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Rainy weather makes me sleepy. Mom's Dexcom sensor snagged on her clothes and pulled loose-- clothes got under the plastic part and yanked the needle out and it bent so it wouldn't go back in and it was only in for 2 days before that happened. I've asked her to try to be more careful. She only has one dexcom sensor left and the supply place won't be mailing out new sensors until March 4.

I've been trying to figure out what I need to put an AAV in under my kitchen sink since having a proper vent doesn't seem feasible-- unless I could figure out how to do an island vent but that might get in the way of the water supply lines. Can't put stuff in that exterior wall. The floor under the sink is destroyed so at least I have more wiggle room for putting a new pipe down. I know I need a sanitary tee, some pipe, a better P-trap with a trap adapter, a combo wye and a cleanout. Maybe some unions just in case. Need to make sure that whatever cleanout plug I get works with whatever I use at the end of the wye. And I need to doublecheck to find out what size pipe it is under the house. Could be 1.5" but could also go up to 2". With all the rain there are too many big puddles to climb under and look-- although I suppose I could try to look through the hole in the floor but my fat behind might fall through. LOL.

Kitties have been unhappy with the weather and have been fighting. Gravy Jones has decided that Rupert is his prison girlfriend and keeps going after him so I have to keep them separated. Rupert came running to me earlier while Gravy was calling to him. Rupert has been sleeping curled up with me. Princess is helping to guard him right now.

Got some groceries so brother should be able to make some beef soup soon.
Rainy weather makes me sleepy. Mom's Dexcom sensor snagged on her clothes and pulled loose-- clothes got under the plastic part and yanked the needle out and it bent so it wouldn't go back in and it was only in for 2 days before that happened. I've asked her to try to be more careful. She only has one dexcom sensor left and the supply place won't be mailing out new sensors until March 4.

I've been trying to figure out what I need to put an AAV in under my kitchen sink since having a proper vent doesn't seem feasible-- unless I could figure out how to do an island vent but that might get in the way of the water supply lines. Can't put stuff in that exterior wall. The floor under the sink is destroyed so at least I have more wiggle room for putting a new pipe down. I know I need a sanitary tee, some pipe, a better P-trap with a trap adapter, a combo wye and a cleanout. Maybe some unions just in case. Need to make sure that whatever cleanout plug I get works with whatever I use at the end of the wye. And I need to doublecheck to find out what size pipe it is under the house. Could be 1.5" but could also go up to 2". With all the rain there are too many big puddles to climb under and look-- although I suppose I could try to look through the hole in the floor but my fat behind might fall through. LOL.

Kitties have been unhappy with the weather and have been fighting. Gravy Jones has decided that Rupert is his prison girlfriend and keeps going after him so I have to keep them separated. Rupert came running to me earlier while Gravy was calling to him. Rupert has been sleeping curled up with me. Princess is helping to guard him right now.

