on my hands or palms, I have it on my arms. I thought some of the roots were Virginia creeper because I know both are in that area of the yard.
Sorry it hurts so much to finagle the saw. I'm sure the deer are happier. They like to eat everyone's shrubs, perennials, and annuals around here.
Beautiful weather today.
Iron when I'm not so tired I can't think I'm going to ask you about your advice - remind me!
Exhausted and hurting, spent the afternoon trying to cut back one of the overgrown apple trees here on the new homestead. I've never done that before so I hope I didn't butcher the poor tree too badly. Cut a lot of the straight up branches the book calls water sprouts; some of them were 15' long or more. Cut out dead stuff and stuff that was crossing; there's more to do but I just couldn't lift my arms anymore. My one shoulder has really become a limiting factor as I age. The tree does look a lot better.
But I feel a sense of accomplishment, I've been looking out the window at the tree all winter and thinking I need to get at that! So I finally did. Had the helpers here today, they pulled out the barbed wire fence that the previous owner had put up to try to keep the deer out of his garden. It was unsightly and the deer walked through it like it wasn't even there anyways. Except for when I step outside, they see me and panic and take off running right into it. The other day a doe got herself so badly caught I was afraid I'd have to deal with her, but she finally ripped free. So I'm glad that won't be happening anymore. I invested in a post puller, boy, did that work great! The young guys are into lifting weights and like to pull the posts by main force, but they would bend them, so I had to put a stop to that. It saved time, too, there were a lot of posts to pul
Sounds like you did good with the tree. Sprouts, crossing limbs,a nd dead wood should go for sure. I have saw it recommended not to take more than 1/3 of the wood in a given year
Scratching my head.

About 2 hours ago I noticed 3 power blinks, (ours never blinks :mad:).
It's been just fine since.
No bad weather or winds.
Evidently others near me were not so lucky:

11,000 may not sound like much, but that's about 25% of us:oops:.
Power has been restored to the customers that were affected.

A SLEMCO representative said the cause of the outage was a broken arrester, which is a device used in electric power transmission and telecommunication systems.
People that worry constantly about 'tha-grid' going down, forget all about the fact that we have people that work on that stuff :thumbs:.
Folks here were probably without power for only about 2 hours.:rolleyes:
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Yeah my knee is buggered. Sitting here icing it. I decided to try to make another run. On the chair with Hubby and a nice young fella on a snowboard. When we went to get off the lift, he accidentally kicked his board over under one ski and on the other and I went down 🙄. Haven’t gone down in 2-3 years and today twice 😡. (Once my own fault, one not).
Come soak it in my pool!!
Most people from Boise take 55 to McCall. But I agree, I hate seeing 1A plates around here. I always drive whatever speed that I feel comfortable with. It could be 50 or 95. I don't know what the issue is about 95, there are plenty of passing lanes. I've never had any problem driving to Ontario or Boise. Now that my wife isn't commuting to Alaska every 3 weeks, I avoid Boise like the plague.
I always know when 55 is closed..traffic around here gets really nuts. Most of the time between my place and the mill, traffic is mild. It's always the 1a , or 2c, cali oregon or wa knuckle heads driving stupid.
In the 9 years I've been here..I've been to boise 3 times. I'm ok with that..
Yesterday was interesting.
Took it off to get stuff done.
More n more I really dislike driving down to Ontario Oregon. It seems it doesnt matter what day it is anymore..it is always so traffic congested getting around there.
Plus, people on the highway drive like lunatics. The speed limit waffles between 55 n 65 ..but if your not pushing 70 -75..folks start getting aggressive on your bumper ..everyone is passing.
I really really dislike tailgaters..
It was raining a bit..roads are wet so I'm crusing at 60. For the first 40 minutes going down, not much traffic..no one behind me. Up north on this highway yesterday am, the highway closed due to a slide. It opens up and everyone musta been trying to make up time ..flying down the highway.
Well..about 20 or so vehicles catch up to me. I see a string of them in the rearview flying . I thought..welp..road must be open. So..I'm thinking 60ish mph on a wet road is good. I'm not one to get pressured into speeding up for jerks..so every chance someone got..about 15 vehicles pass.
One *$$'ol I saw decided to pass about 5 cars at once..right when mr big white truck pulling a toy hauler decides to pass me as the car is passing him. So little silver car almost got pushed into the northbound ditch , big white truck almost rear ends / sideswiped me getting back into the southbound lane behind me..thankfully he didnt ..I'm still going 60...silver car passes white truck and me and the car behind white truck almost rear ends white truck.
Youd think that stop the rest of the cars from passing..
Only about 10 cars left at this point ..the last 3 in that string didnt pass n they drove normal.
I take the back road to onterio..easy going thankfully untill I get into that town..then it bumper to bumper.
Before I retired, my commute was 1/2 hour each way, except for Friday afternoon. Friday afternoon was predictably at least an hour. In Colorado, people are getting ready or are already heading to the mountains. I always wondered if people had procrastinated until Friday to get things done. I don't know. It just always seemed to be the worst time to be on the road.
still waiting on the last 2 ewes to have their babies
feeding the little rejects ( 4 times a day for now)
everyone going out today, the weather is supposed to be nice

