What's everybody doing today?

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Done got the chickens feed , right now I am sipping on another cup of coffee and waiting for the excavator to be delivered so I can get my operator on it and begin digging a hole for the bomb shelter / root cellar - Then off to digging to see if we can hit water at the spring area for a more convenient emergency water source . -- The community water system that I am on has been down for a few days , so I plan to refrain from getting down in one of the holes doing shovel work until we have a better way to get water for doing laundry and bathing .
Ha Ha that's hysterical. But I live in Kansas and we don't have any hills. It's all flat here.
Well, ok, we have one hill on our property, and it's the dirt from the basement we had dug, so we use it as a shooting berm, and little granddaughter and Levi use it to sled down when it snows. We are so hill less here that kids go to the highway overpass, and sled below it.
Done got the chickens feed , right now I am sipping on another cup of coffee and waiting for the excavator to be delivered so I can get my operator on it and begin digging a hole for the bomb shelter / root cellar - Then off to digging to see if we can hit water at the spring area for a more convenient emergency water source . -- The community water system that I am on has been down for a few days , so I plan to refrain from getting down in one of the holes doing shovel work until we have a better way to get water for doing laundry and bathing .
I've always wondered about "community water service" and how that works. Sonya, is that what you have, too? Do you pay for it and share it? Is it a shared well?
I've always wondered about "community water service" and how that works. Sonya, is that what you have, too? Do you pay for it and share it? Is it a shared well?
my experience with the community water system . We have our own well but it stopped working a bit over a year ago , and as we had the community water stub out decided to give it a try rather than pulling a underground pump motor from our well . What we found out - The community water system had " less water pressure than our well ". The monthly community water bill was like 100 times higher than the electricity bill that our own well created . The community water system was no more reliable than our own well . -- We are in the process of calling a well man to come get our own well back operational and ditch the community system . -- On the mention of a shared well / community system - we are operating 3 houses from our water source .
Early start today, with the possibility of a lie in tomorrow so decided to do as much as I can today- stared cooking at 8am- lasagnes, shepherds pies, and french onion soup all for the freezer. Cooked a chicken and made stock. Dinner is parmesan chicken with tagliatelle and garlic bread, and chicken leftover for sandwiches for visitors tomorrow. Made cheese sauce for daughters mac and cheese during the week. Cleaned the larder and the fridge and made some overseas calls because the timezone suited. Going to visit a neighbour this afternoon and then looking forward to an evening with a book by the fire. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
After chores I'll finish putting the wood chipper together. Then I'll change out the forks for the bucket on the tractor. And plow the snow between the barn, the tool shed, firewood area and the garage. I need to dig out the little trailer so I can haul our ATV's up to the Yamaha dealer so they can fix whatever is wrong with them. I got the snow dug out around the extention on the chicken coop so I can finish putting up the siding on the south wall.
It's a beautiful sunny day here and only 26 degs.
Done with Dad stuff for the day—went to radiation and then a trip to Harbor Freight for toolbox drawer liner. We got a little three drawer mini toolbox from Lowe’s but wanted that vinyl liner in it. He’s a little upset about the toolbox because they limited in the color choices. It’s Barbie pink. LOL

Windy and chilly here. Going to start some flower seeds. More plants for my natural dye experiments I plan on doing this summer/autumn.
Kids today would be thinking setting a new record rather than a needle skipping on vinyl.

How big do you need it?
Sunshine here today and above freezing. The winds have finally died down and aside from a few tree branches I don't see any damage. The south field is flooded and yesterday the winds made it look like I lived on a big lake with waves. Thankfully it's not badly flooded in the yard so I only had to wade a little bit to go hang linens on the line. First time in a while! I normally hang laundry out year-round, but the snow was so deep I couldn't get at the lines since November.
I was concerned about the amount of creosote I could see on my chimney so I called the sweeper. Yeah, it was bad, could easily have had a chimney fire. Turns out the "seasoned" oak I had delivered wasn't. I knew it wasn't good since it was so hard to burn, but they tested it and it was 20% moisture. So that's the third guy that promised a delivery of seasoned firewood and failed the promise.
First flat of tomato seedlings are ready to pot up, which makes room to start another flat. Is there some sort of help group for those who can't stop filling flats with seeds?
Haven't been sleeping well and having a hard time getting motivated for my chores. Resorting to higher caffeine dosages today to get my butt moving. Time to go hang the last load of laundry and start scrubbing the kitchen.
One or more of the cats decided to supersoak my favorite blanket last night. I decided it was time to wash some bedding. Got the stuff in the dryer now.
Got a phonecall from a stranger asking why I called him. I said "You called me" and he said "I'm calling you back, I got a call from you" and I realized the robospammers must have spoofed my number. I told him that and we commiserated about how annoying that is. I was coughing and voice was rough and he asked if I was OK. I said it was just a cold and he said he hoped I would feel better soon. Seemed like a nice enough guy. Don't remember what the caller ID said his name was though.