Got some groceries so brother should be able to make some beef soup soon.
Husband's done that with sensors, and they are expensive. Now I put a sensor protector on it, goes on like a large bandaid, called adhesive patches or adhesive covers. The company will probably send you a free sensor if you call them and ask. They will if it's just rarely.
got up late so went on to check sheep first thing, still no lambs. I am pretty sure they are now officially late
no water leaks in the barn, the old valve we put on it held, and I just ordered some more of those and a new faucet too , old one leaks too
Then I was going to finally start some seed trays and ...the potting soil is frozen solid! Just put it inside
Today the goal is to check fencing and take fallen branches out in one pasture and tighten up the electric tape to keep dogs in and little goats from getting stuck in some places. Not sure I posted this, but we are most likely getting a new livestock dog. Someone in our club is selling a 9 month old puppy because he won't leave their chickens alone and they have too many. He is good with lambs. The lady offered to bring him here , it's a long drive. She is also willing to take him back if Rosie hates him, or he bothers the goats ( they have no goats only sheep) . It's a Marema /Akbash mix.
Best way to get over a dog, is to get another one. Plus we really need 2 LGDs
I still didn't get up as early as I wanted but it's eariler than yesterday..
It's warming up..it's been raining. Supposed to snow too a bit but I haven't seen any yet. I'm ok with that. The snow we do have is going to melt probably too fast tho n cause some issues with run off on the burn scars and local creeks n waterways. The only way it might affect me is if it overflows the road on the way to or back from work in a few spots. Or causes a avalanche in the canyon n shuts the road down. Both have happened before n most times the crews have it cleared in a few hours.
Most times I seem to be at work when it happens and I get stuck there. One time the creeks were overflowing running across the road when I was going to work. It was 5 am, dark n raining like crazy.
If a bridge is has water going across it, even if only a few inches..I'm not driving over it. Who's to say that bridge won't collapse when 90 percent of it is under water n stressed by forces it wasn't designed to take. I doubt these little bridges around here have been looked at in decades probably except for one bigger one that got a face-lift a few years back in the canyon to widen it.
I've seen a few dead folks who drowned in their car..mostly because they drove off the road n ended up in a river or creek. Not how I want to go..I parked my truck in town untill I could see n told my boss sorry..but I'll be there when I can see what I'm driving on. A few other folks didn't make it in that morning as I found out later on. One actually had his house flooding by a nearby creek, another had to cross over a creek a few times to get off his road but the creek was overflowing the bridges all the way to the highway.

Anyways, I stay far away from flooding. Water is powerful. That partly why I went high n dry.

Today, I have a few chores I need to do..not sure if I'll walk the pups..but mostly it will be a chill day to relax.
Going into the bigger town after lunch and after chores for shopping, probably Walmart and Aldi. It's already 29 degrees and going to 60!!! So excited about that. Funny how I get excited about nice weather at the end of Winter.
it's nice when it is not frozen solid outside! Still cold here but just below 32 and the sun is shining , we put all the animals except the pregnant sheep out
I still didn't get up as early as I wanted but it's eariler than yesterday..
It's warming up..it's been raining. Supposed to snow too a bit but I haven't seen any yet. I'm ok with that. The snow we do have is going to melt probably too fast tho n cause some issues with run off on the burn scars and local creeks n waterways. The only way it might affect me is if it overflows the road on the way to or back from work in a few spots. Or causes a avalanche in the canyon n shuts the road down. Both have happened before n most times the crews have it cleared in a few hours.
Most times I seem to be at work when it happens and I get stuck there. One time the creeks were overflowing running across the road when I was going to work. It was 5 am, dark n raining like crazy.
If a bridge is has water going across it, even if only a few inches..I'm not driving over it. Who's to say that bridge won't collapse when 90 percent of it is under water n stressed by forces it wasn't designed to take. I doubt these little bridges around here have been looked at in decades probably except for one bigger one that got a face-lift a few years back in the canyon to widen it.
I've seen a few dead folks who drowned in their car..mostly because they drove off the road n ended up in a river or creek. Not how I want to go..I parked my truck in town untill I could see n told my boss sorry..but I'll be there when I can see what I'm driving on. A few other folks didn't make it in that morning as I found out later on. One actually had his house flooding by a nearby creek, another had to cross over a creek a few times to get off his road but the creek was overflowing the bridges all the way to the highway.

Anyways, I stay far away from flooding. Water is powerful. That partly why I went high n dry.