I am not in a good mood, was very much looking forward to visit from daughter and family and her truck is still broke ( they only have 1 vehicle) and waiting on the part she ordered. This is typical for her, nothing every works out. I feel bad for her. This was their last trip before he gets deployed for the rest of the year and now they are stuck there with no transportation
I was also looking forward to seeing the grandbaby again

Debating on if I should clean the house anyway in case they manage to get the parts Monday and fix it, and still come or if I should just let it go. We have plenty of other things to do right now
Yeah my knee is buggered. Sitting here icing it. I decided to try to make another run. On the chair with Hubby and a nice young fella on a snowboard. When we went to get off the lift, he accidentally kicked his board over under one ski and on the other and I went down 🙄. Haven’t gone down in 2-3 years and today twice 😡. (Once my own fault, one not).
so sorry, hope it gets better soon
I was going to say I am jealous but now I am reminded how fast you can get injured skiing. This is one of the reasons I don't want to ski anymore. I always just skied on the black slopes because usually nobody gets in your way or runs into you there, but too old for that now most likely , that's besides my bad foot
I never get on the lift with snowboarders except my kids, they get in the way lOL , I just wait for the next lift
My favorite ski areas were those that have a complete seperate area with no beginner slopes ( Stowe Vermont comes to mind, no beginner in their right mind goes up that gondola, they have lots of warning signs also )
That's awesome! I plan on getting one soon. I thought about looking to find a used one but ..it seems they are few n far between around here.
Then I thought maybe it's better to splurge on a new one. I like using my stove and I'd like to get a good amount stocked up.
My neighbor always let's me borrow theirs in exchange for watching their place when they are gone. As much as I appreciate the use, Its time i get my own.
So instead of getting a new utility trailer, I will find a used one of those and a new log splitter for me!
we just have a few axes
I find splitting the wood is not as hard as cutting it in the first place . I can't use our large chainsaw, it's just too heavy. Our son usually cuts down the trees and cuts them up. I can only use the small chainsaw to cut off branches
this is why we order a lot of our wood already cut. Only so much time and our bodies are getting too old to do all that
question: how much are you spending on propane per winter if you use that for heating? ( and live in a cold place, not in the south)

Yes, its for real. Our media is bought and paid for propaganda. You need a pretty secure setup including VPNs to find news elsewhere if you aren't with the programming. A new very vague hate law is being passed. Anyone can accuse you of anything anonymously without proof. Criticizing the shysters who think they are in control will get you a 70,000. Fine and life time house arrest with an ankle bracelet.

People here and in Aussie land are moving to that place that cannot be mentioned which starts with an R. Siberia is the (in) place to be these days. Who saw that coming?

Alberta is fighting back.

Any ways, it's just about time for me to leave. Nine to eleven hour road trip depending on conditions.
Survived the cancer surgery a week ago. Endometrial Cancer Grade 1 (total hysterectomy). Can not count the staples they put in me theres so many *ugh*
Spent 2 nights in the hospital and got home saturday afternoon.
Been off the Oxy for 6 days now. Only tylenol and ibuprofen for pain and inflammation.
Hubby has been stepping up big time. Can't stand long so I'm not cooking anything he is (or buying take out lol)
He has to dress me since I can't bend over
He's been wonderful
Been sleeping in a lift chair recliner that he bought special on sunday. Its a lifesaver.
I'm not allowed to drive for a month (so far), no bending, no twisting, lifting nothing heavier than 5 lbs and plenty more " can nots".
No steps but I can walk on flat surfaces
Blood thinner by injection every 12 hours for another week
Next post op check on friday
I doubt I'll get much of a garden this year since I should already be starting seeds in the greenhouse