Mom asked me to go to the store to get more celery later.
Finished our doc stuff, had some snacks in the car and stopped in at Atwoods for rabbit food. Overheard a mom and son asking for chicks, they don't have any, all sold out, and said it'll be awhile. The mom said everyone is out. I was tempted to say I wasn't, but didn't. Picked up prescriptions for husband. Had lunch and coffee at home, putting my feet up, ready to go tackle kitchen cleaning. Too windy and kinda cold outside to do much. Little granddaughter can help me unload all the feed when she gets home.
Normal stuff for me. Keeping the clones watered.


And working on the Hobbit hole.


The Princess has 25 days left until she retires. Friday nights are typically movie night for us. But after she retires every night will be Friday night.

I've always wondered about "community water service" and how that works. Sonya, is that what you have, too? Do you pay for it and share it? Is it a shared well?
there are currently about 9 Amish families, us and one other woman living up the road from us on the system. It was all here when we got here. It's spring water, so free. Gravity fed. Yeah, wouldn't work in Kansas , too flat there. ( this is why I never once considered living in Kansas , well that and tornadoes) . There are 2 intake pipes, they go to a large concrete tank and from there to 2 lines down to the houses. The pipes from the tank need to be replaced ( about 20 feet) but I guess we will all wait until it fails.....
If there is a problem , generally everyone works on it till it is fixed
Not always clean, sometimes we run out like when our valve busted and the water leaked out, sometimes no pressure, but free
We did get a legal right to the spring on our land deed when we bought it. Made sure of that, just in case someone that is not as nice as the Amish ever buys the land and wants to shut off the water supply. But, I am pretty sure the actual spring is on our property, just the tank is on the neighbors. But it would need to be surveyed. We generally don't take property lines too serious around here I think....I am ok with that
Normal stuff for me. Keeping the clones watered.

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And working on the Hobbit hole.

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The Princess has 25 days left until she retires. Friday nights are typically movie night for us. But after she retires every night will be Friday night.

It's nice to have movie night every night. We do that except for Saturday night, which is game night.
Nice and sunny today, high temp was 36 degs. There's a large bare spot under the trees in the new chicken run, the chickens and ducks are happy to be scratching in the dirt. Got the wood chipper just about put together, just need to put the fuel tank on and connect the fuel lines. Looking forward to cutting some trees down and chipping them. Gotta wait for the snow to melt off first though.
Early start today, with the possibility of a lie in tomorrow so decided to do as much as I can today- stared cooking at 8am- lasagnes, shepherds pies, and french onion soup all for the freezer. Cooked a chicken and made stock. Dinner is parmesan chicken with tagliatelle and garlic bread, and chicken leftover for sandwiches for visitors tomorrow. Made cheese sauce for daughters mac and cheese during the week. Cleaned the larder and the fridge and made some overseas calls because the timezone suited. Going to visit a neighbour this afternoon and then looking forward to an evening with a book by the fire. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
I’ll be right over to help you out with those meals 🤤
Sunshine here today and above freezing. The winds have finally died down and aside from a few tree branches I don't see any damage. The south field is flooded and yesterday the winds made it look like I lived on a big lake with waves. Thankfully it's not badly flooded in the yard so I only had to wade a little bit to go hang linens on the line. First time in a while! I normally hang laundry out year-round, but the snow was so deep I couldn't get at the lines since November.
I was concerned about the amount of creosote I could see on my chimney so I called the sweeper. Yeah, it was bad, could easily have had a chimney fire. Turns out the "seasoned" oak I had delivered wasn't. I knew it wasn't good since it was so hard to burn, but they tested it and it was 20% moisture. So that's the third guy that promised a delivery of seasoned firewood and failed the promise.
First flat of tomato seedlings are ready to pot up, which makes room to start another flat. Is there some sort of help group for those who can't stop filling flats with seeds?
Haven't been sleeping well and having a hard time getting motivated for my chores. Resorting to higher caffeine dosages today to get my butt moving. Time to go hang the last load of laundry and start scrubbing the kitchen.
If you have room, might get two years worth of firewood then use one year, get one year’s worth each year thereafter and you will have seasoned wood 🪵.
Got the second garage cleaned and got the safe home after being refurbished to what extent it could be.
Took down three fence panels so when the folks show up for the natural gas line, they will have the proper access.
Power washed the back patio which I’m guessing had not been done in years.
Continued unpacking and organizing things. Life will be better now that my sewing machine is in the house and set up. Gracie is my main machine. I have others but they are for different purposes. Trailer is almost unloaded then it can get parked back where it belongs rather than right out front.
Is it @dademoss who likes boxes? Boy have I got a deal for you! 📦
Worked on the socket sets today, got them out of the evapo rust bath, rinse and dried. A few needed hand cleaning. Most of the sets were in the shop which is full of dirt daubers every summer. They like to make nests inside sockets. I got the sockets into two piles, one craftsman, then the rest of them. Hopefully get the craftsman’s onto socket rails tomorrow.

