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One load of laundry washed and dried.
Still have to put away.
One load of laundry washed.
It's in the dryer.
One load of laundry just started in washer.
Going to be dropping off sewing projects.
A pair of Care Bear pillow shams-done
! yellow dress hemmed-done.
Did a bit of Christmas shopping for the grand daughters this last week.
Nothing fancy.
Will have to cook this week.
Did grocery shopping for several people last week.
Will do Dad's shopping today.
Dealership didn't actually do the inspection but claimed it would cost $500 to fix the tailgate handle. I think it just has mud in it and needs to be greased. They charged $115 to claim I needed a new tailgate handle (but I can see they didn't touch the screws to take it apart to look & they did not diagnose error messages of check VSA, emissions, and ABS.

I replaced my tailgate handle last year. It costs me $20, it’s not hard to swap. I ordered one online.

Ah... you posted something the other day… did I read correctly that you have CFS? Diagnosed where? Just curious, I’ve had CFS for 23 years. PM me.
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Don't feel too bad. Unless you bought a lifetime supply of components before 2019 a reloading machine is about the most useless piece of hardware to have currently. I'd sell off all four of mine if I could find a sucker willing to pay what I bought them for.
Thank you, but.......
I have all that I would need, when I used to make good money I would always buy extra, and about 2010 I came across some bulk product from a place going out of business. Plenty to feel bad about.
Just got the kids biopsy results. She has eosinophilic esophagitis and chronic inactive gastritis with negative H pylori bacteria in the stomach.

Now I need a Dr to explain that in normal English for dummies.
Wow Terri, I hope there are ways to get her to feeling better or reverse the issues without bad side effects.
Wow Terri, I hope there are ways to get her to feeling better or reverse the issues without bad side effects.

Those are just piled on top of her other issues. The Docs said they are all tied together but dam. How much can 1 kid take!
An excess of H.pylori is generally associated with stomach ulcers. She is negative for that. They have basically eliminated stomach ulcers due to H. pylori. Based on what you posted.

Her gut flora and fauna is messed up.

They are saying she has too many white blood cells in her esophagus (inflamation) possibly caused by food allergies. Its probably chronic and it may be down to symptom management.

It is very similar management to GERD. Esophageal reflux disease.

I am not a doctor and my source won't commit to more than that. Hopefully, it's enough for you to have a proper talk with your doctor.
An excess of H.pylori is generally associated with stomach ulcers. She is negative for that. They have basically eliminated stomach ulcers due to H. pylori. Based on what you posted.

Her gut flora and fauna is messed up.

They are saying she has too many white blood cells in her esophagus (inflamation) possibly caused by food allergies. Its probably chronic and it may be down to symptom management.

It is very similar management to GERD. Esophageal reflux disease.

I am not a doctor and my source won't commit to more than that. Hopefully, it's enough for you to have a proper talk with your doctor.
She's always had gastro issues. Her intestines work to slow and for awhile they thought they were shutting down. The doc put her on a elimination diet. No wheat, dairy, eggs, nuts, soy or seafood. We've had such a hard time feeding her that we got on line and found a lab that does allergy testing. Send in hair samples and they can test for 900 food and non food items. We're doing the whole family.
Make that home made sauerkaut. Nothing canned/processed.

Terry, you might want to get into fermented foods, although it could be a tough sell to your daughter. I would even try raw milk, either Jersey or goat to make yogurt if you can get it. Just make sure the milk comes from A2 cows.

No processed foods ever.
She's always had gastro issues. Her intestines work to slow and for awhile they thought they were shutting down. The doc put her on a elimination diet. No wheat, dairy, eggs, nuts, soy or seafood. We've had such a hard time feeding her that we got on line and found a lab that does allergy testing. Send in hair samples and they can test for 900 food and non food items. We're doing the whole family.
Hopes and prayers they find out what is going on!!
We get A2 raw milk from my cousin. They make yogurt and mozzarella out of it, but it doesn't last terribly long in the fridge. Going to pick some more up today and some of their honey when we go to dinner. Grow your own cabbage and make your own sauerkraut. That's what we do. Even water bath some, but I know some people say not to. It'll keep a good month in the fridge after it's fermented. Made potato salad and a pumpkin pie by request to take to my cousin's house for supper tonight. Got the sleepies, and it's in the 90's and windy out.
Make that home made sauerkaut. Nothing canned/processed.

Terry, you might want to get into fermented foods, although it could be a tough sell to your daughter. I would even try raw milk, either Jersey or goat to make yogurt if you can get it. Just make sure the milk comes from A2 cows.

No processed foods ever.

