Whats in your bug out bag ?

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Ok so I've started loading up my bag, and my secondary as I'm headed hiking in it...

plus bug netting... and bug spray and a cooking pot.

My secondary bag is a camera bag and it has my CBRN gear and a few other things in it.
Watched your first video. A few tips for your water filter. The sawyer filter is the one I use when in the Boundary Waters when I canoe. Its is the best gravity feed filter I have found on the market. The syringe is not for slowly filtering. It is for back flushing out any impurities from the filter. There is a lot of tannin in the water due to all the trees in the wilderness areas. The carmel color in the water is due to the tannins. This will clog a filter very quickly. When the filter has slowed down running water through use the syringe to push FRESH FILTERED water back into the filter from the outlet. This will speed up the filter a lot. One way to avoid as much tannins & impurities is to get your water from away from shore if possible. This is especially true for garidia.

I know they sold those filters in a bottle and to drink right through the filter as a straw. You can add tubing to the outlet and tubing to the inlet. Attach a bag or bucket to a hose and hose attaches to the inlet end filter. A second hose comes from the outlet into your camel back or drinking bottle. Its very convenient if you need to filter for several people. I have mine attached to a 1.5 gallon bucket that I can hang. I also put a hose clamp on to control when I want water flow. If you need a better explanation or pictures let me know. Hope this helps.
It doesn't. I've been using the filter for many months and I know how to use it. Reposting the instructions that come with it isn't helpful.

As I stated the backflow to purge the filter is one use for the syringe another is to use it instead of gravity filtering with a bucket which isn't convenient to carry.

Obviously sterilize the syringe before using it to purge.

I will also remind you I will likely ignore anything you post, also my name isn't Ashley so don't call me Ashley. FO.
It was apparent from your camper made video that you had little if any knowledge when trying to explain the water filter. That's why I thought you could use the information as I have ACTUALLY used this unit. A water bladder as I stated could be used instead of a bucket attachment. The directions do not state to sterilize anything. You may want to read them again. Also I just checked again the name you post by "WilliamAshley" so I assume your last name is Ashley isn't it??? The abbreviate swearing is also not warranted. This is a place that many people come to including women and kids. If you don't like it you can always quit and go to another survival forum. I assume you cant because you have been kicked off most of them on the internet. Your a joke Ashley....... LOL
It was apparent from your camper made video that you had little if any knowledge when trying to explain the water filter. That's why I thought you could use the information as I have ACTUALLY used this unit. A water bladder as I stated could be used instead of a bucket attachment. The directions do not state to sterilize anything. You may want to read them again. Also I just checked again the name you post by "WilliamAshley" so I assume your last name is Ashley isn't it??? The abbreviate swearing is also not warranted. This is a place that many people come to including women and kids. If you don't like it you can always quit and go to another survival forum. I assume you cant because you have been kicked off most of them on the internet. Your a joke Ashley....... LOL

I hope you go to hell ******. You are a troll, I've requested it multiple times don't communicate with me. I don't own the ******* name, my name is William and if you are going to address me people in Civil society use first names not institutionalized last names which is just plain rude. To you it is Rev. Ashley or Dr. Ashley, if it is neither of those don't use it, you are not an authority and I am not a surname.

Trapper I beleive nothing you say, you are not a real person. I really don't need the instructions of a product read to me when I know how to use the bloody product. The way I use it is more effective for what I use it for.

None the less my swearing is completely warranted because you are nothing but a disrepsectful ignorant scumbag.

I won't say it again, don't communicate with me.

It is net stalking scum like you that ruin the internet experience for people now **** off.

If you have a message to me message me privately you don't need to be flame baiting.

Now **** off, I know you are just trying to get under my skin, and you arn't frankly you are getting the response you deserve.

Now go end up face down in a gutter somewhere. You pathetic excuse for a human.

You hold absolutely no weight whatsoever with my determinations on my own survival. You are ignored because you are not real, you don't exist you are just a troll that net stalks and ridicules and tries to belittle. All I can say is get a life because you have pain and lots of pain coming to you in the end. Your comments are spam, and harassment. Finally said **** OFF.

You are once again ingored. Don't commuicate with me.

MY NAME IS NOT ASHLEY. Grow a brain. People like you don't deserve the air you breath.

