Sunshine here today and above freezing. The winds have finally died down and aside from a few tree branches I don't see any damage. The south field is flooded and yesterday the winds made it look like I lived on a big lake with waves. Thankfully it's not badly flooded in the yard so I only had to wade a little bit to go hang linens on the line. First time in a while! I normally hang laundry out year-round, but the snow was so deep I couldn't get at the lines since November.
I was concerned about the amount of creosote I could see on my chimney so I called the sweeper. Yeah, it was bad, could easily have had a chimney fire. Turns out the "seasoned" oak I had delivered wasn't. I knew it wasn't good since it was so hard to burn, but they tested it and it was 20% moisture. So that's the third guy that promised a delivery of seasoned firewood and failed the promise.
First flat of tomato seedlings are ready to pot up, which makes room to start another flat. Is there some sort of help group for those who can't stop filling flats with seeds?
Haven't been sleeping well and having a hard time getting motivated for my chores. Resorting to higher caffeine dosages today to get my butt moving. Time to go hang the last load of laundry and start scrubbing the kitchen.