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- Dec 3, 2017
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Already did video this morning.
Washed sheets.
Sunday School and Church next.
Remake bed.
Wash dog blankets.
Wash dogs.
That's enough for me.
What kind of video? Do we get to see it?
Already did video this morning.
Washed sheets.
Sunday School and Church next.
Remake bed.
Wash dog blankets.
Wash dogs.
That's enough for me.
We sell all the eggs we don't need and could sell more for $4 a dozen at the farmers market. Chickens are awesome. But why just Barred Rocks? I would get different breeds so you get different colored eggsI like the green ones
The wife has not been able to drive for almost 10 years, she cannot do the 3 stairs out of the house alone, so she just gets "stuck" in different rooms. She misses the ability to drive, but she will be talking to you and just go to sleep, say a prayer at dinner - she is asleep before the end, not something you want in a driver.. We made her promise not to try to drive and that has worked.
What kind of video? Do we get to see it?
You all have been busy.
I just read this thread.
Hopefully the surgery will help the kid Terri.
Had a death in family.
Just got home from that Friday mid morning.
I think I might have been semi close to Hashbrown and Morgan.
Trying to get caught up here at home.
Strawberry got brought home Friday evening.
2 loads of laundry washed,dried and put away.
Dishes are done, put away.
Reading forums for a while.
Have to make grocery order up.
Got several boxes of repaired hand stitched quilts to send back to their owners.
As soon as their checks clear the bank.
Got several boxes of items to mailed to my youngest son and his family.
I'm tired today, so resting now.
Thank you Meerkat.Sorry for your grief MoBook.![]()
As told to me by Morgan, Giuseppe is Joe in English, so Josephine, or Josie!Today in Animal Husbandry 101 we learned the male goose we ordered 11 months ago is responsible for the very large eggs that have been showing up in our run. Apparently the hatchery missed something when they selected the "male" gosling to send out way. Soooo, Gus's real name is apparently Giuseppa and not Giuseppe. We are thinking that may be why Gus has been "moody" the last couple weeks. But, on the plus side we will probably be selling goose eggs for about $5 each.
This is the same problem I have. Garlic grows, but does not produce cloves.I have a patch of elephant garlic in the lower field, about 10X30 feet that's been there for at least 20 years, I really need to dig up as much as I can and plant it elsewhere, the clumps are just too tight to produce cloves. The best garlic is growing just below a maple tree on a short bank just above the septic tank, it's sandy there and garlic has started from old dried out cloves I threw over the bank, some of the garlic heads are around 1 pound. Elephant garlic doesn't taste all that good when it's raw, but dried out in a dehydrator and ground up it makes excellent garlic powder, also when the flower heads start to come up they are like asparagus when steamed or lightly boiled.
This is the same problem I have. Garlic grows, but does not produce cloves.
No, I planted garlic many years ago and I never got it all harvested. It has been self seeding for years. I have done some work to dig it out, and have more to do.Are you wintering your bulbs before planting? They need 4-6 weeks of below 40 degree temps. I read that if you plant in spring without wintering you get spring/green garlic. Storing them in the fridge works.
My wife likes that I control most everything in our life. That's why we get along so well. When she lost confidence in her ability to drive under some conditions (she is a perfectly fine driver but she feels uncomfortable sometimes) I started driving her. She was constantly pointing things out that I had already seen and begun reacting to so, like all new things in our life I started communicating with her. This let her know how far ahead I was watching and how I noticed the things that were closer. She started feeling more at ease and confident in my ability to see and react to the things happening around us. I was always "matter-of-fact" and calm in my tone and always respectful. This is the way that we approach most new things in life. Respect breeds trust and where there is respect and trust love follows. I am the wall that supports the mural that is her. Neither of us is whole without the other but together we are a thing of beauty - she's the beauty and I am what supports her.
Meerkat, you might try communicating with your husband and encourage him to communicate with you about what he sees and what he is doing about it.
