What's everybody doing today?

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This morning, I will walk first.
Look for a missing magazine article.
Do our personal filing for the year and put away.
This afternoon, I get my hair cut.
This evening, Bible Study.

We did get the inversion table finished! It takes up some room. We are getting rid of a large chair that doesn't get sat in much in the living room and putting it there. We have a pretty small house so if we add something large, we get rid of something.
Woke up with what appears to be a sinus infection, based on what I saw when I blew my nose. Lost of blood and yellow in there. I don't feel stuffed up or anything though. Not sure what today will bring. The Rav4 has a coolant leak somewhere so I've got to get it to the shop. Gotta do some cleaning too. I'll see how that goes...
done with the animals just in time for a big downpour. We are having a thunderstorm like Florida in August here in February, wow, weird weather for sure. We let the sheep out , cleaned and put them back in. They knew they wanted in too LOL, stood at the gate looking sad, even if it wasn't raining then.
I messed up all the way around this year with the sheep and could kick myself. Usually I am much more organized with all that. Not only did I forget to write down when we put the ram in, I also forgot to buy CDT vaccine a few days ago. The ewes should get that around 2 weeks before they are due ( so they can transfer immunity to their lambs) but now I think I only have a week left. They look like they are ready to pop any day now

Just started on my sauce for lasagna , it will have to cook for at least another hour , so we will eat late.
-29 here in the mountains. The booster pump went out on the bus and no replacement available. That means almost zero heat. I have had cold feet and hands for a week now even with mitts and good winter boots. I have permission to refuse kids trying to get on the bus without winter gear. It's been peaceful.

They got new transit buses. Made in Georgia and stupid as all heck. They have heat but it cycles on and off. As soon as the bus reaches set heat temperature, it cuts off the heat and turns on the air conditioning. Some creative b***hing going on about that one.
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To me it depends on size of the eggs. If they're laying big eggs, I'd go to whatever size XL eggs are selling for at the grocery store and add $1 to the price. If they're laying smaller eggs, like a lot of free range chickens seem to do, then add $1 to what the store is selling regular size eggs for.

Store bought large eggs haven't hit $6 here yet, but they're at $5.49 and climbing...
Yikes. Makes me miss having chickens. I think the ones I got from 4H were supposed to be fryers but they were good egg layers. They had very large eggs. Sometime they had triple yolks. I've noticed the size of the "jumbo" eggs has gotten smaller and they are no bigger than regular sized eggs-- although tis possible someone has been swapping eggs out of the containers.

Phone has been ringing with spam calls. Caller ID said "Probable Fraud" on one of them. So annoying. Didn't even bother answering.

Had 10 cats in my room earlier (so only 2 were not in). I'm trying to motivate myself to clean the litterboxes.
Spent all morning working on the snowblower. Finally got everything working, took it out of the shop and started down the road. Everything was working great, for the first 200 feet. There was a tree across the road. Tried backing up and slid off the road and got stuck. Went and got the tractor and pulled it home, then cleared the tree. Saw that both rear chains were twisted off the tires. So back in the shop again. All fixed now. After I warm up I'm going back out and try it again.
One thing I noticed was there's about 4 inches of solid ice under the snow.
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The sun finally came out today. Went to the coffee shop for a 20 oz cup of hot black Costa Rican, worked out at the gym, ate some Campbell's chicken noodle soup with extra chicken added to it for lunch, made an appointment to get my RAV4 into the shop for a coolant leak, and am going to the pharmacy in a bit. At 4:30 I'll head over to GF's place. She has a Zoom job interview this afternoon. There's a large contracting company near here that's expanding their payroll department and she's interviewing for payroll manager. It's a $10k raise, salary instead of hourly, not more than 45 hrs/week with option to leave early on Fridays, with company stock for year end bonus. Only drawback is a 30 minute commute each way vs the 1 mile commute she has now. She's super excited and I'm sure she'll want to talk about how the interview went, whether good or bad...
Looked at the weather forecast.
Bought muscadine seeds just because I'm learning to grow and propagate muscadines and wanted something to experiment with.
Thought about using a branch from some of my one year old muscadine vines to start grow tips (if anyone can answer this please dm me).
Looked up information on the Mother Vine on Roanoke Island and wished I had a piece of it.
Ordered a gas cap.
Will probably go to GriefShare later.
Might plant a couple of shrubs and onions.
Read about muscadines in general. Thought about improving the trellis around my Scarlett and Cowart vines and my Carlos vines.
Cleaning out the spare room where I have had the freeze dryers.. our medium started losing it's brains and probably needs a circuit board or something but for now the large one keeps me busy....so I got the medium on my hand truck and with a little help got it up a half flight of stairs and out to the shed for now.
The room it was in was once part of a small apartment so it already has a sink I installed and I am moving a stove and fridge in. We have big plans for a garden and canning this summer and fall and the room will be the action center.
Our house sharing family is young and enthusiastic so with our seeds and knowledge and their work it should work..
Chopped a bunch of garlic for the freeze dryer and stripped the turkey we bought cheap and made a load for the freeze dryer, filled in around the edges with broccoli.
I knew a man who had something like that snowblower, it was a nightmare. The idea for function was basically sound, with a twin cylinder Honda engine for power and could be mounted on practically anything. Problem was that it's over complicated with electronic circuit boards and whatnot. It was a failure, I wouldn't be surprised if the company folded. Hope you have better luck.
My blower has a 25hp Kohler engine. So far everything works fine on it. My biggest issue is it's not heavy duty enough for my location. Plus it needs a little more horse power. I'm thinking about putting a liquid cooled diesel on it. It takes awhile to eat through 3 or 4 feet of snow. The way it mounts to my side by side doesn't leave much ground clearance either. Haven't figured out how to improve on that yet.
It's corned beef sloppy Joe day.
We had sloppy Joe’s yesterday also. 🤤
This morning, I will walk first.
Look for a missing magazine article.
Do our personal filing for the year and put away.
This afternoon, I get my hair cut.
This evening, Bible Study.