Today, I have a few chores I need to do..not sure if I'll walk the pups..but mostly it will be a chill day to relax.
Most bridges in your area have been replaced in the last 5 - 10 years or so. But it's still not a good idea to drive over one thats under water. A few years ago we had a quick snow melt and there was water around many houses in town and the water was up to the top of the bridge leading to town. The sheriff was there keeping an eye on the bridge. I stopped and we BS'ed for awhile then I went on in to town.
This winter is looking a lot like that one. We could have some flooding this spring.
wow, you guys sound great!!
I had a blast! Everyone in the room had been in bands, been on stage. Except one young lady and she's married to a professional musician so she knows how to play too. It's such a pleasure to sit with folks like this and just play for the sheer joy of it. It's not work, it's just fun! I learned as a young man the word 'stage' took all the fun out it, for me anyway.
Most bridges in your area have been replaced in the last 5 - 10 years or so. But it's still not a good idea to drive over one thats under water. A few years ago we had a quick snow melt and there was water around many houses in town and the water was up to the top of the bridge leading to town. The sheriff was there keeping an eye on the bridge. I stopped and we BS'ed for awhile then I went on in to town.
This winter is looking a lot like that one. We could have some flooding this spring.
I've seen the repaving work and road paint that got done but I haven't seen structural type work..
It's possible I could missed that if they did it all at the same time. One bridge was flowing over the bridge, down n over the highway in the lower spot once..south of town past the gun range. I did drive over that. I was halfway over it b4 I realize I was on it. It was dark, 5am and so focused on the hwy flooding I was halfway over it before I realized I was on it. I scooted off as fast as I could, cursing to myself. I kept going north and just past the weight station kept going through over the road flooding. Just north of town , i pulled into my coworkers driveway right off the hwy, where him and another coworker were debating on going up.

We figured once we started up the mountain over the road flooding would likely stop but I was worried about slides..

Anyways..we started going but hit another huge flooded out area just before the Y heading up the mountain ..I actually went through it twice because I turned around at a chain up n said screw this..
My night time driving eyes seen better days and I've dodged enough slides trees n rocks in the past to want to chance it when I'm already having issues seeing the road through water..so that's when I turned around , got to shell n told my boss I'll drive up when I can see in daylight.

That was a few years back n a few folks didn't make it in at all. He knows I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to sketchy road conditions at night. It never used to be a issue but the last 5 years or so my night vision is crappy. So like this last winter on a few days when it was crappy n cars were sliding off alot I hitched a ride with the other boss up the mountain. That actually worked out to their benefit because I had to get there early on their schedule so I got the sorter caught up alittle before main production started at 6am. So a win win really..I don't have to drive up the canyon so long as I get into town eariler to carpool up and they get me another hour to get stuff caught up.

I'm looking forward to not having to drive in retirement much unless it's nice.
@Hooch a little similarities in the love and collection of stones, rocks, fossils. I love it all. Watched an interesting program a few times where they were going in secretive and deep to where there were some exquisite precious gems, looked tropical! Another time where these guys were going in to a place and using some explosives, probably in Utah, very dry and barren looking.
That is on my bucket list of things I want to do, not necessarily with explosives, but to just get out there and find some awesome stones. Also watched the family that "owns" land in Utah or Nevada and they mine it for turquoise. Sapphires in Montana...supposed to be a couple places in Texas to dig on someone's property and then the places out to the southwest of Texas.
Unfortunately I started collecting beads and make bracelets and anklets now. :rolleyes: For myself because I know what I like and the size.
Dear me, @sonya123 good luck with the new puppy! Good luck with the lambs! We need photos of them to get us out of the winter doldrums!!!
I had daffodils blooming in the yard a couple days before the big freeze.
I've seen the repaving work and road paint that got done but I haven't seen structural type work..
It's possible I could missed that if they did it all at the same time. One bridge was flowing over the bridge, down n over the highway in the lower spot once..south of town past the gun range. I did drive over that. I was halfway over it b4 I realize I was on it. It was dark, 5am and so focused on the hwy flooding I was halfway over it before I realized I was on it. I scooted off as fast as I could, cursing to myself. I kept going north and just past the weight station kept going through over the road flooding. Just north of town , i pulled into my coworkers driveway right off the hwy, where him and another coworker were debating on going up.

We figured once we started up the mountain over the road flooding would likely stop but I was worried about slides..