I know its a hassle, I know it can be embarrassing or even painful for some, but
It can save your life
we just have a few axes
I find splitting the wood is not as hard as cutting it in the first place . I can't use our large chainsaw, it's just too heavy. Our son usually cuts down the trees and cuts them up. I can only use the small chainsaw to cut off branches
this is why we order a lot of our wood already cut. Only so much time and our bodies are getting too old to do all that
question: how much are you spending on propane per winter if you use that for heating? ( and live in a cold place, not in the south)
I use my ax n mauls half the time but same issue..I'm getting old and the splitter makes it easy n saves time.
I use propane only for my cookstove and water heater. So , I dont use much really. The generator has it's own propane tank.
For heating the living space ( I call it the Tin Can, a old singlewide for now)
I use my wood stove when I'm home , and two electric heaters otherwise.
It's barely sufficient for idaho winters during the work week. I didnt think I'd be in the Tin Can this long but life happens, sometimes plans dont work out like they should.
I've been pretty lucky tho in the time of 9 years I've only froze one pipe n it didnt break thankfully!
Woke up at 0430 . Way too early on a day off so I tried a guided meditation online to relax. It worked and I slept again untill 0730. Hopefully I'll be tired tonight.
I'm going to skip church today. I wasnt able to get much done this weekend. Friday I was gone all day n drama that night. Yesterday, after dog walk, voting and socializing at the caucus, then spontaneous trip to the tire shop in town. I stopped in to get a tire quote n to see if they could check a sticky break on the truck. They had cancellations due to the crappy weather yesterday so they checked out my breaks. I just had my machanic check it he said he fixed it but ..it was still sticking. Since he is pretty busy n I wanted to get a quote for new tires anyway..it worked out.
Turns out he overlooked a part on my one of my breaks that is not working right n not backing the pad off the rotor like it should. It's so corroded too it's kinda falling apart when the guy tapped it with the hammer. Not sure how that was missed but whatever..I'm going to get the breaks fixed a shock in back that I blew out last fall too. The tires can wait till next fall.
Anyways, today will be making my lunches , 2nd batch of dog food, chores n relax by the fire some.
Loading the car for a drop at the thrift store, and a drop at the north house.

Cleaned the new tires, the doofus at the dealer didn't inflate em right, or clean off the tire lube. They got BOMBED in their customer satisfaction survey, won't be going back there EVER.

Credit card got hacked, so it's cancelled, can't buy anything till on credit till the new one comes in, oh the AGONY :p. Cash is still KING.
My sony dvd/Bray player died a couple days ago. Found one on amerzit, basically an up to date version of my old one which I liked. Found the same model for $30 less at the big box electronics store in town, on sale.

I need a new laptop also, old one died last summer. Since I just got high speed fiberoptic internet… I want to take a couple online classes but my desktop doesn’t have a camera or a mic for video chat. So I’ve been looking at laptops since christmas.

Found a Dell 14” on sale, $250 off. It’ll do what I need, much better than my old one. It came with windows11. Anyone know what an “S” switch is? Or how to check it? The kid at the store told me the switch was already turned off. Told me I could load Linux on it when I was ready.

I may leave windows on it despite the fact I hate windows (much prefer Linux). It’s working the way it is and has 1yr of warranty from Dell. I’m only going to use the laptop for music and class, not for browsing or any other purpose. Still undecided when to load Linux, now or a year from now.

Long story short, spent $800 this morning... but i got biscuits n gravy while in town so the day wasn't a total waste.
Afyer delaying a day and then an extra hour die to mechanical problems with the plane I finally made it to Fort Worth. Practiced the route to the convention center and found a grocery store. Ate up some fine vidals, while watching The Beverly Hillbillies.

I have been awake since 7am yesterday, drove to Vegas at 2am to catch a 6am flight that left about 7-something. I did catch a few short naps but nothing significant.
It’s about 5pm local time and I am about ready for bed.
Trade show starts in the morning.
Sweet dreams.
Got the peas and the spinach planted. Levi wanted to help, and really was a help. I sent him home with extra snap pea seeds I had to also plant at his house. We talked about what can go into the ground now, and what has to wait for mid march. He's wanting to help do the potatoes and onions in a few weeks when they go in. Got two of the dehydrators filled with canned beans that just expired...one with pinto and one with ranch. So they will be stored as "fast" beans...just add water. Out of steam now, having an ice tea and will be starting dinner. Little granddaughter visited with her mom all afternoon, and they did alot of painting on some canvas. Didn't finish the windows, but tomorrow is another day.
My sony dvd/Bray player died a couple days ago. Found one on amerzit, basically an up to date version of my old one which I liked. Found the same model for $30 less at the big box electronics store in town, on sale.

I need a new laptop also, old one died last summer. Since I just got high speed fiberoptic internet… I want to take a couple online classes but my desktop doesn’t have a camera or a mic for video chat. So I’ve been looking at laptops since christmas.

Found a Dell 14” on sale, $250 off. It’ll do what I need, much better than my old one. It came with windows11. Anyone know what an “S” switch is? Or how to check it? The kid at the store told me the switch was already turned off. Told me I could load Linux on it when I was ready.

I may leave windows on it despite the fact I hate windows (much prefer Linux). It’s working the way it is and has 1yr of warranty from Dell. I’m only going to use the laptop for music and class, not for browsing or any other purpose. Still undecided when to load Linux, now or a year from now.

Long story short, spent $800 this morning... but i got biscuits n gravy while in town so the day wasn't a total waste.
I was looking for a new blu-ray dvd player and then realized my Xbox does that. it's been "sanitized" for the country house :). Has some limitations, but it will do
I was out doing chores today and I noticed my left leg was hurting a little. Went up to the fur shed and got a fire going. Leg was hurting a lot more. The wife called me down for lunch and I could bearly walk down to the house. The wife had to help me walk. Not sure what's wrong, but it's slightly better now. At least I can walk a short distance without assistance now.

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