What's everybody doing today?

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Had work, husband saw a back surgeon today that he's been waiting to see. Wanting to remove the cyst in his nerve bundle that makes his leg go numb so he can walk properly without a cane or walker. He said it was risky, but he could do it. He's got these other bladder/catheter issues to deal with first. Ready for dinner and a movie.
Had work, husband saw a back surgeon today that he's been waiting to see. Wanting to remove the cyst in his nerve bundle that makes his leg go numb so he can walk properly without a cane or walker. He said it was risky, but he could do it. He's got these other bladder/catheter issues to deal with first. Ready for dinner and a movie.

Amish hubby goes through that too so we feel for you and your hubby. Will keep yall in our thoughts and prayers.:heart:
I'm relaxing getting ready for the hubby to be off for the next 2 weeks *sigh* We have awnings we have to put up and he plans on putting up new siding on the side of the house where the porch is, so we have to figure a way to ease the roof back out of the way without taking it off. And I'll have move my window boxes on one side of the porch which is no biggy
Supposed to be hot and humid so the ac will have to be on which will be some relief for us to take breaks in.
We were talking finances over breakfast today and we almost have the roof paid for ( been making double payments) and the UTV should only have one more year of payments on it ( making double payments) and we have to call the bank to find out exactly what we owe
Hubby keeps trying to get me to replace the one kitchen window over the sink buts its fine the way it is. It cranks out fine and I can walk out onto the porch to clean it, so it doesn't need to be replaced. Its weather tight and the screens are fine
Haven't been home today.
Got a little sunburnt even with a hat on.
Strawberry is so funny.
I put my United States Army hat on this morning she barked up a storm.
Took the hat off for minute she calmed right down.
Without the hat she knew me, not so much with the hat.
Went up on square for our semi annual Poppy donation gathering.
Did pretty good I think.
Worked the Poppy item from 9-1.
My ears, neck, arms are all sunburnt.
Even my face got burnt a bit.
Sitting here resting now.
Mowed the yards, stained and treated the cedar fence, after I fixed my spray gun, and hoed more weeds.
We had a swarm of bees today. Several thousand flew into a hole in the Silver Maple. I called the Washington Beekeepers Society and they called a bee guy and he drove over an hour to check on getting them out.
He left a hive with honey and pollen in the tree hoping the bees move to it.
Bee swarms happen about 2 or 3 times a year but so far none of the guys have been successful getting the Queen Bee out of the tree hole. Maybe this time.
Worked on the side yard with the kids. Did a great first day job. Had to stop at work this morning and to Loews to pick up the order of privacy fencing and wire. Ordered it at 7 am, Went in at 10 to pick it up, and waited 45 minutes. That's the last time we order from Lowes. We did this at Home Depot and it was so convenient...went to the courtesy desk and there it was, loaded it up and gone. Will be looking at plants and flowers for the side yard tomorrow. Making it a nice place to dutch oven cook and for husband to get out and get fresh air. He avoids the main back area because we have two dogs and they jump when they're excited. Can't have him falling. Sold 7 dz eggs today.
Mowed the yards, stained and treated the cedar fence, after I fixed my spray gun, and hoed more weeds.
We had a swarm of bees today. Several thousand flew into a hole in the Silver Maple. I called the Washington Beekeepers Society and they called a bee guy and he drove over an hour to check on getting them out.
He left a hive with honey and pollen in the tree hoping the bees move to it.
Bee swarms happen about 2 or 3 times a year but so far none of the guys have been successful getting the Queen Bee out of the tree hole. Maybe this time.
If you have bees every year, get yourself a box, lid, base, and frames, perhaps one frame or two with wax. Band it together and hang it where the beekeeper did. I don't know what bees go for in your neighbourhood but I pay $200 for a package of about four pounds of bees. You could sell the bees or keep them and get yourself some honey. You lucky dog.
If you have bees every year, get yourself a box, lid, base, and frames, perhaps one frame or two with wax. Band it together and hang it where the beekeeper did. I don't know what bees go for in your neighbourhood but I pay $200 for a package of about four pounds of bees. You could sell the bees or keep them and get yourself some honey. You lucky dog.

We had a beekeeper here he just passed he was somewhere in his 90s. His bees come here all the time, we are careful not to hurt them an we have never used pesticides so they are safe.
hubby got a quart each of blueberries and plums. not a lot i know but the trees are just now beginning to bear fruit. so glad we planted when we did. our peaches are rotting on the tree. we think maybe too much water. gotta work on better drainage.
I was working on the riding mower when an old friend from our last town dropped in unannounced. He has moved in about 15 minutes down the road. He and the wife used to work together. Probably six or eight from that job, 400 miles from here, live less than half an hour from our home. A couple more live less than an hour away. It was an odd assortment of people but they really worked well together.
Yesterday was a busy day we had friends come over to help amend the soil with chicken, horse and cow manure with the rototiller. Once that was done we all put the amended soil in the wheelbarrows and filled up the 10 above and below garden beds that we dug. DH and a friend dug the 8 holes with the post hole auger for the kangaroo, rabbit garden enclosure but we will have to dig them deeper for the posts yet but it is a start. We then all had lunch being BBQ'd sausages and everyone brought side dishes to go with that and bread.

Today we started off the day with heading into church and stayed for sacrament and caught up with a few people and had a lovely time. Then DH went and did his gardening job for which he got paid and I picked around a kilogram of ripe mulberries while I was there (with permission) that we will use for jams and pies. Then into town where we picked up our sodium chloride for our medical kit and a 5 lt container of two stoke oil for the gardening equipment and chainsaws.

