What's everybody doing today?

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Thanks! Today will be unloading a trailer, clearing a path in the house from all the unloadings, returning a trailer to uhaul, locating a small freezer that was already delivered and plugging it in for the frozen stuff in the ice chests sitting in the kitchen, saying hey to the neighbor boy that is already pacing the driveway (looking for signs of life), picking up a car and truck that is at my cousins, hugging my cousins cuz I've missed them so much, showing ID to the little post office here for our po box. But first, finding where I packed some clothes because I'm still in my bathrobe. My cell phone has been going for an hour. Everyone in New Mexico sees our driveway empty and a sold sign put out. And neighbors here see that we are here.
I've been a type 1 diabetic for over 30 years so I've become a food label expert. Damn near everything has way more carbs in it than you think it does. It really is amazing at what you learn when you really look at the label. People just think they know what the nutrition value is in their food, but most have no clue...

And the amount per serving is much smaller than most folks think. I have to weigh most items.
Glad you and all of yours are home Amish! I'm sure it is a relief!

Never got on laptop yesterday. So, walked yesterday and today.

Yesterday morning, my neighbor came over and fixed our water leak under house. I helped as much as possible. He wouldn't take any money at all. It was a pipe that was buried, but not deeply. I try to keep him fed and so does another neighbor. He is such a blessing!

Washed windows yesterday. Today, I have a vet appt. at 1 for 2 dogs to get nails clipped. One of them has an infection in tail, so will have that addressed.

Going to clean baths and run to Kroger for fruit, veggies and milk. That's about it, I hope!
Been busy as cat on hot tinned roof.
This morning got the dehydrator going.
Broke several toes on my left foot recently.
Just taped them up and go on.
Right knee still gets stiff sometimes.
Sipping coffee.
Strawberry has been walked several times.

I could set those toes for ya MoBook :D.Hubby said " I dont' wanna even think about it".:eyeballs:
All kidding aside hope they heal ok .
Glad you had a great trip and after all of your hard work, you are ready to start the next stage of your life. Two old grandparents? Well, maybe in age, but you are pretty spry Amish! It is great that you have a great community around you now. It will be interesting to see the influence on the grandchildren from your new community. You know it will be so much safer there, and the things they will now be exposed to will be so very different than they were in New Mexico. Looking forward to see what is happening in this part of your life.
I could set those toes for ya MoBook :D.Hubby said " I dont' wanna even think about it".:eyeballs:
All kidding aside hope they heal ok .
I thank you for your generous offer to set my toes.
But, I will pass on the offer.
My toes have been set before, won't do it again.
I'll just tape and go on.
Pulled two 55 gallon bins full of now brown larkspur, and other now dried plants. I would have worked longer, but I was soaking wet with sweat, wet hair and sweat in my eyes. My rolling bin is pretty full, but I have some more to pull. This is the flower bed between the sidewalk and the curb, about 25 wide and 20 feet deep. I have yet to work over this bed this year. Haven't worked on it in a few years. It needs work, and it will take me many days, more than a week or more to get it done.

Most of my flowers are done blooming for the year. I am wondering what I can plant there that will give some some color for the rest of the summer. I have some mums, but not enough.
Pulled two 55 gallon bins full of now brown larkspur, and other now dried plants. I would have worked longer, but I was soaking wet with sweat, wet hair and sweat in my eyes. My rolling bin is pretty full, but I have some more to pull. This is the flower bed between the sidewalk and the curb, about 25 wide and 20 feet deep. I have yet to work over this bed this year. Haven't worked on it in a few years. It needs work, and it will take me many days, more than a week or more to get it done.

Most of my flowers are done blooming for the year. I am wondering what I can plant there that will give some some color for the rest of the summer. I have some mums, but not enough.

