What's everybody doing today?

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Thank you - Amish Heart, Bacpacker, phideaux, LadyLocust, Patchouli, Terri9630, Sewingcreations15 and anyone else I might have missed, for your thoughts and prayers...

Docs now seem to agree there is more than one major culprit for all that’s happened over the summer. The symptoms just happened to show up at the same time and exacerbate each other.

Thanks again! :)
@Tank-Girl sorry to hear about the fine :( the police are pretty vigilant nowadays and the pullet not making it. I do have something to pass on that may save you some money if you have grocery shopping to do online. Woolworths is having a promotion whereby you can get $15 off a $160 online pickup order by using the code OCT15 until the 29/10/19 and hope this saves you some money.

@Peanut most welcome :) .
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Round 2 of today is that DH washed the dishes, cleaned the benches and I wiped up the dishes and put them away. DH got the washing off the clothesline and brought it upstairs and has watered the garden beds and potted plants. I fed our elderly resident swamp wallaby as I had noticed he was bouncing to try and get leaves off a shrub that was too high for him as he had eaten all the lower branches so I went down there with secateurs and cut back some of it and put it on the ground for him oh boy was he a happy little hopper. DH also cut up his apple core for him so he had a bit of a feast today.

This afternoon we went on our date day to the local RSL club and had a few soft drinks and had some good conversations with some locals. Tonight's dinner was harvest long life vegetables and meat on a base of rice and dessert was some ice-cream.
finally found eye speicalist and a Nurse Practicioner have apt. with both offices in next few weeks.
Trying not to comment till I rif of frustrations. I either get sickening muchsy :barf: or snap at people:devil: .Working on that emotional roller coaster to stop making fool out of myslf.
I have a sick child, stomach flu. The wife and I tagged teamed caring for her all night and are now doing the same in the day. Mrs. Sentry18 stayed home from work until 10am and I came home to take over. Of course Murphy's Law required that she fall ill when the Nanny is out of town attending an event for her college course. Anyway, while I am home I might as well be the house husband my wife deserves and get some cleaning done.
Hope your child feels better soon, Sentry!
Getting ready to deal with all the animals. A little frustrated, our local Children Youth and Family office finally called to arrange a home visit. I must of said 20 times that we will not be foster parents, will not attend their classes, will not submit to weekly home visits. We will be guardians, and that's all. I told her I do not need a full time job working for the state of New Mexico, I just retired from a job licensed by the State of New Mexico. I gave her the name of the caseworker involved in the twins guardianship, and luckily she still works there. This caseworker said she never heard of such a thing, and tried to tell me that California requires it. I told her that no, they don't, and need a home visit, fingerprints, and a court date to make it official, and that's all. This is not going to be fun, it'll be a fight again. I know from experience to not say much, and to insist. She is emailing over their ridiculous amount of paperwork, and will be doing a home inspection next Friday morning. Of course, right after I get back from Colorado. Hmmm.
frustrations.:devil: .Working on that emotional roller coaster to stop making fool out of myslf.

Don't feel alone... I too have been on a bit of a ride lately...

I have a sick child, stomach flu.
Shame I don't live down the block... sorted the tinctures I keep on my kitchen island this morning... any 4 of which or combination there of will kick stomach flu to the curb.

Hope they are feeling better soon...
Empty the wastepaper baskets
Burned trash.
Three friends picked through my brush from this summer's tree removal. They got 2 truck loads. I helped load, back needs tp lay on a flat surface for a bit.
Cleaned the downflow side of the drainage ditch. Ready for the spring rains.
Ate a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. Washed it down with a glass of well water.
Started another VCR to digital session.
Debating on removing the tree leaves (not too many) or taking a nap.
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Don't feel alone... I too have been on a bit of a ride lately...

Shame I don't live down the block... sorted the tinctures I keep on my kitchen island this morning... any 4 of which or combination there of will kick stomach flu to the curb.

Hope they are feeling better soon...

And I would welcome them. I gave her some chamomile tea and then later some probiotic yogurt. She seems to be doing better.
Got all 8 batteries in my bank , back up to full charge using an old Schmauker manual charger. Slowly, low volts worked like a charm, just took lots of time.

Ordered a new smart charger , be here next week to keep the boys maintained.

Don't mind telling ya , I was sweating bullets there for a while .
8 @ $200 ea..owch.

That bad charger did kill one 12v truck battery I had extra, for just jumping stuff.

Oh well such is life.

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I have a sick child, stomach flu. The wife and I tagged teamed caring for her all night and are now doing the same in the day. Mrs. Sentry18 stayed home from work until 10am and I came home to take over. Of course Murphy's Law required that she fall ill when the Nanny is out of town attending an event for her college course. Anyway, while I am home I might as well be the house husband my wife deserves and get some cleaning done.

Sorry to hear that. Hope she feels better soon.
Amish Heart just reminded me I was supposed to go to the hospital and pick up something today for a scan I'm supposed to have next week. I drove right by the hospital this afternoon and it seems I've also forgotten what is was I should have picked up. I've also forgotten which day next week I'm supposed to have a scan...

