What's everybody doing today?

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So we all had a good conversation about security n what ifs.
Then I've been cleaning up what used to be the goat kid nursery field.

A thought... how about sowing yarrow, monarda... other great medicinals in your goat pen. Sort of ground cover to keep other plants from growing and you get a stock of medicines to use. :)
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Zipping by to say hello — hi friends! Hope you’re all doing well.

Things have been okay over here, though I think I’ve decided that I’m going to stick with pressure-canning ingredients rather than meals. I have had no luck with any of the meals-in-jars I’ve tried, they all turn out bland.

Garlic’s up and growing vigorously. I have seen a few signs of asparagus coming up, but I’m not sure how well they actually took. We’ll see. Flowers on the clove currant, hooray. I’d love some more of those, honestly, even if just for the scent.
Great to see you, if only for a quick visit! I recently saw something that said garlic will repel Japanese beetles. I rarely see Japanese beetles in my yard, while other neighbors are complaining about them. But I have had garlic growing in my yard for years, so maybe that is why.
A thought... how about sowing yarrow, monarda... other great medicinals in you goat pen. Sort of ground cover to keep other plants from growing and you get a stock of medicines to use. :)
That's a great idea!
I plan on cleaning it out, redo the fencing and merge it in with the main garden. I'd like to put a root cellar in with a she shed on the higher elevation end too.
Lots of potential in this little field n I need a herb area..
I have been busier than normal dealing with outside stuff. I cleared the back field of debris and branches from wind storms abusing the chestnut trees.

Put the battery back in the lawn tractor. It had been on a trickle charger over winter. It started first try and I ran it over enough yard to make it look mowed.

Finished planting all the spuds except the TPS seedlings.

I am pretty much on schedule with the garden.


A couple from where we visited today.
The Cowboy museum in Oklahoma city


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Sunday 4/21...
Lazy weekend.. Windy, partly cloudy, freezing overnight temps the last 3-4 nights.. Also had a small shower of snow at first light a couple mornings.. Not enough moisture to notice in the grass.. Predicted to be 60/40F next week.. With up and down overcast, and other spring weather rabbit ear antenna TV reception has been hit or miss.. I got a small antenna ...signal booster... ($14) plugged into the antenna that has made a big help in reception..
I think I’ve decided that I’m going to stick with pressure-canning ingredients rather than meals. I have had no luck with any of the meals-in-jars I’ve tried, they all turn out bland.
With cool but not freezing, dark, dry storage available I always found individual jars of ingredients made a better meal.. My ...just add water... jarred dry meal mixes while freeze proof did tend to be a bit bland cooked right out of the jar.. The trick is to spice them as they are cooking, or in your bowl and not when being assembled into the jar.. This as some spices can loose or gain potency in storage...
I like those older jeep 6s, I have two Comanches with 4.0s and a J10 junk for parts with the 258, I am going to 4.8 one of the tow and put the J10 running gear under it sell one 4.0 and build a 4.7 stroker and rework the running gear for a driver.

I gave my grandson a M715 with a blown up tornado, The problem is finding something to bolt up to the T1F trans in them with the weird bolt pattern an long input shaft.
Calls for a complete Ls or A Cummins. and Allison with a .50 OD
A nice weekend has come to its end. Friday and Saturday morning were spent with my girlfriend. We went shopping, grilled butterfly chops and potatoes, and played with Ruby the dog. Yesterday afternoon my daughter returned from DC and I met her bus at the school. About half the kids were sick including her. It's just a bad cold, but she had a fever and could hardly breathe. Some Sudafed cleared that up for her. I slept way too late this morning and ran errands and did laundry this afternoon and evening. Nothing exciting, but it was nice...
A nice weekend has come to its end. Friday and Saturday morning were spent with my girlfriend. We went shopping, grilled butterfly chops and potatoes, and played with Ruby the dog. Yesterday afternoon my daughter returned from DC and I met her bus at the school. About half the kids were sick including her. It's just a bad cold, but she had a fever and could hardly breathe. Some Sudafed cleared that up for her. I slept way too late this morning and ran errands and did laundry this afternoon and evening. Nothing exciting, but it was nice...
That's what life is supposed to be about!!♥️
Church this morning. Good news there.
Met with family and saw my bff's brother. Like it was yesterday and it has been 20+ years... But, since my LH has been gone, I find I don't talk as much as I used to so it has been hard for me to try to be a conversationalist at times.
We all took a long walk and friend was amazed at the Texas wildflowers. Then we went for a drive through some of our stuck in time out-lying towns. I'm sure he'll be back.
🎻 I saw miles and miles of Texas. Tomorrow we'll see more.
had problems with our internet yesterday typed a post twice and it stopped working, hope this works....looks like its on right now. It kept going on and off all day