Weedy thats a huge flower bed vompared to ours which I had to make smaller as we aged and work started to back up when unexpected repairs or illness came along. I have lots of tending to ours left undone now. Mexican Petunias are invasive as heck and messy .I deported them from ym beds everal times but they just keep coming back taking over and smothering my civilized flowers ,roses almost gone, Cana Lilly's, Tara , Elephant Ears,etc..:ghostly::blow up:
Weedy that's a huge flower bed compared to ours which I had to make smaller as we aged and work started to back up when unexpected repairs or illness came along. I have lots of tending to ours left undone now. Mexican Petunias are invasive as heck and messy. I deported them from my beds several times but they just keep coming back taking over and smothering my civilized flowers ,roses almost gone, Canna Lilly's, Tara , Elephant Ears,etc..:ghostly::blow up:
I have never heard of Mexican petunias. I guess that is a good thing. There are so many things that are invasive and I keep fighting them, while a neighbor encourages them. Violets have invaded many places in my yard while neighbor loves them. He also encourages creeping bell flower that I have been fighting the whole time I have owned my place. It has deep roots and is so hard to get rid of. I also have a bamboo that neighbor on the other side of him told me he planted when he bought his home, maybe 40 years ago. It has deep lateral roots and I keep digging it out, but it keeps coming back in other places. It would take a team effort for it to go away, and so far, it is only me on that team.
Invasive plants: I have learned that when people are giving away plants from their yards, to be careful and research them. I have had white irises, day lilies, grape hyacinths that I got early on, and they all seem to at least double each year, grape hyacinths even more than double. I dig them up and give them all away. I now have more irises to dig out. If they don't bloom, it is time to thin them out.
Someone was giving away comfrey and had a lot of it. I got a couple plants and have now learned that it will take over if you don't keep at it. I wanted it for medicinals. I am considering digging it up and putting it in a pot.
Someone was giving away Bishop's weed. They had a lot, so I looked online and found out it will take over. I won't get that.
I know that mint is pretty invasive, but it is something I use for teas, so I am going to put some in a well sheltered area. I have some in pots.

It is a huge bed. When I bought my property, only weeds were growing there. I went out and was digging it up one day. Some guy came by and asked why I was digging up my grass. "Because there is no grass." It was solid clay. I was really new to gardening in Colorado, and it took me a while to figure out what to do with the clay. I am still amending it. I have bought more peat moss this year than in total in my time here. I will keep amending it. Every time I plant something now, I mix peat moss into the soil where I am planting. Every where that I have done this, the new plants are doing so much better. I have previously added manure and compost, but neither have had the affect that the peat moss has.
I have never heard of Mexican petunias. I guess that is a good thing. There are so many things that are invasive and I keep fighting them, while a neighbor encourages them. Violets have invaded many places in my yard while neighbor loves them. He also encourages creeping bell flower that I have been fighting the whole time I have owned my place. It has deep roots and is so hard to get rid of. I also have a bamboo that neighbor on the other side of him told me he planted when he bought his home, maybe 40 years ago. It has deep lateral roots and I keep digging it out, but it keeps coming back in other places. It would take a team effort for it to go away, and so far, it is only me on that team.
Invasive plants: I have learned that when people are giving away plants from their yards, to be careful and research them. I have had white irises, day lilies, grape hyacinths that I got early on, and they all seem to at least double each year, grape hyacinths even more than double. I dig them up and give them all away. I now have more irises to dig out. If they don't bloom, it is time to thin them out.
Someone was giving away comfrey and had a lot of it. I got a couple plants and have now learned that it will take over if you don't keep at it. I wanted it for medicinals. I am considering digging it up and putting it in a pot.
Someone was giving away Bishop's weed. They had a lot, so I looked online and found out it will take over. I won't get that.
I know that mint is pretty invasive, but it is something I use for teas, so I am going to put some in a well sheltered area. I have some in pots.

It is a huge bed. When I bought my property, only weeds were growing there. I went out and was digging it up one day. Some guy came by and asked why I was digging up my grass. "Because there is no grass." It was solid clay. I was really new to gardening in Colorado, and it took me a while to figure out what to do with the clay. I am still amending it. I have bought more peat moss this year than in total in my time here. I will keep amending it. Every time I plant something now, I mix peat moss into the soil where I am planting. Every where that I have done this, the new plants are doing so much better. I have previously added manure and compost, but neither have had the affect that the peat moss has.

Look how thick they grow aand take over,

ut Mexican petunias are actually Ruellia simplex, fast-growing perennials with green to purple stems and green leaves. The wild, invasive form of this plant is so aggressive, it’s banned in some states, and it’s on a watch list of invasive plants in others. The state of Florida lists Mexican petunias as “highly invasive.”
Native to Mexico and western South America, Ruellia simplex, also kno


Plus they multiply for years and keep coming back,

form large, horizontal roots that grow above and below ground, making them difficult to remove, and even small pieces that are overlooked can regrow. Seed capsules on the plants burst open when ripe, scattering seeds everywhere. The seeds can remain in the soil and germinate years after the plants have been eradicate
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Well , the wife had to go to WM today to pick up a few things.
Since they removed the bench's for us non shoppers (social distancing) I don't go anymore.

