What's everybody doing today?

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Had a Eureka moment while feeding Dad and talking about adding protein powder to his foods. He complained about the flavor of them.

Freeze dried meats ground up and added to vegetable purée.
I don't like the flavor of protein powder. I make smoothies alot, fresh fruit and good yogurt, but I pour mine out of the blender first, then add the protein and mix again for husband.
Freeze dried meats sound like a good choice
Have been very concerned about my health since before the holidays. Lots of changes to the status que that were worrisome to say the least. Had a slew of x-rays and several other medical tests last week. Got great news yesterday and again today as results came in. Basically, just getting old. Keep doing what you’re doing, see you in 6 months. I can live with that, literally. Happy Dance!!!
The milkhouse was not as bad as I thought it'd be this morning, and the water is just leaking at a slow, steady leak, so the floor drain is taking care of it. Cleaned up in there, and will have little granddaughter do the rest after school. The geese were SOOOO HAPPY today....hoses thawed out, I was able to fill up three of their swimming pools. They were so amusing to watch that the dog and I just stood there and watched them. Ha. Today is a one coat day, not a two coat day, and the sun is out, so it's really lovely. French bread made, laundry going, other random household stuff to get done. Made a fritatta for lunch with spinach and cheese to use up extra eggs. Almost ready.
Well, we crawled under the house and put a heat tape on the pipe and plugged it in the outside socket (pups helped supervise). Next morning pipe was thawed.
So I've been doing dishes and cooking.
I washed our dirty clothes from crawling under the house.
Hubby cut his leg on a rock under there.
We were both a little sore since we're not spring chickens anymore.
Hopefully that will be all the surprises we get this week or even this month.
We've been here 40 years this coming summer and thats the first time we've had bitter cold for so long that it froze the pipe.
Tended to the greenhouse and clones.


I am shooting for about 15 elderberry bushes for the hedge along the south edge of the back field. My hopes are high.

mid morning i had something crazy happen...wind is howling here and i was going to go a few counties away today...but was in town on other errands and i seen a whirl wind start on main street as it picked up leaves and was taller than building...say 30 feet maybe....it was coming towards me and i sped up to get past it but it gained speed and came into road just as i got there and clipped rear end of my truck and i thought it would flip the truck it shook so hard...i seen it hit the little car behind me as well in mirror.....i canceled trip and came home....i didnt want to drive in this high wind on exposed mtn ridge i had to cross...wasnt that important i go there.

p.s. one place on barsoom get vehicles from cars to tractor trailers flipped regular from wind.
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Still cleaning and organizing my house and belongings. Still recovering from the days of drinking about 10 fingers of vodka or whiskey and 1/2 dozen beers every day. Gawd I wish I could just have a shot and beer! But... Nope.
You’re doing awesome. How long have you been dry? That’s no small feat.
Well my thought was confirmed, sadly the wreck I saw yesterday was fatal. Learned today he was the husband of a local teacher. So very sad.
Thankfully the winds have died down some today. Still enough snow and wind that my tracks from going uptown were completely erased from the driveway in a couple of hours.
It's warmed up enough this evening that the woodstove is keeping up alone, the furnace hasn't come on in a while. I like that.
What I remember, and will probable never forget - The last day I had a drink was December 20th 2024
Hot diggity! Keep it up. I know it’s different, but when Hubby quit chewing it was 6 months before he started singing in the shower again. You are well on your way and won’t regret your it 😁
Just got home from our shopping trip. Our little trailer is full of groceries and suff. I stopped at the JD dealership because I needed a new hitch pin and wanted to buy a new set of forks and a hydraulic back blade for my tractor. The salesman never called me back. Guess I'm not a big enough operator for them to bother with.
While we were at the ranch supply store I bought a new Savage .410 single shot. I wanted something to hang up in the barn to shoot rodents and pests.
It's been a long day.
I have a final coat of paint to do in our bathroom and the freezer room then am finished painting until the floor is in. I also got our room and a small portion of the hallway floor sealed. Then ripped the shelves out of a closet that’s going away. Have you ever encountered a place with too many closets 😲. Gravel was delivered today also.

I have a final coat of paint to do in our bathroom and the freezer room then am finished painting until the floor is in. I also got our room and a small portion of the hallway floor sealed. Then ripped the shelves out of a closet that’s going away. Have you ever encountered a place with too many closets 😲. Gravel was delivered today also.

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Looks kind of wrong with no snow on the ground. Why is there a box in that tree?
I have a final coat of paint to do in our bathroom and the freezer room then am finished painting until the floor is in. I also got our room and a small portion of the hallway floor sealed. Then ripped the shelves out of a closet that’s going away. Have you ever encountered a place with too many closets 😲. Gravel was delivered today also.

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It looks lovely! Too many closets? We didn't get closets in our house, had to buy furniture closets. A pain.
I don't have closets, a royal pain! Grandpa had chifferobes so we didn't build closets down stairs. The chifferobes disappeared when he died. I have a metal clothes cabinet and a clothes rack at the other end of the house in the laundry room. I do have a dresser in my bedroom for small items but have to walk to the laundry room for anything else. 😞
My incubator is coming out in a few weeks, and also getting time to cull excess roosters. Lost count of how many chickens we actually have, going to guess 40 to 50, but some are roos. After seeing what hatcheries are charging...omg. I'll stick with the barnyard mixes. Hopefully no bird flu supposed nonsense stops our monthly fowl sales. Prices there are usually very good, but not the first few in the spring, they are high then.
we just buy pullets are RK, one less thing to have to deal with
We also buy cornish cross meat birds there, don't think regular roosters taste good. Usually if we get one, I make soup out of it, or it goes to the dogs
I sure hope there is no bird flu here either but so far not. Only the barn pigeons are getting eaten by something sometimes. Not sure what. Found another one almost eaten yesterday on the ground outside. Have not seen any cats around, nor heard any coyotes or seen paw prints . I wonder what it is
so we went to the city yesterday , dropped off eggs, picked up newspapers and I got a library card and some books, it's much bigger than the one in our little town. Then we went swimming, did 22 or 24 laps, lost count but was very tired last night, so I got exercise.
Then we went shopping and to the bank.

today still wind warning, so we will have to really watch the barn door if we let the goats out or just kick them out and close it, and let them back in later. I might just do that, it's not freezing.
We need to stack the wood we got so it doesn't get more wet. It does actually burn, tried it
I would love to have a clean house and laundry but there is only so much time in the day so today it's wood and finish the taxes. I would rather clean the house but they need to get done
I'm going to walk in a few minutes. Supposed to get up to about 70 today. Yay!
Pick up my friend and hit the thrift store.
Then the day old bread store and visit a friend in a nursing home.
Next, my friend has a doc appt.
Then going to lunch and maybe Marshall's (I have a gift card from Christmas).
When I get home, I need to clean up the grill and cover it up.

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