Thats what that mean old nurse gets for waking me up after anesthesia then rattling off a list of instructions a mile long. To be fair they were all printed out on paper... Only I've forgotten what I did with those papers when I got home yesterday. :(

I'm sure I'll find them... sometime before thanksgiving I hope!:rolleyes:
Took my daughter and her best friend to the roller skating rink. I have joined all the other dads along the wall staring at our phones whilst our Junior high age daughter's zip around the rink and gossip about the junior high boys...and the junior high boys act like fools trying to impress our daughters. It is a very awkward place...:D
Oops! Almost forgot about my truck. I picked it up after lunch... It ran so much better than before. I can once again hear the annoying little tick of the exhaust gasket that has a tiny leak, music to my ears! The power was back, the vacuum on the 4 barrel was smooth as silk. I filled up with gas in town, bet I pick up 1 maybe 1.5 mpg. I'm a happy camper!
Oops! Almost forgot about my truck. I picked it up after lunch... It ran so much better than before. I can once again hear the annoying little tick of the exhaust gasket that has a tiny leak, music to my ears! The power was back, the vacuum on the 4 barrel was smooth as silk. I filled up with gas in town, bet I pick up 1 maybe 1.5 mpg. I'm a happy camper!

Do go out picking up chicks now...

DH started off with vacuuming the whole house and part of the lounge room. We pulled apart the lounge room where all the lounge chairs, entertainment unit etc were and DH vacuumed behind them. I gave the chairs entertainment unit, walls and belt rails a damp dust. Still more to do tomorrow with the other side of the room near DH's chair after he tidies up there a little and we will move our recliners and vacuum the mat as we had a bit of a flying bug invasion the other night. DH also vacuumed the cob webs off around the front of the home, the window screens and the front door so that looks a lot better. We are unable to wash down houses, paths etc while we have severe water restrictions.

Our elderly swamp wallaby enjoyed another 3 handfuls of fresh leaves pruned off his favourite shrub he can't reach and we saw him jumping up pulling off leaves off the bottle tree too and pruning any grass that looked like fair game around the yard. Today he was push testing the wire we put up around the vegetable gardens and found he couldn't get in but that didn't stop him lovingly looking at the green vegetables in there for quite sometime through the wire. Tabatha the cat and swampy have become friends and she was out there sniffing his tail and getting close to him which he didn't seem to mind.

I watered the vegetable gardens via the drip irrigation system and watered the potted herbs and fruit trees. We got our 6 monthly town water bill in and we used a whole, wait for it, 7KL of water :) as we use mainly rainwater tank water here to run our home . There was far more in fees and charges than there was in water we used in the bill. The town water charges have gone up now to $1.59 per KL from $1.55 per KL and we pay per whatever water you use here.
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Most of my plans for today have been cancelled as my daughter's stomach flu has now turned into something else, she is running a fever and did not sleep well last night. So we are snuggling on the sofa and watching videos about how blueberries make it from the field to the store. Then we are going to explore the world of apples and apple juice. I am sure she will be napping today which will give me a chance to get a few things done on my chore list.
Looks like I gotta clean the condenser on the AC.
It's not bad but the weather is fantastic,
Then I need to move some night logs to the back porch.
Do the winter treatment on all our outdoor equipment.
Yes mowing season is over.

Gotta get the big leaf blower ready for use.
Move anything indoors that I don't want to freeze , like the pressure washer.

Need to clean the gutters.

Wife wants the front of house and front porch washed down.

I guess I'll get started when I'm done watching The Rifleman.

Hard day today. Walked 2.4 miles and up and down 12 floors

Shooting competion. I placed in the middle of the pack. End of the season and we're required to have our steel targets and stands out of the bays. I got one bay cleaned out before they read the scores at lunch. Another bay after lunch. Others finished. My knees are getting to old for heavy lifting.

Home and unload truck. Put everything away, wipe down the firearms.

Collect eggs.

Take a shower and dress up a bit.

Take the wife out for supper. A fund raiser to pay for the Teacher for our school's elective Bible class.

Upgrade web design software to resolve a bug. Post today's match scores.

Checking a few forums while watching college football and wondering how to go upstairs to bed without getting out of the recliner.

I didn't get started on any of that stuff above.:dunno:

I rearranged my battery pack, cleaned every connection, moved the 2 little battery tenders around , been doing that all week, got setup into 2 banks of 4 for now and letting the little tenders maintain.

All 8 batteries are holding charge, and showing good on load test.

Think I even recovered the big 12v 1000cca, truck battery.
I spent about an hour flushing and draining it, then put 1 quart of hot distilled water with about 8 oz of Epsom salt dissolved in it, topped it off distilled water, run on 2 amp charge for 30 min then 35 amp for 30 min, then 4 hrs on 2 amp , seems to be holding charge at 12.58 v.
I'll see tomorrow.

Get those other projects done another day.

Today we had intended to cook but didn't do it :) .

Instead we finished cleaning the lounge room and moved chairs and side tables, wiped them over and threw out rubbish and I finished damp dusting the rest of the walls and we moved everything back. It smells a heck of a lot better in here and not so dusty :) . DH then washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away and we then folded up the last load of clean laundry and put it away. DH moved the neigbour's grey water hose to a new section of grass in the paddock and watered the potted herbs and fruit trees. I put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine, cut off some leaves for the swamp wallaby and mopped all the floors.

Tonight's dinner is fried chicken drumsticks and oven fried chips.
We only got a few hours notice that they were coming but the in-laws rolled into town yesterday with my new-to-me Audi. Which is nicer than I was expecting as it's the Q7 Premium with the v8 engine. Apparently she just had it tuned up with new plugs, a new battery, new belts, etc. They picked it up from my wife's Aunt and drove it here and are now flying home today. I managed to pull together a nice dinner and entertain them as my wife came down with the same illness my daughter has, which she (as in daughter) is just now starting to recover from after about 36 hours of a 101-102 temp. So I suspect my wife will be down for the count through Monday. Which puts me back in the role of super Dad for the day. Seems like a good day to take the non-ill children on a nice country drive in my new used vehicle. With puke bags just in case. ;)

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