What's everybody doing today?

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It’s 2:30 am and I’m waiting for @Pearl to log on. Actually I’m waiting for the sound of steam moving through cast iron pipes. Woke up at 2 to a very cold nose and dog practically on top of me. Yup, furnace not running. It needed a “reset.” Worse part is getting dressed and schlepping to the basement. Sucks for me because basement access is from the main hallway of the building and I live over the garage. When you go outside and it’s 20°, it sure wakes you up.
It’s 2:30 am and I’m waiting for @Pearl to log on. Actually I’m waiting for the sound of steam moving through cast iron pipes. Woke up at 2 to a very cold nose and dog practically on top of me. Yup, furnace not running. It needed a “reset.” Worse part is getting dressed and schlepping to the basement. Sucks for me because basement access is from the main hallway of the building and I live over the garage. When you go outside and it’s 20°, it sure wakes you up.
I almost did log in about 1:30 am! But I didn't have to make fire and the critters were sleeping, so I didn't!
If I can find it, I will share it with you.
Please do!

Today, I will do a walking video as we have @Pearl 's rain and storms.
Make ham and cheese sliders and deviled eggs for a friend coming over. It was 3 friends, but one of them had a heart attack last night and was rushed to the hospital.
In between the raindrops, I will fertilize the roses and citrus.
I was super tired last night and went to sleep around 9 , but ok today. So animal care , plus I am using up the rest of the turkey and making turkey and dumpling soup nothing gets wasted here
Also doing laundry that I didn't get to all week, before it freezes again and our hoses for the laundry freeze since they have to be outside.
I also (dreading this!!!!) need to start sorting through our paperwork and receipts to get our taxes started but that has time till January really
Son and gf left on the train early, but it was almost two hrs late in arriving. Will be missing them, really great visit. Stayed up much too late last night, husband's diabetic alarm going off in his office at 6 am when I was not getting up yet, had to go get that to shut it up. I will need lots of coffee today. So getting the house back in order, lots and lots of laundry to do, will need to get husband in the Challenger and drive to the train station to retrieve the truck our son used at some point today. Super foggy out this morning.
When I had my bronco restored, I kept the CB in it. We don’t even have a home station but I figure if something happens, it’s one more option.
We use cb radios at work . I have on in my truck too and will probably get on for in the home or shop. I can talk to and hear folks locally on channel 19 and 24. The range varies..I'm still learning about how it all works. I can hear folks from atmospheric skip all over the country which is interesting.
I like having alternative ways to communicate with locals and the group I'm in we have frc radios, cb, gmsr and a few ham folks. We check in Monday nights on it all to practice n keep our knowledge on their use up. So when it hit the fan..we have our protocols n channels in place to be able to communicate. We have /are extended our Monday night check ins to the next town north with a repeater. I need to get my fcc license so I can extend to my 5 watt and be in compliance with that. I'm operating under 5 now with just cb and frc radio, so no license needed. I'm really surprised how far my cheapo frc radio will go..but I am up above everyone too..
Not sure if we're working a full shift or short day tonight..should be a shortie ..
I gotta get ready soon..
Hopefully a shortie so I can relax a bit n get a early start on tomorrow.
Car shopping or at least find out how much I'll need to get a lower monthly payment.
It's been 20 years , the last few trucks I bought were new..but with the interest rates and price nowadays for new..isn't very appealing.
That little 2 year old crosstrek sport model for $26,000 sounds better especially since all it will be is my commuter n doggie ride for local trails n mushroom hunts. Cheaper to operate n maintain , and all wheel drive ..that will work good for now..
Got the truck picked up from the train station, some boxes of gifts mailed to son because he ran out of room to bring it back to New Mexico, and pharmacy pickup. The pharmacist held us up on a prescription for insulin...said there was a hold on it. They called us later and said it was held for contamination of all things. Weird. Husband still has some, so we'll pick it up next time we're in the bigger town. Got some 9 grain bread baked, and about to do some milk and honey wheat. Kitchen and floors are a mess, so I suppose I'll work on those too before dinner.
Cant wait for those milder days to show a bit
December Friday 27th 2024

7.15 pm
8f right now... fire going so nice

Had Italian dinner..now I sip Vodka with Pepsi

Did sit in front of fire for 20 minutes
Now I shiver ....
Dane Girl is snoring like a 10 wheeler..no joke 🤫 🐶

I wish I will feel to sleep soon

Have a great night

I got a head start on my annual house organization, clean up, purge.

I went through a bunch of stuff and loaded the car up with stuff and took it to Goodwill. I will have several trips before I am finished. I closed my online used book store a few months ago and have gotten rid of some books from the book sale shelves already. I probably have a few carloads of just books to get rid of.

