What's everybody doing today?

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Have a safe trip.

Cleaned out brooder for new chics, cleaned out containers peeps are in and cooking. Looked at chicken pens and the storms last year did a number on them but not too bad, so have to repairs to do on those in next few months.

Post some pictures in the chicks thread. I can't wait to pick up some chicks next week, though I gotta do some cleaning before they arrive.
By "looking for help" did he want you to hire him? That would have kind of creeped me out if he pressed you as to why you didn't want his "help", if he is a stranger I would wonder if he was casing the place (i.e. he wanted to know if you lived alone and had no one to help you).

Where I live folks are super friendly and the men always offer help if a woman appears to need it BUT that is different than stopping in front of someone's home and then questioning them if they decline.
I do think he wanted me to hire him. I am very capable of raking and cleaning up. I am not decrepit, yet. In fact, I think the more of this kind of stuff we do, the less decrepit we will be. I have no intention of hiring someone who sees me and decides he is more capable. I have hired a couple of people who offered to help, strangers, and I am done with all of that.
I do think he wanted me to hire him. I am very capable of raking and cleaning up. I am not decrepit, yet. In fact, I think the more of this kind of stuff we do, the less decrepit we will be. I have no intention of hiring someone who sees me and decides he is more capable. I have hired a couple of people who offered to help, strangers, and I am done with all of that.

Well if you stayed silent that is a good thing. Much better than responding and giving him info on your living situation by telling him how independent you are. Maybe I am paranoid but there have been a few really bad incidents involving single older women that hired "help" for odd jobs (then later the help came back in the middle of the night).

Never appear to be a soft target. I live alone in a rural area and if anyone I don't know or didn't expect comes by I have the mastiff greet them at the gate and explain how things work around here.
Well if you stayed silent that is a good thing. Much better than responding and giving him info on your living situation by telling him how independent you are. Maybe I am paranoid but there have been a few really bad incidents involving single older women that hired "help" for odd jobs (then later the help came back in the middle of the night).

Never appear to be a soft target. I live alone in a rural area and if anyone I don't know or didn't expect comes by I let the mastiff greet them at the gate and explain how things work around here.
You are so right! I am not interested in getting help from anyone who thinks I need help when I am doing yard work. Someone like him has no idea of the things I have done and can do. It does happen at least once a year that someone thinks that I MUST need help. I have always been way too independent.
My sisters are coming by to say goodbye before they fly out of here. MIL and SIL came in last night and we will see what the day brings. Will be going into town for grocery stuff, and hope to find some good deals at Aldi's. Then, about 12 more coming in to dinner tonight...bratwurst and sauerkraut night.
We decided to take a bit of a break from getting more manure for the gardens today as we were both rather heat stressed from yesterday working in 31 oc temperatures even under the shade of a large tree.

I started off the day with doing some stain removing on some clothing, putting on a load of washing, hanging it on the line and when dried brought it back in and then I watered half of the back lawn with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. DH then tried to put on a loaf of bread but found our 13yr old electronic scales had totally clagged it and when I tried to help the button disintegrated under by finger so needless to say it was off to town to buy another replacement. While out we found some flannelette shirts for DH on special for $7 each reduced from $10 saving $6 and purchased 2 and 2 more web belts for him as well at a really good price of $10 each rather than the $29.95 we saw in other local shops saving another $39.90. DH's body acids just eat through leather belts in a couple of months so webbing belts are the only ones that work on him. Back home again and DH unpacked the new kitchen scales and put on a loaf of bread.

Our neighbour came over and asked if DH could mow his lawn and trim the edges as it was getting rather long so he headed over and mowed it and will get paid $50 probably tomorrow when he goes to the bank as he was not home when DH did it. All good as it will be another $50 we will put into our at home emergency kitty to build that up further. DH then ploughed the final layer of cow manure into the two garden beds we were working on yesterday. I also did the banking and paid a few bills and tithing and put more money into our home deposit account bringing us to 24.35% of the way there.

Tonight's tea was the other half of our homemade chicken, mushroom and corn pie with fruit for dessert.
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Post some pictures in the chicks thread. I can't wait to pick up some chicks next week, though I gotta do some cleaning before they arrive.

I posted them pics 'Baby Chicks' thread.

Also this morning around 3am my kids father passed away. So I guess I won't be calling him SOS anymore and although I'm not glad I'm also not really sad. He lived his life the way he wanted to no matter who it hurt so guess he had a good life. Kids have always said hubby is their father.
None of my kids feel bad either they didn't know him that well. Never as much as a call on B-days or holidays their whole life unless they were visiting him which was very seldom.While I had 3 kids the 5 years we were married he had 6 some say 7 kids. Girls always calling me telling they were having his kid, after awhile I just said, ' join the club '.
He died of cancer and kids found out on Fakebook from one of their half brothers.

Today we will put peeps in brooder and brush fruit cakes with brandy then freeze some and send one to BIL. And clean green house and house.
I posted them pics 'Baby Chicks' thread., Meerkat

Also this morning around 3am my kids father passed away. So I guess I won't be calling him SOS anymore and although I'm not glad I'm also not really sad. He lived his life the way he wanted to no matter who it hurt so guess he had a good life. Kids have always said hubby is their father.
None of my kids feel bad either they didn't know him that well. Never as much as a call on B-days or holidays their whole life unless they were visiting him which was very seldom.While I had 3 kids the 5 years we were married he had 6 some say 7 kids. Girls always calling me telling they were having his kid, after awhile I just said, ' join the club '.
He died of cancer and kids found out on Fakebook from one of their half brothers.

Today we will put peeps in brooder and brush fruit cakes with brandy then freeze some and send one to BIL. And clean green house and house.