I can't be more clear than, do not communicate with me. You are nothing but an annoying *******, your methods of trolling are obvious.

You are nothing, you arn't real, you are a fiction. You are just a tool to harass. That is all you are. You hold no respect, no weight in my life. You simply put are a waste of text. I sincerely hope you suffer.

I don't carry a ******* bucket in my bag. who the hell carries a ******* bucket in their bag?

Dude just shake it out. You know nothing. You probably just skimmed the website and are now reposting information on a product I own and have used. Trying to put down my advice which is highly useful.

You know nothing your advice is elementary and non informative. The information sheet that comes with it provides much more insightful information than that.

My comments explain how to more effectively use the product while hiking.

You clearly have no insight into how the product can be used other than what anyone researching the product can learn from the products website.

"trapper" you are just wasting my time. Don't talk to me. I do not think you will in anyway assist my life so your comments to me are 100% spam.

There is absolutely nothing funny about you agitating me and wasting my time. I'd knock your teeth out if you were a real person for your actions.

Net stalking trolls like you should be dead or in jail.
So when I posted a response to your video where was I rude? I tried to be helpful as it was clear you did not know how to use the very product you were trying to explain. That makes you the ignorant one. Its not like I accused you of child abuse like you did to another member in another thread. Perhaps you need to start a thread asking in a poll who has more to contribute. The one with the least amount of votes leaves. Everyone here is tired of your attitude and useless rants and videos.
So when I posted a response to your video where was I rude? I tried to be helpful as it was clear you did not know how to use the very product you were trying to explain. That makes you the ignorant one. Its not like I accused you of child abuse like you did to another member in another thread. Perhaps you need to start a thread asking in a poll who has more to contribute. The one with the least amount of votes leaves. Everyone here is tired of your attitude and useless rants and videos.
Stop communicating with me, or at very least send your spam to this sites private conversation. You are falsely defaming me with your asinine statements regarding what I have said. You are a liar, stop communicating with me, you are just trying to flame. If you had a shred of respect you would move this to conversation rather than politicizing your flame baiting. That is all. You are rude and ignorant and/or extremely stupid. Stop wasting my time.

You take every opportunity to launch veiled attacks, and it is unwelcome. Your communications directed to me are unwelcome. If you have something to say to me send it to private communication. Your acts are nothing but a stage show to defame, deride and tarnish my enjoyment of this site. Communicate all you want on this site, but communications with me are unwelcome. Continuance to communicating with me Trapper is unwelcome. Have you understood that yet.

You are just sowing discord and embedding yourself to futher your actions as a troll, like you have done on other sites as well.

Kindly respect my request for you not to communicate with me or direct communications to me at all anywhere, not just this website but anywhere in existence, your communications with me are considered spam Trapper.

I have made a simple request, please respect it.
Per your conditions, I would have to quit because you seem to have an uneducated opinion on everything and post everywhere. I (like many others here) don't agree with what you post. I will take you on every time you post false information, stupid information or attack other members of the forum. That does not make me a troll. If you don't like responding to me then don't. You are not obligated to. Even when I post information to actually help you your too thick headed to realize it and piss your pants screaming "your being a troll". Then you have the balls to threaten me and want to knock out my teeth. Big words for a burn out like you. If you ever seen me on the street you would run off and cry like you do here. You would not have big words if you were not hiding behind your keyboard.
Perhaps you can start actually provide information here from experience like other members. All you do is google information so you have something to reply to. It gets old when all you give is crap information that you have no knowledge of or experience in. It is not on just one subject but almost on everything you write.
Just so you are aware, I will not stop responding. I will continue to provide useful information. I will continue to challenge every post you write that is false, misleading or attacks other members here. I am surprised you have not been banned due to your own actions. Perhaps you should take the advice I have given several times and leave - permanently........
I notice you don't have mosquito repellent or bug netting. Is this an urban bug out? Up here the bugs are absolutely insane at this time of the year, it actually is probably one of the biggest threats up here. You can get bug netting from Asia for under $5
and it can be used to set up a bug canopy over you or hung over top of you and tied around your waist. bug spray is good but it doesn't always work 100% it is more of a repellent. The nets are often repellent treated in addition to being a physical barrier. They also fit in a small pouch and are very light. They can also act as a insulating material. I'll be carrying both with me. Bug spray that is flammable can be useful also.