Got my small pick axe primed and painted. Decided to sand the handle and paint it tomorrow also. Have to put a wedge in the handle too, maybe finish it this weekend.
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I have plenty of room and plan to stock up on firewood, but just haven't been able to achieve that yet. I burned through my stash so quickly I had to buy more to supplement. So many big projects to deal with at the new homestead. But I did finally get the greenhouses up last year so maybe I can concentrate on firewood this summer.
Boxes! I can make an even better deal! They're taking over my garage.
This winter I lost a 12 foot 6×6 beam. Today the snow had melted off enough that the end of it was exposed. After I get finished with the wood chipper tomorrow I'll start working again on the new shop building. I need to do a little more digging first, then I can set the 6×6 in place and build a couple short walls for the door frame. Then I can finish the siding on the gable end.
Nice day, a little windy but blue skies and upper 40s. Still snow at the 6,000-7,000 foot level but melting. Had supper at the Avon Café in Avon Montana.

Mrs. Quark spent gold-pressed latinum at the Birdseye Mercantile in Avon for quilting material. Back to town and stop off for a quilting kit at another quilting shop and spent more gold-pressed latinum.
Nice day, a little windy but blue skies and upper 40s. Still snow at the 6,000-7,000 foot level but melting. Had supper at the Avon Café in Avon Montana.

Mrs. Quark spent gold-pressed latinum at the Birdseye Mercantile in Avon for quilting material. Back to town and stop off for a quilting kit at another quilting shop and spent more gold-pressed latinum.
Mrs Q just has good taste. That’s why she picked you. (See what I did there? Now you can’t be upset with her. Yeah, I got her back. Quilters stick together 😍)
Well..it's been a hell of a week.
I've had a long tiring frustrating week. Pulling alot of extra hours at work and unfortunately today at work, it ended in tragedy..again for a co-worker.
I won't go into detail how it went down, it wasn't his fault.. but stuff happened and our dayshift crew had to figure out how to peal out one of our millwrights out of a sawbox before he bled out.
I don't know how he didn't honestly, he was it was severe trauma..but he wasn't in good shape once we did get him out.
The guys had to vertically lift him about 3 feet out of the top of the box, once the blades n crap were removed that was trapping him in and then another 5 feet at least up to and over the railing n catwalk we were on with the emts .
He died twice so far but the hospital was able to get him back and do a surgery. He however is in a coma. If he can pull out of the coma..his injuries will be recoverable. It doesn't sound..at least so far that he will loose limbs but the main concern is brain damage from all the blood loss..
It was horrible
Everyone who was hauling n lifting him out was covered in blood including me and I only had his feet .
Afterwards alot of folks wernt doing too good n went home.
Were all just kinda keeping in touch texting tonight hoping he makes it through the next few days..
Each day is a gift..
Well..it's been a hell of a week.
I've had a long tiring frustrating week. Pulling alot of extra hours at work and unfortunately today at work, it ended in tragedy..again for a co-worker.
I won't go into detail how it went down, it wasn't his fault.. but stuff happened and our dayshift crew had to figure out how to peal out one of our millwrights out of a sawbox before he bled out.
I don't know how he didn't honestly, he was it was severe trauma..but he wasn't in good shape once we did get him out.
The guys had to vertically lift him about 3 feet out of the top of the box, once the blades n crap were removed that was trapping him in and then another 5 feet at least up to and over the railing n catwalk we were on with the emts .
He died twice so far but the hospital was able to get him back and do a surgery. He however is in a coma. If he can pull out of the coma..his injuries will be recoverable. It doesn't sound..at least so far that he will loose limbs but the main concern is brain damage from all the blood loss..
It was horrible
Everyone who was hauling n lifting him out was covered in blood including me and I only had his feet .
Afterwards alot of folks wernt doing too good n went home.
Were all just kinda keeping in touch texting tonight hoping he makes it through the next few days..
Each day is a gift..
Sorry to hear about that.

