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I've been
packing on account im moving into town. Pluss i have my moms car abd title to it.in which i just talked to a guy a lil bit ago.i want to trade the car fot a truck.and have the title in my name..pluss my Chihuahua had puppies 2 days ago.and for anyone thats wondering.yes my life is hectic upside down.and in chaos.

Hope things get better for you soon.
Yesterday did some planting. Raised bed veggies are almost all in, waiting for fruit trees & bushes to arrive. Amused ourselves fastening spare window box planters up the side of our garden shed for a vertical herb & flower garden. Looks much nicer than the plain old shed....Today wrestled with bills, changed insurance companies, and figured out what we have left to live on for the rest of the month. At least we are in the black, a pleasant surprise.
I'm really jealous. I don't know when I'm retiring. Could be good, could be bad. Our son's ex girlfriend came for Easter supper with her kids, two of them are my grandsons. Not unusual, because they come for Sunday dinner a lot of the time, even with her current boyfriend. She was talking about hilarious youtubes and mentioned the one that the other prepper site we all left was promoting. Her and her boyfriend love it. She is black and current boyfriend is white. I told her we all left that site because of what they were promoting. She thought that was hysterical that I thought it was racist. Go figure.
Long day at work after being off a week. Hard to get back into the swing of things! Leftovers for dinner tonight. I cooked up a storm yesterday.
When we had bought this new place we also bought a storage shed that we had delivered here for storage until we could have the garage built. I have wanted to move the shed for several months but I had to wait until I had mostly emptied it out so it would be lighter. Today was day! I moved the shed with no problems and got it leveled again. One job I was not looking forward to finally done.
When we had bought this new place we also bought a storage shed that we had delivered here for storage until we could have the garage built. I have wanted to move the shed for several months but I had to wait until I had mostly emptied it out so it would be lighter. Today was day! I moved the shed with no problems and got it leveled again. One job I was not looking forward to finally done.
way to go, it always feels good to get those nagging jobs out of the way.
Spent the first half of the day at the range with the kid. She missed going to state in rifle by 5 points. She is still going but for archery.

Spent the second part of the day at the Drs. The kid has been getting headaches, feeling dizzy, shaky and tired off and on since Feb. Probably longer, we just put the symptoms together last week when she told me she was dizzy, had a headache and wanted to take a nap. I told her to eat first and a few minutes later she was fine. My grandfather was hypoglycemic and had the same symptoms. We go back in the morning for fasting blood work and lots of glucose testing.
Went to town to see Ling Fang. Had a nice visit, she worked on my Shoulder. She said many people came to the church behind her shop. Too Many so she close her shop, no parking. She said "Was It A Holiday"? I Laughed. She is open on Sunday. LMAO. I explained Easter. She made the sign of the cross on her chest. I said Yes. Then she stretched out her arms and said Jesus, pointed to the nail prints, said he Die then raise, with hand motions. I looked down turning my head left and said "For Me". She made the sign of the cross on her chest again and said "Maria"? I said sternly, looking down and to the left, "NO MARIA I AM NOT CATHOLIC". She then said "Maria Baby" with hand motions cradling a baby to her chest. I said "Yes", "I Am Not Catholic, I am Christian". "He died, FOR ME, I Will Not Die, No Karma, Next Life For Me Is Heaven, No Re Incarnation, Only Heaven." She Got It. So Simple. So I went to get Chinese food at my Fave. That's Private. So much went on there. I was Blessed. Went to Lowse, bought some repair Items for my Irrigation system. Fixed it. Drank Beer and watched the Sun go down, thinking about the people that Love me. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH MY LIFE? ITS ON NOW!
Spent the first half of the day at the range with the kid. She missed going to state in rifle by 5 points. She is still going but for archery.