A girl friend I had (the one that is my wife's best friend now) would often over-react at small surprises on the road. The one time we were exposed to a real life and death situation she surprised me by calmly putting her body quietly into a crash position as we came around a blind corner to two semis racing toward us on a narrow two lane highway. I shifted down and applied the breaks moving to the shoulder of the road giving as much room as I could to the two trucks. The truck in the far lane slowed down as best he could and the other truck that we were about to meet head on turned back into the far lane as fast as he could. We missed the collision by less than a foot and I was two wheel on gravel and the other two wheels about to leave the pavement while breaking as hard as I could without losing control. I brought the car to a complete stop to settle my mind and she sat up and told me that she did what she did so as not to be a distraction. She knew I needed all my attention on getting out of the situation. Luckily all three drivers were professional enough to get the job done. The sign in front of me when I stopped said, "Sholder Ends". My only other recourse and I was ready to take it was a 6 to 8 foot drop into a farmers field. It would have been better than a hit by a semi head on.
Bless her heart no wonder she is afraid.Sheep, my wife was hit head on in 1991. Broken neck resulted. She didb3 years of therapy to get as much back as she could. But she also had PTSD from it. She couldn't drive at all for nearly 6 months and every time we went anywhere she was constantly flinching, jumping, yelling and time a car pulled up to a side street, headed opposite us and she thought was too close. All I could do was try and talk her down and try not to let it startle me into reacting to another car and make it worse. Took even longer for her to get past that. She will still flinch at times to certain things. Jusy gotta work thru stuff like that best you can.
Shes a whole lot better now. But had a rough 3to 5 yearsBless her heart no wonder she is afraid.
Shes a whole lot better now. But had a rough 3to 5 years
Yeah, dealing with that was almost as bad at times as the ongoing nerve damage has been. As she say though "she's a tough old bird". She does all she can ill say that for her.Thank goodness.
Yeah, dealing with that was almost as bad at times as the ongoing nerve damage has been. As she say though "she's a tough old bird". She does all she can ill say that for her.
Bacpacker, Give her a hug from one of her fans. She is great!Yeah, dealing with that was almost as bad at times as the ongoing nerve damage has been. As she say though "she's a tough old bird". She does all she can ill say that for her.
It's not fun having our spouse not feeling good.
Wish I could trade places with her when she's hurting, I'll bet you feel the same.
We have spent the entire weekend dealing with the only thing I hate about living in the woods, leaves! Our ditches get filled with them and plug our culverts and our road washes out. We should be ready for the spring rains now.
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Yes, thank you. We wanted an Italian name that went well with "goose". My grandmother was Giuseppa so we went with Giuseppe, but in light of current events, Giuseppa it is.As told to me by Morgan, Giuseppe is Joe in English, so Josephine, or Josie!
Just a heads up Zanne, at least in our area (& across the nation from what I'm told) anything to do with construction is 6 months out. We are slammed right now and are currently scheduling for beginning of autumn. As far as quotes, we give them as we have opportunity and only if it's a job we're interested in doing. Just giving you the heads up on it from this end. Hope you get better results with your next option.Fed & watered cats, cleaned litterboxes, washed some dishes, went to the store & got cheese & lunchmeat. Also got a pencil. Couldn't find any carpentry ones and had a hard time trying to find a regular non-mechanical pencil. Also got some frozen meals for Mom. She likes the Jimmy Dean stuff. Almost forgot I got eggs too. I had to go through to find a carton with none broken. Took out a pen and marked the broken ones. Don't know if the employees at Walmart are annoyed by that or not, but I don't care. LOL.
Heard back from the guy on the barn pricing & he clearly didn't read the measurements I sent him. I'm going to try to find another installer. Maybe one that can actually give me information in person and get measurements right. I mean, I sent this dude very detailed info and he gets back to me with near gibberish response. There are two other installers in the area that I'm going to check in with.