I had to look up "millwright" to see what kind of a job that was. I also to look up "sawbox" and from what I could see that would have to be one heck of a big box.

I sincerely hope the guy makes it and will be alright.
Sorry to hear about that.

I had to look up "millwright" to see what kind of a job that was. I also to look up "sawbox" and from what I could see that would have to be one heck of a big box.

I sincerely hope the guy makes it and will be alright.
It's not really that big unfortunately, compared to the other saws and machines..big enough though to suck a man into.
That was why it was so difficult to get him out without ripping him up more ..not alot of room and I had no room to get in close to apply direct pressure. What room there was.. was occupied by the biggest guys half in themselves trying to take stuff apart to free him up to get him out. By the time they got him unstuck..he was in bad shape n it took almost everyone on a rope n sling to pull him out ,up n over.
The emts wouldn't get close to the saw box untill he was out because of some.. issues..but took over medical care once he was out. I saw enough gore at that point..so I ran ahead to clear the way for the carryout.
I hope he pulls through too..really cool guy n has alot going for him. Damb tragic accident
@Hooch, oh man, that is awful! I hope he will make a full recovery but its tough after blood loss. My late friend Helen had an aneurism in her shoulder and lost a lot of blood so her mind was never the same afterward. The family must be so upset right now. And I can imagine it didn't help morale at the jobsite. I hope that maybe there will be some better safety protocols or something to prevent it from happening again.

As an aside, my paternal grandfather was a foreman at a factory making airplane propellers. He saw people get killed and maimed by machines. He actually wrote an article that got published somewhere about safety and how machines don't care about your feelings or your life and you have to be careful around them. I need to see if I can find it again.

I went to the store and brought my brother along. Mistake. He got some stuff to which I'm allergic so he could make salsa. Bonus points is he used my blender instead of his own blender for it- AFTER mom told him not to put that crap in my blender.

Grabbed some sweet feed for the cows. Younger cow actually made it over faster even though she limps bc her hip is messed up. I cut the bag open on the tailgate and she usually hangs back but she had her face in it on the tailgate. Older cow was slower this time. She's not looking so good. She's lost a lot of weight and isn't opening her eyes all the way. Looks exhausted. She's over 20yrs old-- maybe around 23. After they ate she was standing near my truck so I went out to see her and was petting her and rubbing her face and singing to her. I pulled some ticks out of the crevice between her horn and back of her head. She sometimes goes up to shrubs and tries to get a stick to go into that spot to scratch but it doesn't always work. She held her head down low to let me scratch there and behind her ears. When she was a baby I would bottle feed her and then stroke her face, hug her, and sing to her. I'm thinking of getting a dewormer block from TSC just in case she has worms. I'm also going to get more of the hay with molasses.

Fed kitties canned food. Fippy stole Rupert's food when I wasn't looking but Boo didn't finish his so I put some water in it and gave it to Rupert. I had to help Rupert stay up so he wouldn't fall off the end table but he started crying so I carried him over to the couch and had to hold the bowl up to his face for him and rotate it. He has trouble aiming his head for stuff as he's still addled from the ear infection. He was purring loudly enough to be heard from the opposite side of the room though.

I'm currently enjoying the fresh clean bedding.

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