We have fresh raw milk. We had La Mancha dairy goats and currently have a Dexter A2 cow but she is restricted from milk right now. We've tried fermented foods.. the facial expressions are almost comical.
Sewed up Christmas pillowcases.
Bonus grandchildren boy 8 years old- football
Bonus grand daughter 5 years old- dinosaurs
Oldest grand daughter Estelle age 4 years old- Super Heroes
Youngest grand daughter Reign age 1- Woodland animals
Pictures posted in Sewing,quilts thread.
Bug quilt also posted there.
Finished last of the laundry.
In some parts of Missouri it against the law to cut down "dead" limbs, trees in the middle of the night on public domain{side of highway, forest}. You might ought to check hate to see you get ticket, fined and thrown in jail for wood.

Good call!
I was thinking more along the lines of dead wood already on the ground that needs to be trimmed up to fit in the car.
Good call!
I was thinking more along the lines of dead wood already on the ground that needs to be trimmed up to fit in the car.
So was I Grimm.
In the past there was a "Gentle"man who thought he was doing the state a favor by cleaning up the side of the road of "Dead" wood laying around . $5000 fine later, he was arrested destroying public domain{cutting up wood laying on the ground to fit in his truck}. They also got him for poaching Just a word of warning.
The only fermented food I like is sauerkraut on my brats or hotdogs. One of my assistants when we had the school open used to do her own kombucha. I swear she fermented it a bit much.
Kombucha is a great idea, and trendy amongst kids (well at least my teenage daughter and her friends)
So was I Grimm.
In the past there was a "Gentle"man who thought he was doing the state a favor by cleaning up the side of the road of "Dead" wood laying around . $5000 fine later, he was arrested destroying public domain{cutting up wood laying on the ground to fit in his truck}. They also got him for poaching Just a word of warning.

I appreciate the concern. And I will look in to it before acting.
Sometimes it's really the pits getting older, my firewood stacking is taking far longer than I wanted and we're starting to get clouds coming around, I'll get more done today and at least the wood left on the ground will be small enough to tarp over.
We have fresh raw milk. We had La Mancha dairy goats and currently have a Dexter A2 cow but she is restricted from milk right now. We've tried fermented foods.. the facial expressions are almost comical.

Your daughter is lucky to have you.

When you feel comfy with the withdrawal time, try again. Also make sure that if she gets a bit of cheese later, that it is also real cheese. If it has modified milk proteins in it, it's taboo. Try to avoid gmo. Wheat, corn, soy are all gmo. The biggest problem is all the farm chemicals used to grow them but I am pretty sure you know all this already. You have a Dexter after all. I used to have Belted Galloways and Jerseys.
Your daughter is lucky to have you.

When you feel comfy with the withdrawal time, try again. Also make sure that if she gets a bit of cheese later, that it is also real cheese. If it has modified milk proteins in it, it's taboo. Try to avoid gmo. Wheat, corn, soy are all gmo. The biggest problem is all the farm chemicals used to grow them but I am pretty sure you know all this already. You have a Dexter after all. I used to have Belted Galloways and Jerseys.
My system can't handle most the things you mentioned and I don't have the issues the Kid has - can't even imagine, poor dear. Also, the emulsifiers they use nail me.
@Amish Heart Do you freeze your jalapenos and crm. chz.? We've made 99 quarts of salsa and I don't have enough tomato sauce yet so told him I need the tomatoes. He said he doesn't want to waist the jalapenos so I mentioned freezing poppers.
@Cascadian A Gazeb-b-q 😂
Thank you all for the anniversary wishes. We went to the Deschutes river which is where we spent our honeymoon. Hubby got a new 3 weight and caught 3 fish - fish as in plural not fish which is obviously singular 😂 On the 3 weight he caught trout. He was also fishing for steelhead but didn't catch any. Any - both and neither singular and/nor plural - bahaha.
It was a nice relaxing weekend. Tomorrow is back to work - yikes! Not sure I'm ready. By mid Oct. I will be gone for three weekends in a row. Next weekend, I'm traveling to Calif. for my Grandmother's funeral. She passed last year and all she asked was for a traditional Catholic funeral - nothing else. So she is finally getting her funeral. The following weekend will be Spokane Quilt show. @MoBookworm1957 if you get that allowance, you're sure welcome to come along. We are surprising my mom and SIL. My aunt is flying up to meet us. This will be the first time since my uncle started declining about 6ish? years ago that we've all been able to go. (My uncle passed 2 years ago.) Anyhoo, we're looking at the 3rd weekend in Oct. before I have an opportunity to stay home. For a homebody like me, this is waaay too much going.
Lots of laundry! I'm going through the house and washing everything that can be washed in the new washing machine. It has been a couple years since my washing machine went out and I had that claw foot tub partially blocking the door to the bathroom where my laundry space is. I've been washing minimal laundry at my daughters and when I house sit until I could get that tub moved. That was just minimal laundry to get by. Yesterday, 8 loads. Today, just a couple loads, but there is plenty of bedding, blankets, quilts, rugs, etc. to wash.
It was a big burn day. It's been a while since we've been able to burn anything (wind, precipitation, heat). Lots of papers and brush piling up. I break down and use most cardboard in the garden, but sometimes there's a lot that really isn't good for that. Today was one of those times.

Now I stink. :eyeballs:

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