What's everybody doing today?

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Just finished putting in a new culvert in a small creek so I can access some meadows that I want to till and plant pasture grass. Now I can safely get my tractor and equipment out there.
Yesterday I ordered a new pressure washer and a replacement engine for the rototiller. Today's high temp was 40 degs with wind and snow. Its still too cold to plant any of our pastures, maybe next week.
The wife is still recovering from her hospital adventure.
Drove east on I40.
There was a bad wreck in NM.
It happened at 10:30 and as far as I can tell I40 is still closed.
A motorhome rear-ended a semi and burst into flames.
1 died at the scene and the other is in critical condition at the hospital.
Traffic was backed up for miles.
We got off I40 at the last ramp before the crash and were able to drive around it.
We were in stopped traffic for over 2 hours.
Messed around the campground most of the day. Got a call at 430 my truck was ready. Went and got it and turned in the rental. Picked up some take out. Been sitting around a fire for several hours and packing up what I can. Gotta head home in the morning. Its been a good trip overall...minus the repairs. Still had a good time
Drove east on I40.
There was a bad wreck in NM.
It happened at 10:30 and as far as I can tell I40 is still closed.
A motorhome rear-ended a semi and burst into flames.
1 died at the scene and the other is in critical condition at the hospital.
Traffic was backed up for miles.
We got off I40 at the last ramp before the crash and were able to drive around it.
We were in stopped traffic for over 2 hours.
Wow BL! Are you out of NM yet? It’s been a rough state for you :huggs:
Messed around the campground most of the day. Got a call at 430 my truck was ready. Went and got it and turned in the rental. Picked up some take out. Been sitting around a fire for several hours and packing up what I can. Gotta head home in the morning. Its been a good trip overall...minus the repairs. Still had a good time
Campfires tend to make things better 😁
Good Deal, Stay away from Dr's as much as possible...!!! Everything We Need to Cure US is available without Dr's...!!
not everything is legal on a flight to Europe and in Europe ( Ireland is the problem, should have booked a flight to Amsterdam instead)

well the new substitute meds the doctor did give me does nothing LOL, at least I couldn't tell. I took one last night before bed and nothing ....ended up smoking some weed and slept all night.
got a lot done yesterday, I did the shopping, husband went to pick up feed and the meat
plus took dog for hike and planted the rest of the potatoes
today I need to plant the rest of my potted plants, plus onions
Oh, we took care of some more lambs ( ear tag, banded and CDT shots) , 10 more to go....
the Orf is all cleared up , most of them didn't get it, mostly just the bottle lambs
1 more week of 3 bottles a day then we start weaning them, finally
We also have to get ready for the market
Got to work this morning and found out that a train derailed last night, on the site where we were shooting welds yesterday. I'm reasonably certain that the work we did yesterday was good and we didn't cause it. However, since we were the last group to work in there, the bigwigs will try and blame us. The cause was a broken rail, which makes sense because the rail in there is old and worn out. So anyway, we are looking at a bunch of overtime to get the track back in service. It's raining and it's a muddy mess. Looks like a great day...
Bee🐝 Safe out there...!!! ☃️
coffee, discovered yesterday that the patch repair on my little mutant tractor did not last, now I know
When I get home from work I'm going to make cannabutter, clean my room, and get set up to play some Zelda throughout the weekend. I'm also going to make a batch of ABV tea and drink it when I put the butter in the fridge to sit overnight. Then I'm going to lose myself in video games until work next Tuesday.
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i have been trying to get over what started as a flue then morphed into a head cold then yesterday woke up feeling like I had appendicitis or something and today shifted back to coughing and post nasal drip....finaly relented and took some all in one flue and cold medicine....as well as oregeno oil and black walnut tinture. the wife and I have been battling this for going on two weeks and it is accompanied by extreme fatigue ...
Rubbing the Eyes after breakfast and Now just Pondering the Possibilities for the "Rest" of the Day...!!! Try to Have a Good One to All that pass thru here...!! ☃️

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