Also in a SHTF there of serious magnitude there may be untreated sewage dead animals etc.. that will attract bugs, and make transmission of disease greater. If you have room I'd add the netting and repellent spray to your list. It is more important than pain killers imo and ranks just under caffeine.

I have...
Food: 3 coleman dehydrated food. and 3 packs of tuna.
Water: 4 bottles of 1 liters.
Very Small fishing kit that came in a gerber survival belt.
Stanley Adventure Camp Cook Set which can be used to boil water for drinking or for the dehydrated food.
Small First aid Kit.
Stanley Multitool.
Self Inflating Mat.
50 Ft. of Paracord.
Water Filtration Straw.
Sawyer Water filter.
Mini Prybar.
N95 Mask.
Fire Makers: Water Proof Matches, Lighters, Cotton Balls, some with vaseline, flare stick, Striker.
Space Blanket.
BB. Gun with CO2 Cannisters and extra BB's.
Camping Stove With Fuel.
Pepper Spray.
Walkie Talkie.
About 20 Bucks in small bills.
Small Radio.
2 Ponchos.
2 Heavy Duty Trash Bags.
5 Hour energy drink.
Electrolyte Powder Mix.
Maps of Local areas.
Small Compass.

i can not remember any more of what i have out the top of my head. i am pretty sure i am mising a few more items and will add them as i remember.

i know i need a change of clothes. that will be added as soon as i can. if not in the bag, at least on the outside with the self inflating mat.

Here is some quick tips on bug protection, so in your Bug out Bag, consider some BUG OFF equipment.

Here is info on deet..

even more info on deet

PS don't eat a lot of cedar but it is good as a tea or spice.
say williamashley..trapper joined march 10th..you joined march 20th..so it could be said that your following him instead...so im wondering who's following who.and who's the lier now.and some of the thngs you say in your post dont make sinse..so why dont you just leave tihs forum to honest good folks.
IMO it really depends on the scenario. I usually hike with a mostly empty bag but if I know what I'm going out for I'll bring stuff associated with that.

Since bugging in is my first likelyhood for between April and October, I have my gear, but most of it is non essential for specific situations, and is not the same as what I would hike with. example I'm not likely to take a gas mask and chem suit with me hiking, although I might take a car tow rope hitch for use to shimy up a tree. I have first aid kits that I can bring but I almost always end up using mud, and sap, bracket fungi to cover up cuts that are bleeding. For a serious injury I think a whole lot of pain killers would be in store. None the less I've learned a bit about the forest up here so I know some uses for things like cedar leaves, birch, pine, spruce, and other trees, medicinal and modern nutirition. I'm not expert woodsman though.

If I need to bug out what is in my bag will depend on the situation but it would take total civil chaos for me to bug out, or pandemic, or something like a forest fire. In most cases the municipality would manage an evacuation for a forest fire unless it was out of no where but my solution would likely be throwing my inflatable kayak into the lake that is 100meters from me and waiting out the fire. with a dry suit on perhaps burrying a few item if I have time.

If government is still in effect I would expect them to lock everything down, road blocks, military and reserves called up with even potentially more government called into support roles. The only bug out would be to the back woods, and for that I'd be very concerned about availability of food because carrying food with me likely would not be enough to last more than a month to two months. although some could definatley be supplimented but with no certainty. But in non summer months bugging out is not much of an option unless it is bugging out to another country that has not been effected. I can't imagine bugging out up here past September, without having a winterized tent and more arctic survival gear, it could be doable but I think it would be more dangerous than bugging in. Now I have an interesting situation coming up in september I can't really go into but I'll perhaps say more when the time arrives.

Now for things I would likely carry with me in most bug out situations

-camelpack with water bladder.
- food items (flour, rice, vanilla protein powder)
-water filter.
-lighter and matches

- I also like but not essential my cheap baofang uv5r - which also has a low light led that can strobe dual band, useful for team communications, there are lots of other small items but not essential.

-crossbow or firearm if extended or real back woods but I consider this just a safety measure as most wild animals might be able to be kept at bay with sharpened stakes.

- bug netting can also make life easier.
- a bivy bag can also improve ones sleep
- in colder times a sleeping bag can save time that would otherwise be spent collecting grass and leaves.

