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Yeah some more but in the 80s or even late 70s is when it started it seems,just not to this extend.
My daughter has a Lexus and it is always in the shop. Too much to pay for a car with that many faults.
Yeah some more but in the 80s or even late 70s is when it started it seems,just not to this extend.
It wouldn't surprise me. Years ago when I first started having bad arthritis trouble, I was on meds for side effects, then meds for those side effects. I got mad and quit all but the original medication and felt a whole lot better!
No kidding. There nuts!!Y'all are crazy! Give me 70° Any day!
Do you have an extra room for a couple months out of the year? Hell with that kinda of weather could we just pitch a tent in your backyard? We will work hard!
-15 is not bad? You're crazier than a June Bug! LolI prefer cold to hot. You can always put on more layers if it’s cold but there are limits to how many layers you can take off if it’s too hot. The downside to cold is that every bone I have broken and joint I have destroyed complain when they get cold. It’s not bad this morning -15 and light snow
"Where two or more are gathered...."My goodness Camo I didn't know you were sick. So sorry hope your better and beat this thing. I totally agree with you on the meds thing.
I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Get hubby to say an extra prayer with me for you tonight.![]()
View attachment 1505 To cold to do anything outside today!
No Mon! That's cold.Thats not cold!
Thats just a brisk winters day!
I prefer cold to hot. You can always put on more layers if it’s cold but there are limits to how many layers you can take off if it’s too hot. The downside to cold is that every bone I have broken and joint I have destroyed complain when they get cold. It’s not bad this morning -15 and light snow
Thanks Clem, you are correct. I forget to translate sometimes.Bugout Bob is from western Canada. He may be talking temperatures in celsius. -15 C is only 5F; not all that cold. .
Hello everyone.
Thought I would update what we did yesterday which was stain remove some clothing for 2 loads of washing, put them on, hang on clothes line and bring in. We both took turns in hand watering one side of house and half of the back house paddock lawn with saved grey water.
Moved onto dog proofing some of the back paddock fence as 2 dogs from 2 properties over have been digging under the fence and DH found that they had our poor cat bailed up the night before in the back yard but she had that look on her face that she was about to rip into one of the dogs, she defends her territory viciously from everything. We discussed it with our neighbour and used two heavy posts he was not using in his back yard and used tie wire to wire them to the bottom of the fence for some weight to stop them getting under the fence. It doesn't look pretty but it has worked and the dogs haven't been over since.
Back inside where DH cleaned the kitchen benches and washed the dishes and I put them away and we also cleared the clutter from the kitchen table and wiped that over as well and I swept the floors in the kitchen and laundry area. We both took in the dry washing from the clothes line and folded up 3 loads of laundry and put it away.
DH and I then had a discussion about what we needed to buy or replace for the home as our savings for this year far outweighed our expectations. Up until now due to members of my family's money grabbing that left us fairly much destitute in 2014 (won't go into it) we have up until now been not replacing anything unless it was an emergency or had break down apart from machinery needed to live in the country. We decided that since our sheets had fairly much had it to buy 5 sets of Egyptian cotton sheets, a few years of tea towels for the kitchen and a few years worth of underwear for me as well.
We had our showers and went to bed but obviously I was fighting something off as I spent half the night shivering uncontrollably for half the night under 3 blankets with a high temperature in the middle of summer. What ever it was I am feeling fine this morning albeit a bit drained and have no temperature at all. It is common for my body to react like this to any bugs and usually I am alright by the next morning so I must have a pretty good immune system I think.
Round 1 of today which we haven't done a lot is DH stain removed some clothing and put on another load of washing in the washing machine and I hand watered another 1/3rd of the back house paddock lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. Then turned on the electric hot water system to heat for 3.5hrs and turned it off and DH and I just had lunch being a chicken and mayo sandwich with the last of the leftover chicken from buying our Boxing roast chicken on special. Just gave the kitchen, laundry and toilet floors a sweep and it looks much better and not so crunchy under foot.
DH is now having a nap as no doubt I kept him awake with my shivering last night and I will wake him shortly.
Happy days! My garage/shop is up!
Now it is up to me to insulate it and get everything in there the way I want it. Much work ahead for me. I'll call the garage a prep item.
View attachment 1468 Since the restaurant is slower than molasses in the artic right now I am using my Executive Chef privilege and taking the night off!
Going to Kowloon City for some Indian food with my son and wife. Cheap beer, good spicy curry on a cold (60F) evening, going to pay for it tomorrow though....
Thanks Clem, you are correct. I forget to translate sometimes.
The coldest I have personally experienced was -53c (-63f) with a windchill equivilant of -110c (-166F) , that was weather too cold to do anything in. Even with all the layers d**n near froze to death. That was in Northern Alberta where seasonal temperatures were typically -40 (C and F) Some years at Halloween Mom made us wear winter coats under our costumes.
Where we live now it seldom gets below -30C (-22F) which is quite reasonable.
Thanks Clem, you are correct. I forget to translate sometimes.
The coldest I have personally experienced was -53c (-63f) with a windchill equivilant of -110c (-166F) , that was weather too cold to do anything in. Even with all the layers d**n near froze to death. That was in Northern Alberta where seasonal temperatures were typically -40 (C and F) Some years at Halloween Mom made us wear winter coats under our costumes.
Where we live now it seldom gets below -30C (-22F) which is quite reasonable.
Thanks Clem, you are correct. I forget to translate sometimes.
The coldest I have personally experienced was -53c (-63f) with a windchill equivilant of -110c (-166F) , that was weather too cold to do anything in. Even with all the layers d**n near froze to death. That was in Northern Alberta where seasonal temperatures were typically -40 (C and F) Some years at Halloween Mom made us wear winter coats under our costumes.
Where we live now it seldom gets below -30C (-22F) which is quite reasonable.
That's when we were fixing to start a new ice age.Back in the 70's before global warming got going, the coldest I can recall was around -51C/60F in the B.C. Interior. We didn't bother with windchill vectors; if it was that cold, whatever was exposed froze solid and your snot didn't get a chance to get out the end of your nose. We lived in a clap board shack with no insulation. We spent the winter in a dog pile, including dogs and dad's beer, under all the blankets we owned on a mattress next to the stove. Even around 1980 in Calgary, it was regularly -40 C/F and I made all the kids halloween costumes to go over snow suits.
That's when we were fixing to start a new ice age.