I'm sorry about your ex, Meerkat. And really sorry about the way the kids found out! I found out about my step grandfather in the newspaper. Not a good way to get bad news!

Today, I am doing laundry and making 2 cakes.
I'm sorry about your ex, Meerkat. And really sorry about the way the kids found out! I found out about my step grandfather in the newspaper. Not a good way to get bad news!

Today, I am doing laundry and making 2 cakes.

Snap, Thank you we knew it was coming he has had cancer fro a few years now. Son went to see him couple years ago when told he was dying then. I told him he should. T
He told son " I know I have been a bad father but hope to call yall more often", he never did.Not sure if any will go to his funeral they may to see their other side of family and step bros and sis's. Right now son is in Canada after getting back from S.Korea Olympics a couple weeks ago. 17 hour plane trip. He plans to go on our first voyage in Jon boat.:dunno:

I got toms off vines and washed and put up more in freezer left some out to eat.
Helped hubby a little with wiring on boat,he got a bilge pump.
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Was a weird day. Seems weird experiences come in sudden clusters.

The second of the day was going into the side yard (outside the dog fence) to pick up a bit before the first lawn cut of the season. I came across my smaller dog's collection of bones gathered from the surrounding woods over the last few months (and left outside the fence else the mastiff will take them from her).

A next door neighbor went missing over a year ago, he had dementia and walked out of his house never to be seen again. He is probably in the woods around here somewhere. Among the collection were a couple of sun bleached bones with odd very nobby rounded joints (human like). When my deer hunting lawn man showed up I asked him if they looked like deer bones and he said a couple of them did not.

So I called the sheriff's office and explained a couple of the bones looked suspicious (but could be nothing) and asked if they wanted me to drop them off at their office or at the coroner's. They sent an officer by to pick them up right away (seeing as how there isn't much crime around here).

He was obviously rather disturbed by the pick up, he put on white gloves even though the bones were in a zip lock bag and bleached snow white (then again he probably doesn't have many opportunities to wear those fancy sterile evidence collection gloves). I pointed out the suspicious bones in the bag and he said "What is that green stuff?". Uhhh....moss most likely. Was kind of funny really.

Might solve the missing neighbor mystery. Might not.
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Was a weird day. Seems weird experiences come in sudden clusters.

The second of the day was going into the side yard (outside the dog fence) to pick up a bit before the first lawn cut of the season. I came across my smaller dog's collection of bones gathered from the surrounding woods over the last few months (and left outside the fence else the mastiff will take them from her).

A next door neighbor went missing over a year ago, he had dementia and walked out of his house never to be seen again. He is probably in the woods around here somewhere. Among the collection were a couple of sun bleached bones with odd very nobby rounded joints (human like). When my deer hunting lawn man showed up I asked him if they looked like deer bones and he said a couple of them did not.

So I called the sheriff's office and explained a couple of the bones looked suspicious (but could be nothing) and asked if they wanted me to drop them off at their office or at the coroner's. They sent an officer by to pick them up right away (seeing as how there isn't much crime around here).

He was obviously rather disturbed by the pick up, he put on white gloves even though the bones were in a zip lock bag and bleached snow white (then again he probably doesn't have many opportunities to wear those fancy sterile evidence collection gloves). I pointed out the suspicious bones in the bag and he said "What is that green stuff?". Uhhh....moss most likely. Was kind of funny really.

Might solve the missing neighbor mystery. Might not.
Now I'm going to be waiting for an update.
Now I'm going to be waiting for an update.

I will probably know in a week or two, I can either call for an update or just wait to see if anyone shows up to search.

After an "exhaustive four hour search" covering the 2 acres near the man's house right after he went missing they called it done. This area has hundreds of acres of forest that isn't even hunted so he could have easily wandered into the woods and died of hypothermia (and the coyotes/buzzards would have likely stripped a cadaver down to bone fairly quickly). It is really rather sad seeing as how he has an elderly wife and grown kids that live here, yet no one ever asked about him or came around looking.
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I will probably know in a week or two, I can either call for an update or just wait to see if anyone shows up to search.

After an "exhaustive four hour search" covering the 2 acres near the man's house right after he went missing they called it done. This area has hundreds of acres of forest that isn't even hunted so he could have easily wandered into the woods and died of hypothermia (and the coyotes/buzzards would have likely stripped a cadaver down to bone fairly quickly). It is really rather sad seeing as how he has an elderly wife and grown kids that live here, yet no one ever asked about him or came around looking.
Maybe he didn't "wander" off.....
Said bye to my two sisters...one flying back to Florida and the other to Oregon today. So now mom is my job till we leave on Saturday. We went into town for some groceries and hosted a bunch of cousins for dinner, then took mom back home. Hoping to get MIL and SIL up early to go out to breakfast. We'll see.
Not sure what I'll do today.....I love retirement :doghouse:

I'm telling ya Mon! I'm easing through the woods in an on and off misty rain, with my little pellet rifle for snakes, and looking for Turkey sign. I just jumped about 1/2 dozen or so deer off the bed, squirrels everywhere, beautiful day! I've seen quite a bit of sign but it's all in dense underbrush. Not much room for an arrow.
Have I said I love retirement too? Lol
@snappy1 I am there especially if those gorgeous cakes have buttercream icing on them, they look divine :) . At our church unfortunately all the members seem to be on a no sugar anything diet and if I took that they would not eat it. I did however take a whole orange cake with buttercream icing with orange juice and zest on top and they ate that.

I believe taking whole food groups out of anyone's diet is not a good thing unless you have some medical reason to do so. Eat everything in moderation and most people are fine.

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