I have just watered our neighbours garden as they are away on holidays and about to wash up the dishes from yesterday and some from today.
The only one up, so the house is quiet. Plan to start morning chores in a bit and then go shrub/flower hunting to spruce up the side yard. Also need to stop into work for a bit, and pick up more feed. I'll be enlisting the twins again for some more yard work help. Grandson spent the night at a friends, so we'll see how much sleep he ended up with when he returns.
Sipping coffee, listening to the birds chirping.
Spikedriver, glad you got home okay from Kansas City.
So far today, I'm up dressed of sorts.
Sipping coffee.
Strawberry is up.
She's been outside once so far this morning.
I'm sure she will need to go out many more times before the day is over.
Sky is overcast, air is heavy with more rain.
Humidity is heavy too.
Going to be cleaning out second bedroom closet today.
See if I can figure out why it won't close.
This is ongoing problem, last month maintance man tried to fix it to no avail.
Will need to cook something today, just haven't figured out what.
Nothing sounds good, or taste good for that matter.
Will go over and pick up week old newspapers from Dad's house, check on him.
Just piddling around today, crocheting, need to read chapters for school work on one of my "fun" classes.
This particular "fun" class is boring to me.
Would rather be doing the life cycle of bugs found on dead bodies, but that door has closed abruptly.
Oh, well.
Everybody have a safe, dry day if you can.
Watered plants for a couple hours, need to set up drip ' someday '.

Studied more on skin cancer on my nose. Dr said Friday surgery, 95% cure, freeze 70%. Everytime I see them its always biopsy and cancer! The curse of the blue eyed blond paleskins I guess.
Last surgery was 12 stitches on hand couple months ago I have several of that type scars.
It is very hot now so easy does it. Hubby has been laid up all week but moving around a little today.

This is the surgery he wants to do, I'll take my chances with the freeze! Takes skin off forehead, makes tube then connects skin tube to top eyebrow, then to nose.
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Oh man, Meer. That looks awful.
I get my spots checked every couple of years. Last year had a half dime sized burnt off my face, can't even tell now. Also had a quarter sized on my arm. That one scarred.
It is a bummer being very fair skinned. I am white as can be. Don't know why people want to be tanned and go to tanning salons. I start my day with 50 sunblock, even in the winter, but we live in a high elevation, too.
Oh man, Meer. That looks awful.
I get my spots checked every couple of years. Last year had a half dime sized burnt off my face, can't even tell now. Also had a quarter sized on my arm. That one scarred.
It is a bummer being very fair skinned. I am white as can be. Don't know why people want to be tanned and go to tanning salons. I start my day with 50 sunblock, even in the winter, but we live in a high elevation, too.

Amish hubby and I agree it looks awful and that is why I am going to try the freeze instead of having half my face reworked and skin graphs from butt, that way everytime somebody kisses me on the cheek guess what?
He said this kind can go to lungs, well maybe the 55 years of nicotine will kill it.
Anyway I'll still take the chance with the 70% cure of freezing.Which could also leave a scar because he said he will double freeze it if that is the route I go.
I'm very light skinned too. Been dealing with skin cancers and pre cancers for 30 years now.
Hubby has seen my hand,arm bone an rib bone from this crapola.
Got about 3 and half hours sleep last night. Went to Church, came home and wrote --on computer-- 13 Thank you notes for people in FL who helped me (and those along the way). Especially the fellow who stayed with Gene so I could go! Also spent a half hour on treadmill. Then resting...

Glad it was a good trip Snap and people were nice. Next time maybe we can meet somewhere. If your close to I-75.
This is an update on what I have been doing lately since I have not been active for awhile. I still check in every once in awhile though. I am still currently taking care of granny, bringing both lunch and dinner, and then the occasional call from the care giver that says granny fell. Still having the garden which the squash type plants are not doing well because of all the rains, but the tomatoes and strawberries are doing great. Apparently the dogs got to the cat and I have her sitting in my lap. Not sure if she will make it until when the vets office opens on Tues. I hope so. . . She is not able to walk straight and I noticed that she was not eating so pureed up some moist cat food so she would eat it. She is now on towel acrossed my lap. The other project has been the quilts. Currently working on a Christmas present for son 3 because he is the only one who has not gotten a quilt. Then I have another grandbaby on ots way that will be due on Sept. I have not even started on her quilt. . .
Yesterday hubby got home from work (we've been working lots!) and went to change the oil in the pickup as its been in need. After draining the 2.5 gallons and pulling the old filter, he realized they gave me the wrong filter so had to wait until they opened today so I could go back and exchange it. The box had gotten wet since as we were taking care of it, it began to sprinkle. I had pulled the trailer around to wash but discovered that one of the panels had popped loose so didn't get to wash it - sooo we were trying to get the pickup taken care of and get the trailer tarped and it was downpouring. We finally made it in and I looked out the window then asked hubby if he thought I should roll up the windows in the car. I ran out with keys, car was drenched, rolled up windows, ran back in. I cracked up laughing as I was drenched too. We got about 2" of rain in less than an hour! I know others have been facing weather issues too and I don't want to whine too much, but it flooded my summer kitchen. There was only 1 cardboard box with things that could be ruined (Christmas stuff) but I don't like the shelving and harvest table soaking up water - not good for wood. I will probably set them up on something.
Today went and got correct filter, fixed trailer panel, and began cleaning the summer kitchen.

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