Chiropractor appointment this morning then more homework. Might go hiking after kiddo pickup today, it's sunny again!!
Wish I could reschedule my dentist today, my least favorite thing to do, but husband is intent on going. Dentists are always finding something wrong.Since our road is still impassable we had to cancel our dentist and our eye doctor appointment and another doctor appointment for me. Thats alright. I don’t like going to doctors anyway. They're just drug pushers anyway now days.
We rescheduled for April.
Plastic liners that I put in crockpot before filling with food. At the end all I do is pull out the liner and very little if any clean up to do. I use them and also roaster liners. Big time savers!What are crockpot liners?
Have a chiropractor appointment in a little bit then a couple quick errands, then to the old house one last time to finish sweeping up and dig up some of my plants to bring home.
I love them. Same with the roaster liners!Plastic liners that I put in crockpot before filling with food. At the end all I do is pull out the liner and very little if any clean up to do. I use them and also roaster liners. Big time savers!