Anyways..we started going but hit another huge flooded out area just before the Y heading up the mountain ..I actually went through it twice because I turned around at a chain up n said screw this..
My night time driving eyes seen better days and I've dodged enough slides trees n rocks in the past to want to chance it when I'm already having issues seeing the road through water..so that's when I turned around , got to shell n told my boss I'll drive up when I can see in daylight.

That was a few years back n a few folks didn't make it in at all. He knows I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to sketchy road conditions at night. It never used to be a issue but the last 5 years or so my night vision is crappy. So like this last winter on a few days when it was crappy n cars were sliding off alot I hitched a ride with the other boss up the mountain. That actually worked out to their benefit because I had to get there early on their schedule so I got the sorter caught up alittle before main production started at 6am. So a win win really..I don't have to drive up the canyon so long as I get into town eariler to carpool up and they get me another hour to get stuff caught up.

I'm looking forward to not having to drive in retirement much unless it's nice.
If it's already flooding now, wait until we get some real warm weather. It's been snowing up here all day, a wet heavy snow. I can't use the snowblower with wet snow because it'll just plug up the discharge chute. We have probably 5 - 6 feet of snow on the ground right now. It's too early for it to start melting off right now. I'm hoping that we get some more cold weather, but according to the forecast it looks like we have a warm up coming our way. High temp was 33 today.
My night vision isn't too bad and many times I prefer to drive at night. Just have to watch out for deer, elk and cows on the road.
I think that bridge south of town (Cottonwood cr?) was replaced a few years ago and the bridge north of town and both bridges north of the mill have been replaced within the last few years too.
Spent the day laying around on my tukus, feeling sorry for myself. Dad is in even worse shape—he feels responsible because I was moving the lamp for him. He doesn’t want to mess with the trains now. Took some serious talk and effort but he’s working on repairing one of the engines now.

Called work and let the pharmacy manager know what happened. Spoke to brother and sister in law. He was planning on coming down at the end of the week but he might be coming earlier now.

I think God is telling me to slow down. Wish He would have done it in a less bloody way.
@LadyLocust i had mentioned a fishing rod/reel combo and you asked about it...i cant recall what i said other than i was putting new line because original wouldnt cast and sorta soured me on it...well the new 4# line allowed it to cast....so i will be testing it this spring...its an eagle claw pack it collapsing rod with p-line hp trout line a high performance coploymer....we shall see if its worth anything this spring.
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Today was Church and not much else. Photo from seminar yesterday with my Church ladies. We had fun! I'm the short one on the left.


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With this warm weather (33 degs) we're having, the blocks of ice are starting to fall off the upper roof down on to the lower roof. Some of these blocks are 3 feet thick by 36 feet long. So far they are breaking off in pieces of 4 to 6 feet. When they come down they shake the whole house. Tomorrow I need to climb out the upstairs window and shoot down a massive icicle that's been growing between the 2 dormers.
We're supposed to get thunderstorms tomorrow night. I don't think our road will be passable for awhile.
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walked the fence of a few of the pastures, very tired now. They are very steep . Plus helped husband and son drag stuff that came down during the ice storm out. Now we have a huge pile of brush tree limbs and stuff. Not sure what to do with it. The bigger stuff can be firewood
The fences are not in too bad of shape. Need some new plastic pieces where the electric is attached to t posts. Plus need to cut down some large vines that are on top of the fence now
The animals seemed very happy to be outside in the sunshine after being in the barn for almost a week now
Dear me, @sonya123 good luck with the new puppy! Good luck with the lambs! We need photos of them to get us out of the winter doldrums!!!
I had daffodils blooming in the yard a couple days before the big freeze.
no lambs or puppy yet! I do have a photo of the puppy on the phone, but need to download first
I hope he will work out and she doesn't end up taking him back home....if Rosie tries to bite him it won;t work. She is super laid back and friendly so if she does that there is a problem. Or if he tries to attack the goats...( but most likely not, if he is with sheep now)

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