So I decided to give the Corvette some needed exercise. First time out in 6 weeks.
I forgot how much fun it is on crooked back roads, then to get rid of carbon build up on the interstate.

Now I gotta hang new mini blinds in the bathroom. (See @LazyL)
Never ends.Did yall know all the miniblinds are auto , cordless.
Gotta change brackets.

We can't find any canning tomatoes ..
Would whole canned tomatoes, from the store, in cans , 28 oz, work for making spaghetti sauce ?

Took 2 dogs to vet for nail clip. CDC has new rules so we couldn't go in with them. Oreo (corgi) wouldn't let them put muzzle on and was going after them (techs and one doc). No problem when we were there. Doc says he is dangerous to us and needs training. Oreo and I will start leash training on concrete tomorrow to fix both problems.
Took 2 dogs to vet for nail clip. CDC has new rules so we couldn't go in with them. Oreo (corgi) wouldn't let them put muzzle on and was going after them (techs and one doc). No problem when we were there. Doc says he is dangerous to us and needs training. Oreo and I will start leash training on concrete tomorrow to fix both problems.
Our new Vets office has a sign that says one person per apt can come in. Because of the kids medical issues they let her in too. The Vet was not wearing a mask and said we could take ours off if we wanted to.
Well , the wife had to go to WM today to pick up a few things.
Since they removed the bench's for us non shoppers (social distancing) I don't go anymore.

So I decided to give the Corvette some needed exercise. First time out in 6 weeks.
I forgot how much fun it is on crooked back roads, then to get rid of carbon build up on the interstate.

Now I gotta hang new mini blinds in the bathroom. (See @LazyL)
Never ends.Did yall know all the miniblinds are auto , cordless.
Gotta change brackets.

We can't find any canning tomatoes ..
Would whole canned tomatoes, from the store, in cans , 28 oz, work for making spaghetti sauce ?


We just got back from liquor store and cigarett store,first trip out of driveway in few weeks since lawn mower purchase.
Hubby got a couple bottles of Crown one Black aand One Blue,lol black and blue.
He poured him a drink and I took a drink of his but not much into whiskey.But it was ok. He will only have 2 shots unless I help then he will fix 3 drinks. A couple times a week at most. He may play his guitar ,may not.I like to hear him play the keyboard but he likes the guitar.His brother plays keyboard and really gets down with '96 Tears' of course that ws a couple decades ago last we played music with them.
Last Thanksgivinghe playd with his other brother at daughters house,had a good time.
I went to my appointment at the VA in the big city today… it was wall to wall people… somewhere, just not at the VA! No one was there. I guess lots of folks are scared of covid.

I showed up a couple of hours early. There was no traffic and I didn’t have car trouble. They called me in for tests 1.5 hours before my appointment.

The eye people agreed, yes, I need cataract surgery. Now they’ll set me up a surgeon, or his people… With any luck I’ll have my surgery before Labor Day.

I was exhausted afterward but didn’t have to fight traffic so I drove home, no need to get a hotel room and drive back tomorrow. I picked up groceries on the way home… Not a bad day.

The last time I was here it was standing room only...

VA (1) smsm.jpg
VA (2) smsm.jpg
I went to "Date Night".
I won enough to go back and play next week too.
The other half of the winnings is stashed already.
Probably wouldn't have gotten out but oldest son needed my jumper cables.
When I got there with MY jumper cables, his dang truck started right up.
So I put "MY" jumper cables back in my car.
Went to "Date night".
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Neighbor kids were over today first thing, two of them, non Amish and the parents don't look after them much. They were glad to see our grandkids again. Fed them breakfast with our kids, and then lunch. They helped unload the trailer with our grands. Only had to speak to them once...little granddaughter was throwing sticks at neighbor Levi (he's seven). Levi was cussing up a storm. I told him there's no cussing ever on our property, and gave him a look. to Later he flipped off his sister, and older granddaughter told him off. We sent them off to home when we needed to go to town to return the trailer, drive to my cousins to visit some more and pick up my Challenger. Then went to town to Aldi and stocked up on fresh foods and some meat. Then picked up some barbeque takeout to bring home. Got some unpacking done, but so much more to do.
After work I fed my calves, gathered eggs and fed cats. Packed dishes for 3 hours. We have to be out of house on July 23 and our house scheduled for delivery on August 3. Will have to hustle to move out for 2-3 weeks and move all back! Cats, dogs and chickens may have to stay awhile with out us. Come and feed daily. Not worried, just a lot of work on my part to haul everything. May get my kids to come Saturday unless we find storage building to move in ASAP

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