What's everybody doing today?

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Well I guess this is as good a place to post a heya if any!
Been off social media and such for a bit, have been working away at the homestead -- finally got the permits for the house, quonset hut is done, chicken coop up and garden drawn out. This has been a much slower process than I thought.
My son joined the Navy and is away at boot camp just north of Chicago.
Been working like crazy, getting some medical articles published and some chapters in some book done.
But for today, I made flat bread pizza, my daughter is coming over, as well as some neighbors in our little townhouse complex and we are going to watch the football game tonight!
Hope everyone has a great night.
I am glad to see you posting here again. And happy to hear how well your new homestead is going.

People always groan when I post the shop-worn line, "For an accurate time estimate, start with your original estimate, double it, then move it to the next higher unit". Thus "2 months" becomes "4 years". But this old saying is kind of true, you have to admit.
Today we drug some junk over to our town's once a year free hazmat/electronics waste disposal. This year we got rid of a big screen TV, a couple of car batteries, three large jars of dead alkaline and NiMH batteris, some dead computer monitors, and a bit of other miscellaneous junk. This is nice of our town to provide this service (you have to drive all your hazmat/electronics over to their drop off point). This was quite the operation this year. They had lanes of the road blocked off, several manned cop cars sitting around, fire department engines and hazmat response vehicles, probably 50 people in various levels of hazmat gear unloading your car and sorting and carrying things.

Our town also has a free yearly trash pickup (they come to your curb to pick it up). That's for everything else - fencing, BBQ grills, dead lawn mowers, water heaters, couches, tables ... you name it. The metal stuff you put out rarely makes it through the night from when you put it out until they come to pick it up. People wander the neighborhood with trucks, trailers and rental U-Hauls grabbing every metal thing they can find. I guess these bring in money for them at recycle places. I remember one year wheeling my old water heater out to the curb on a dolly and there was a pickup truck with two ladies in it just waiting for this grand haul. I helped them load it into their truck and tie it down, and off they went with their prize.
Happy Birthday @Pearl and a belated happy birthday @zannej This thread had evidently dropped off my "new posts" notification area, since I see there is a lot of stuff recently that I have missed. I guess you have to post in a thread every so often to keep getting notifications (but I didn't think it had been so long since I posted here). Anyway, happy birthday you two!
Thank you!!💗
Saturday October 12th 2024

Finally all together it was nice today and cool temperature

I fed everybody few minutes ago
I dont know what I will eat yet

Besides making fire I did nothing :)

What about just...relaxing!!!

I wish you all that !!!!!
And an wonderful Saturday Night

This song is incredibly moving and beautiful !!!!
It makes me think of all pets/my animals that are R.I.P gone
And I would love to give them just one more time a last kiss and hug
then let them go back peacefully to Heaven
I raked out some more gravel today. The pad should be ready to start building on. Fixed the tire on the log splitter and split some wood. Went down to the pump house and put up some 2" foam board insulation and wrapped the pipes with fiberglass insulation. I'll wait until it gets cold to turn the pilot light on the propane heater, shut the windows and put foam board over the windows. It's still early so I'll go up to the chicken coop and cut some rafters.
Talked to my Florida sis, and she had power restored late yesterday, so a big hooray. Two teenaged neighbor boys were going door to door to help with yard cleanup and helped her with the big oak branches that came down. Wouldn't take payment from her, they said, "That's what neighbors do". She said she wanted to ask them if they were amish (ha) because we see that here often. Their dad came by later, loaded up a 6 ft high pile by 20 ft long of the big branches and took it away for her. Very glad because her son is in Europe at the moment, foosball tournament, and won't be home till Thursday. He normally helps her, but he is also going to have his hands full when he sees his own yard.
A little more kitchen painting today, caught up with my favorite cousin for awhile.
Happy Birthday, Pearl! 🎂

Today was a lazy day. Just feeling tired and frustrated. Microwave died last night so I need to figure out some things to cook in the small air fryer and the stove. Gonna have to get my brother's help. Will have to see if I can go find some stuff that can be cooked in air fryer or on stovetop. I hate cooking on the stove but it looks like I'm going to have to do it.

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