Took Bernard the hound to the dog park closest to his house and later went to feed a cat.
Well Dad's surgeon was able to get an operating room sooner than originally expected. It was originally scheduled for 1/15 but now it's going to be this coming Thursday. So much pre work has to be done. Tomorrow I take him to the hospital for preadmission tests--EKG, bloodwork, chest x-ray. Tuesday early morning to his cardiologist for clearance for surgery. Calvary arrives on Monday--my brother. Had no problem getting coverage at work.

The stars aligned for me today.
Raining off/on, miserable day out. But I needed groceries so a trip to town was in order. Had to shop for me and my folks. Made a mistake right off the bat… I checked both lists, fairly short but didn’t really read them. I thought I should just use two carts, make check out simpler. The lists were short but there were several heavy items on each. I had 3 cases of soda, couple gallons of lemonade. Dad wanted a big bag of catfood, a case of water, another of soda. Even worse there were a lot more people in the store than the parking lot suggested. So I had two heavy carts in an obstacle course. Needless to say more forearms got a workout. They are actually sore tonight. Glad I decided against the 50lbs of dog food for the pup. I still got wet loading my truck but made it home without incident.

Just watching football tonight.
yeah @Peanut I can't hardly push the cart any longer when I have a usual biweekly load in it. Hurts my hands too much.
@Bacpacker hope you enjoyed your trip otherwise.
@Tommyice that's better news. Hope you sleep well tonight.
@Amish Heart you are so busy and I'd think still recovering from last month's sadness.
@Hooch I should probably be car/suv shopping soon. My chevy sedan has almost 200k on it. It's been doing okay but before anything major on it happens.
Thank you to everybody who fixes anything and keeps up with all the stuff, all the stuff. You're valuable folk. I'm sure somebody is grateful for you and praying for you, giving thanks for you, everyone. 🩷
no big plans, it's raining outside so we'll be rotating animals around to clean unless it slows down or stops, not sure yet.
I finally ran out of leftover turkey so I will have to cook a complete meal.
We got some more firewood delivered that is currently under a tarp but needs to be stacked
Every year it gets more expensive. It's not the wood, it's the delivery that costs. If we pick it up , one pickup truck load at a time, it's not that bad , just like the hay bales. We need a dump truck and a loader....( but that's wishful thinking and would be a waste of money even if we had it for just those things) . But I never see hay bales on a dump truck either.
I watched this youtube video on how the Japanese heat there homes last night, it just popped up and was very interesting. They don't have cental heating , not even in the cities or modern houses. They have space heaters they only turn on when they use the room. Then they have these really weird things, there is a space heater with a heating duct going under a table that is what looks like covered with blankets and the family sits around the table with their legs under the table. I have never seen anything like it. Anyone ever lived in Japan?
That would not work for me....a lot of people posted comments " how can a modern country live like this?" and so on. I posted " we heat with 2 wood stoves and it's also freezing in our house in the mornings , and we live in the US" LOL
I will see what if any comments I got on there
My last day off for two weeks! Some storms around this morning, think I'll do a little rearranging in the spare bedroom (aka, prepping room), take inventory! Have a list for inside and outside, so I'll play it by the weather today!
how many hours a day do you work on average? We don't get days off at all but some days we don't work as many hours as others
how many hours a day do you work on average? We don't get days off at all but some days we don't work as many hours as others
5-6 hours at cleaning jobs! Of course there's always work to do here, animal care, cutting, splitting, stacking wood, etc.! I have two dogs I'm working with right now, I go to them a couple times a week or more for less than an hour at a time. My idea of a day off is not having to leave the house! I work just as hard here most of the time, or harder! And my big "selling point" at my cleaning jobs (besides reliability and being trustworthy) is I am extremely fast and thorough! I can do in a few hours what takes other cleaning people all day!😉
No clue today, but am thinking of going into the bigger town, maybe to Atwoods, maybe to Walmart. Have a random list of things I'd like to get, and I don't want to combine it with a big grocery shop. Tired of the leftovers, so deciding what else for tonight. Little granddaughter has been working on a room cleanout, and I did promise to help her. Keeping things clean is not her strong point. I have not been successful at trapping the mouse/packrat upstairs and the other rooms are very clean, so it has to be getting it's food from her room. I'd like her to clean rabbit cages, too.
5-6 hours at cleaning jobs! Of course there's always work to do here, animal care, cutting, splitting, stacking wood, etc.! I have two dogs I'm working with right now, I go to them a couple times a week or more for less than an hour at a time. My idea of a day off is not having to leave the house! I work just as hard here most of the time, or harder! And my big "selling point" at my cleaning jobs (besides reliability and being trustworthy) is I am extremely fast and thorough! I can do in a few hours what takes other cleaning people all day!😉
wow, your life sounds a lot like ours, lots of work all the time! But that's good, better than sitting in some office

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