-- and of course extra socks.
-Im also considering taking an extra pair of boots with me too, not sure yet though.

Swimming trunks and a towel might be good too.

Apparently an easy way to get a lot of food is to leave your food out in the open and be prepared to eat whatever comes for it, now this likely isn't legal so it should only be used in emergency situations. Although I have maximum respect for animals and I'm not sure I have that sort of survivor spirit but it is a survival strategy in bear country.

---- Personally my prepping is more about capacity building. in a civil collapse situation things get very grey very fast. ArmyofOne

why on gods green earth would you go hikeing with a empty bag?? to me thats foolish.id make real sure that i take every thing needed for a hikeing trip.be it 1 mile each way.to hikeing way out and spending the night.either way,i take every thing needed instead of a empty bag.
JimLE, be very careful with those logical remarks. You maybe labeled as a netstalker or worse yet A TROLL!! :rolleyes:
BTW, when we address him we are supposed to call him Doctor or Reverend per post #96 of this thread. Don't want to offend anyone.........
why on gods green earth would you go hikeing with a empty bag?? to me thats foolish.id make real sure that i take every thing needed for a hikeing trip.be it 1 mile each way.to hikeing way out and spending the night.either way,i take every thing needed instead of a empty bag.

25 lbs of gear isn't "empty" JimLE

I have everything I need in it for this time of the year. Winter has a couple more things but it is basically just extra layeres of clothing. I prefer to be able to go long distances on foot in my bag, and I don't enjoy carrying 50lbs or more in my bag.

Frankly it is bad for the back, while you can do it, I dunno hiking 10km with more than 50kgs with limited water, not on my todo list. Maybe you havn't thought things through. What am I missing that "I need?"

not shown in these videos is my footwear and a cooking pot, and a couple extra clothing items, and I havn't decided between the garbage bag, or the garbage bag and my bivy.. as I think I might be ok with just my poncho.

How is this empty?

Half of the weight is food, I have a couple clothing items I can change, an extra pair of footwear encase my runners don't hold up.

What is missing?

I do have other items but they arn't items I would take unless I needed them, like my satphone, my CBRN kid, which is kept seperately, and battery operated stuff, which is more bug in oriented or short distance bug out.

I'm really not sure what you think is missing from my bag for hiking 300km?

Bear in mind I am an intermediate level forager and I know how to use pretty much every plant in my yard and many out in the woods.

I like to travel as "light" as possible, I'm not really sure what you think is missing in all this needed.

I do invite you to recommend any kit I absolutely must have.

What does your pack weigh in at JimLE and how far do you plan on going in it?

I'd like to keep my toenails and average about 40km per day. This works out to perhaps 10 hours of walking a day. There are even some items "I don't need" like my first aid kit, my torch and a few other things. Nothing is needed.. but the stuff I'm bringing makes things more enjoyable and easier. I could just make some grass outters and give it a go, but what I have makes things nicer. the weight on my back 25lbs or so is my comfort level. 30-35 lbs can be done but it is dead weight that I'd rather save for berrier, mushrooms or other stuff I pick up on the way. No way in hell do I want to do a 300km expedition march with 50lbs of kit on my back. This isn't an endurance test it is a pleasant hike in the woods.
it really depends on the scenario. I usually hike with a mostly empty bag but if I know what I'm going out for I'll bring stuff associated with that.

to me that is a empty bag..id make real sure i have every thing i need for a hike no matter what..even if it's whats called a practice run hike.i still take every thing needed
tent water extra clotehing some sort of fire stater sleeping bag food right along every thing else needed.includeing a first aid kit..walkie talkie(s) if i know i can get in touch with someone with it.better fully prepared for the worst then not have it and have some thing go wrong.
it really depends on the scenario. I usually hike with a mostly empty bag but if I know what I'm going out for I'll bring stuff associated with that.

to me that is a empty bag..id make real sure i have every thing i need for a hike no matter what..even if it's whats called a practice run hike.i still take every thing needed
tent water extra clotehing some sort of fire stater sleeping bag food right along every thing else needed.includeing a first aid kit..walkie talkie(s) if i know i can get in touch with someone with it.better fully prepared for the worst then not have it and have some thing go wrong.