We did get the inversion table finished! It takes up some room. We are getting rid of a large chair that doesn't get sat in much in the living room and putting it there. We have a pretty small house so if we add something large, we get rid of something.
Does it collapse down so you could slide it under the bed?
A couple trips to and fro the new place. The floor underlayment is down and ready to begin the flooring. Tomorrow we’re moving the fuel yanks and raised beds 😵. If you’re the praying type, maybe send one up that it all goes smoothly.
Current house has boxes stacked so as soon as we have floors, it’s really gonna be go time.
Worked on food storage and repacking for a couple of hours after going to the post office and amish grocery. Husband wanted to get our beater farm truck down to the mechanic in our little town, so he did manage to get in it and drive there, I followed and picked him up. Then went all the way back again because he left his phone in there. Ha. Grocery had a great deal on pears, 3lb bags for 99 cents, I got the last 5. The ones I got earlier in the week were ripe enough to peel and freeze, so I did 8 qt bags for the freezer, have a bunch more to do tomorrow. I need to buy more buckets with lids.
A couple trips to and fro the new place. The floor underlayment is down and ready to begin the flooring. Tomorrow we’re moving the fuel yanks and raised beds 😵. If you’re the praying type, maybe send one up that it all goes smoothly.
Current house has boxes stacked so as soon as we have floors, it’s really gonna be go time.
Y'all have your work cut out for you!! Prayers for a smooth day!!
My blower has a 25hp Kohler engine. So far everything works fine on it. My biggest issue is it's not heavy duty enough for my location. Plus it needs a little more horse power. I'm thinking about putting a liquid cooled diesel on it. It takes awhile to eat through 3 or 4 feet of snow. The way it mounts to my side by side doesn't leave much ground clearance either. Haven't figured out how to improve on that yet.
I worked where we sold similar if smaller snow blowers for 4 wheelers... cabin owners here in montana used them for getting thru the drifts... the ones i worked on hung really low also.....great for roads but not so good for rougher situations.
Tracking up the side by sides and ATV's kinda became popular....altho a lot of drive failures if they are used hard. The stress would also take out the electric power steering on the KYMKO's.
High teens "F" for todays temps.. Weather warnings out for 4 to 8" of snow by late Saturday.. Will see..

I had a 5' three point snow blower on the back of the 32HP compact diesel tractor.. It was not fast, but worked well in the far frozen north.. Also had a 5' blade on the side by side.. It worked OK, but could be easily overwhelmed with too much snow.. Biggest thing was there was usually a layer of ice, slick hard pack snow next to the frozen drive.. I used the teeth on the tractor front end loader to back drag grooves in the ice for safer walking and driving.. My 5 cents of experience..
I got the snow plow dug out, but it's encased in ice and frozen to the ground, can't budge it with the tractor. I'll go up in the morning with a shovel and pick and see if I can break it loose. I might have bent the mounting hooks too. I'll figure it out tomorrow. I'm beat, tired and cold.
At that point I wouldn't be above saying "screw it" Let it snow.... nothing 'needs' to be dug-out and put to use immediately, especially with the risk of breaking something. Make the best of your preps, keep the house warm, the electricity on, bacon and eggs in your belly and the wife happy. ;)
my friend sent me a link to a news article about 100000 eggs getting stolen from a farm in PA...wow . She suggested ( joking) we now need to guard our hen house ...

today it looks like it won't rain, so everyone is going out. I need to make a vet appointment for Axel the livestock dog. He has been limping all week. I can't see anything wrong with his paw, and thought it was just a minor sprain stepping in a hole or something but it's not getting better
Other than that regular animal care, no other plans for today
At that point I wouldn't be above saying "screw it" Let it snow.... nothing 'needs' to be dug-out and put to use immediately, especially with the risk of breaking something. Make the best of your preps, keep the house warm, the electricity on, bacon and eggs in your belly and the wife happy. ;)
But he needed more bacon
At that point I wouldn't be above saying "screw it" Let it snow.... nothing 'needs' to be dug-out and put to use immediately, especially with the risk of breaking something. Make the best of your preps, keep the house warm, the electricity on, bacon and eggs in your belly and the wife happy. ;)
Yeah but @Mountain trapper would be snowed in for months possibly. Remember, he's almost out of bacon!! 😮🥓🥓🥓
We had sloppy Joe’s yesterday also. 🤤

Does it collapse down so you could slide it under the bed?
It does, but our beds are on the floor so dogs can jump up on them. It's going in the living room today as we got the big chair out yesterday. That would have been a good idea!
At that point I wouldn't be above saying "screw it" Let it snow.... nothing 'needs' to be dug-out and put to use immediately, especially with the risk of breaking something. Make the best of your preps, keep the house warm, the electricity on, bacon and eggs in your belly and the wife happy. ;)
I would agree but if I don't get the road open within the next few days, and we get another 3 or 4 feet of snow like they're predicting, then we're stuck until May. We have plenty of food and fuel on hand so thats not a problem. We have a doctors appointment on Wednesday that we should probably go to.

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