Spent the second part of the day at the Drs. The kid has been getting headaches, feeling dizzy, shaky and tired off and on since Feb. Probably longer, we just put the symptoms together last week when she told me she was dizzy, had a headache and wanted to take a nap. I told her to eat first and a few minutes later she was fine. My grandfather was hypoglycemic and had the same symptoms. We go back in the morning for fasting blood work and lots of glucose testing.
I have it bad. I carry glucose tablets with me all the time for those episodes. You can get them at wmart for $1 for a little tube of them.
Started off the morning with going and getting another 3 cubic metres of cow manure to finish off amending the last vegetable garden and building an interim garden bed to separate out the lilies in 2 other garden beds and we posted 2 sales I got through my internet shop of garden seeds. Got home and unloaded and spread the manure on the last vege bed and also a layer on the interim lily bed and we shovelled and put the rest behind shed for when we amend the other two flower gardens. We didn't get to till it in but that will be a tomorrow job.

On a break from manure I stain removed some clothing and put a load of washing on and hung it on the clothes line and brought it back in once dry.

Tonight's dinner was curried sausages and veges that we were too darn tired to cook last night.
we've been collecting metal for recycling all fall and winter. we took a big load in this morning after cleaning it up. 4 digits in return for our work was well worth it. Have one more load tomorrow. That is enough to pay some bills and have pocket money for me for months ( I don't go anywhere to spend money lol).
Also hubby gave me shiney metal for my bday which is still a couple of days away lol He said he couldn't wait to give it to me ( it was burning a hole in his pocket lol)
DH had stress test today. Went well enough. Small (I hope) problem in lower part of heart so doc is going in with camera on Thurs. to check and will place stent if needed. Hope he will be breathing easier soon!
I hate that darn treadmill........They gave me a shot once to make my heart get over the rate they want to test and i thought I was Seriously going to die.....I'm like....GREAT...I come for my health and they are going to kill me:eek: I am glad all went well......It's really not that fun....
I hate that darn treadmill........They gave me a shot once to make my heart get over the rate they want to test and i thought I was Seriously going to die.....I'm like....GREAT...I come for my health and they are going to kill me:eek: I am glad all went well......It's really not that fun....

DH actually did the treadmill but for a short period of time, I think. I was afraid they would give him a heart attack on the treadmill.
I hate that darn treadmill........They gave me a shot once to make my heart get over the rate they want to test and i thought I was Seriously going to die.....I'm like....GREAT...I come for my health and they are going to kill me:eek: I am glad all went well......It's really not that fun....

Scary stuff. I used to work on a CT designed to scan the heart, was in the business you might say. Treadmills aren’t nearly as dangerous as they were 25 years ago. Today doctors are much better at spotting at risk patients.

Back in the day 10% of people who took a treadmill test had a heart attack a few hours later. At that time 50% of first time heart attacks were fatal. So, 5% of the people who had a treadmill test on any given day was going to die that night. I remember being astonished when I read those numbers on the NIH website. It happened to the daughter of a friend in ’98.

I just copied this from the NIH https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/stress-testing

Stress tests pose little risk of serious harm. The chance of these tests causing a heart attack or death is about 1 in 5,000. More common, but less serious side effects linked to stress testing include…

Like I said, medicine has come a long way in 25 years. I wish you the best! :)
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Echocaridogram today!


They, at the ED wanted to do the shot and treadmill stress test BUT I pointed to my knees in braces and to my charts which shows allergies to almost every chemical
in existence.
Once they inject it and I go into anaphylaxis it's a bit late to say...OPPPSSS Sorry!! My Bad!

They got my point.

With this sort of thing, like many others you have to be you're own best advocate.
Echocaridogram today!


They, at the ED wanted to do the shot and treadmill stress test BUT I pointed to my knees in braces and to my charts which shows allergies to almost every chemical
in existence.
Once they inject it and I go into anaphylaxis it's a bit late to say...OPPPSSS Sorry!! My Bad!

They got my point.

With this sort of thing, like many others you have to be you're own best advocate.
I never hesitate to tell my doctor what I think. I know my doctor is a pretty smart guy but he doesn't live in my body. I may not know whatever it is but I darn sure know what my body and mind are doing better that anyone else........ I took myself off of narcotics and my doctor was astonished!
Planted Sugar Peas and Yellow squash. Went to town, saw Ms Do(Pronounced Dough), for a Many and Pedy. She seemed distant, didn't talk much. I know she is at the age where her Family is Dying Off. Been There. Made a Sams Run, for Preps. Grilled T Bones and Sweet Corn for me and Gert. Watched the Sun go down with a couple beers. Itching to go back to "The Dark Side".

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