I'd like to see 'OLD HENRY'---I'm not one for modern movies, though I did break down and see 'TOP GUN: MAVERICK' on Friday, paying $7.50 at the first matinee. I only went for the flying, I'm not really a big Tom Cruise fan, though I must admit he has longevity in a separate reality where few actors last years, let alone decades. Some of the flight sequences were doctored, of course, but there were enough real scenes to make up for it. Pretty sure that "Gen 5 Fighter" flat spin was doctored, but I just saw one of our own F-35s pull a flat spin at the air show a few weeks ago. That's a crazy maneuver when done intentionally, but there's enough surface area on the wings to pull it off... the (stone-cold sober) pilot must feel like a drunk in a wreck when that warplane slews around, and pulling or dropping out of that spin has to exert some weird forces on the human body. I reckon that's why the pilots are mostly young & fit, as I once was...
Back on topic, I don't watch ANY modern TV programming, it's all globalist propaganda at this point. Has been since the '80s or '90s, really... but I prefer the older stuff made for entertainment purposes, and not political propaganda. Anybody out there remember these shows?
Just to name a few, there were others which were also entertaining... sadly, those shows have been replaced with modern PC shows, pffffffft. Funny how the phrase "politically correct" originated in the communist party. I can just see Archie Bunker as a card-carrying communist, lol... damn. As if---AS IF---THAT will ever happen. No, wait, I'm sure that at some point in the not-too-distant future, old Archie will resurface in new episodes as a WOKETARD (a nod to Spikedriver here), bending over backwards with his "virtue signalling" to lick globalist boot soles and diss conservative Whitey, lol. Somehow, I foresee a failure in any effort to portray Archie in such a fashion... but then again, maybe old school viewers will all be dead of natural causes by the time the first episode airs, with the entire original series "canceled" for all eternity.
P.S. In some of the latest 'TOP GUN' movie scenes filmed in San Diego, you can see the islands offshore, the very same Coronados where I landed my Laser so many times back in the day... good memories there, and an unexpected bonus as far as the film goes. There are also shots of Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, with its spectacular views of San Diego and the Pacific Ocean. I don't miss Kalifornia, it was the right call to escape from that leftist lunatic asylum, but those shots certainly stirred good memories of how things were decades ago. Oh, well, no way I could afford to live there now, unless I went the homeless route... meh, I'm back to my cold beer, I'm contemplating another relocation to an area where there's boating right near my prospective home. That's something I DO miss, the boating, and I'd gladly settle for fresh water instead of salt... all part of the Brave New Third Nautical World, lol.