First market went well, but it was very cold out. Husband went to the Goodwill and bought a sweatshirt LOL, he was only wearing a tshirt because it had been warm for a few days and was supposed to be warm Saturday also but wasn't
Sold all my bread except 1 I took home for us and sold a ton of meat so we did well. Don't have any produce yet.

Yesterday my heart was skipping a lot. I used to get this when I had anxiety but haven't had it in several years. So I mostly did nothing and sat there making a photo album for our son.
Husband has two doc appts today
Pulmonologist mentioned an infectious disease doc for the first time the other day. When we go for follow up I'm hoping to get a name. I think that will help more than the pulmonologist has!

Bo got his first bath yesterday. At least from me. He is not a fan, but got through it well enough.

Going to walk in a few minutes.
Do laundry.
Spray weeds in back yard again.
Find something to cook for dinner, tomorrow.
Just waved a relation back off to the States; a week of discussing whats changed, whats happening and at what point they feel enough is enough, and will move over here.

Last week of classes, so editing essays and finishing reading lists. Had two days of really hot weather, so everything's taken a jump up, though my cabbage seedlings got caught so I'll have to plant more.
Hey Snappy...you might like the infectious disease doc more than the pulmonary doc. I know we do here. Infusion time, then off to the infectious disease office for blood draw and bandage change, the fusenra shot and the wait time afterwards at the other clinic. Then some more clean up before the relatives arrive. Amish neighbor boy Aaron came and mowed today, looks great!
Updates please as he heals! So sorry!!💔
Here's Tracker before surgery. He lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. All of his internal organs were pushed up in to his chest cavity. After 5 hours of surgery they put everything back where it belongs. They only had to remove his spleen. They thought he was going to lose an eye from the pressure, but it seems to be fine now.
Poor baby, It is easy for them to get excited and jump into the wrong place, hope he recovers completely.

The manx cat we had jumped off of the top of a folded treadmill and got her rear leg between the upright and the side of the frame,

I didn't go back in there that evening and she had twisted it severely and broken it when I went in there the next day.
I had to throw a heavy towel over her and wrap her tightly, lift her up slowly, put her in a tight box with the leg taped to a stick and run her to the vet.
I thought she would lose the leg, BUT they fixed it and kept her for a week it was still in a cast for about another week but they did a good job, she didn't limp or lose any spring.

I got rid of the folding treadmill.

Some vets are really good about fixing your pet instead of just putting them down or cutting something out. Looks like you got a really good one there.

Prayers for your pup!!!
Mountaintrapper, poor Tracker! I hope he will make a full recovery.

12icemaker, Sorry to hear the manx kitty was injured but glad she was ultimately OK. Vets in my area are quick to put pets down instead of trying to help them.

Got up early and took out the trash while loudly singing. No one else in the house was awake. Went to pick up Mom's RX, picked up mail at the post office, dropped some stuff off at friend's house and looked at the kittens that were born yesterday. Grabbed food from McDonalds and headed home. Mom didn't want to get up to eat breakfast but the nurse stressed that it was important for her to eat breakfast. Got a call from the hospital asking if Mom wanted to have a home healthcare giver and she declined. I asked if I could get trained to be a more official caregiver and they said Medicare would pay for me to get trained so I need to look into that.

Got mom to get up and eat and am now relaxing for a bit. I slept so much better last night knowing Mom was home.