We had a Great Pyrenees and Anatolian, when we lost the GP, we left the Anatolian with the goats. She very much preferred that and was a lot less social after losing her friend!!thanks, he will be a great loss. He was not just a pet but working dog that did a great job. We never lost any lambs or goat kids since we got the dogs. When one of the goats got stuck in the fence, he would sit next to it until we came and unstuck it. He was super friendly to humans too . I will really miss him
I don't know what we are going to do now, we are about to have lambs and kids. We usually split up the dogs and put one with the sheep and one with the goats but now we only have one. I guess we better really make sure the electric fences work at all times.
I wonder how Rose is going to do without him. She did eat yesterday evening, but did not want to go in the dog room where they usually spend the night if everyone is in the barn so I just left her with the goats for now.