Finished LOST. I definitely binge watched it. I enjoyed it, loved being annoyed by Sawyer in the first season or so, gimme a boo hanky for when things get sad, did not like the way they jumped from ...well, you'd have to watch it. Sometimes it was hard to follow. My son and his wife said they got lost watching it and stopped. ha. haha. Big surprise how it was leaning toward...well you'd have to watch it.
@Amish Heart you'd probably like it but I don't know where you stand with having your granddaughter watch make-out scenes in bed. There is some of that once in a while. And a LOT of head bashing, shooting, fist fights. Sorry for the spoiler.
Some conversations and one liners from one episode:
Doesn't sound like he said anything about anything.
That's kinda true, dude. He's worse than Yoda.
All right, y'all head to your heart of the island and I'll go get the magic leprechaun out of that well.
I'd ask you along, but that'd take all the fun out of me telling you you can't come.
This would be so sweet if we weren't all about to die.