I can't legitimize a sleeping bag in the summer, as I have my gortex upper and lower stuff which will by itself keep me warm. I also have the bug netting, and am considering bringing a biovac.

what you can do is just collect some evergreen branches and put them under and over you from a a fallen tree. works just as good as a sleeping bag and keeps the bugs away. I might bring my biovac...

there is really no need for a tent, it is just extra space, the biovac is like a sleeping bag cover but you could if needed hang it overtop of you.. .the poncho I have is also able to act as a simple tarp/tent top. basically everything you stated I have in my bag...

if it were early fall I would throw in my marpat tarp, and if it were late fall I'd throw in my ecwcs winter sleeping bag...

I'm still trying to finalize my winter camping kit.. more or less though I think it will just be more clothing.

I figure a bug out bag is almost identical to a hiking bag unless you are in the city.
Thats a much more reasonable post Sir William.I think the reason for the conflicts of interest is you are an extremist survivalist that can google real fast.We are preppers that learn from each others known and proven experiences.

We all have the same will to survive,but some of your irrational scenarios and misguiding post are whats causing the waves.I may be fairly new to this site,but far from new to prepping and survival.However,some of the wild things you go on about and how to survive it sounds more like a world that I wouldn't want me or my family to be anyway.

I would suggest to fit a little better in with this group,you should sit back for a bit,get off of wiki and learn the peoples ways around here.It's what makes us click.Then if we are the type of crowd you are looking for,jump back in and start posting on things you know first hand,ease up on the wiki and google quotes and youtube vids.Try to go with the grain and you may just find you like it here.
how does every one cover up their bags? does your bag have a dedicated rain cover? or do u put a trash bag over it? or have you purchased an after market rain cover? is your bag water resistant to withstand a little rain?
I hope you go to hell 性交er. You are a troll, I've requested it multiple times don't communicate with me. I don't own the 性交ing name, my name is William and if you are going to address me people in Civil society use first names not institutionalized last names which is just plain rude. To you it is Rev. Ashley or Dr. Ashley, if it is neither of those don't use it, you are not an authority and I am not a surname.

Trapper I beleive nothing you say, you are not a real person. I really don't need the instructions of a product read to me when I know how to use the bloody product. The way I use it is more effective for what I use it for.

None the less my swearing is completely warranted because you are nothing but a disrepsectful ignorant scumbag.

I won't say it again, don't communicate with me.

It is net stalking scum like you that ruin the internet experience for people now 性交 off.

If you have a message to me message me privately you don't need to be flame baiting.

Now 性交 off, I know you are just trying to get under my skin, and you arn't frankly you are getting the response you deserve.

Now go end up face down in a gutter somewhere. You pathetic excuse for a human.

You hold absolutely no weight whatsoever with my determinations on my own survival. You are ignored because you are not real, you don't exist you are just a troll that net stalks and ridicules and tries to belittle. All I can say is get a life because you have pain and lots of pain coming to you in the end. Your comments are spam, and harassment. Finally said 性交 OFF.

You are once again ingored. Don't commuicate with me.

MY NAME IS NOT ASHLEY. Grow a brain. People like you don't deserve the air you breath.

I can't be more clear than, do not communicate with me. You are nothing but an annoying *******, your methods of trolling are obvious.

You are nothing, you arn't real, you are a fiction. You are just a tool to harass. That is all you are. You hold no respect, no weight in my life. You simply put are a waste of text. I sincerely hope you suffer.

I don't carry a 性交ing bucket in my bag. who the hell carries a 性交ing bucket in their bag?

Dude just shake it out. You know nothing. You probably just skimmed the website and are now reposting information on a product I own and have used. Trying to put down my advice which is highly useful.

You know nothing your advice is elementary and non informative. The information sheet that comes with it provides much more insightful information than that.

My comments explain how to more effectively use the product while hiking.

You clearly have no insight into how the product can be used other than what anyone researching the product can learn from the products website.

"trapper" you are just wasting my time. Don't talk to me. I do not think you will in anyway assist my life so your comments to me are 100% spam.

There is absolutely nothing funny about you agitating me and wasting my time. I'd knock your teeth out if you were a real person for your actions.

Net stalking trolls like you should be dead or in jail.
Mr. W. Ashley,

Trapper is free to post anywhere he so pleases on this site, and respond to any post he so chooses, just as you are. You will also cease and desist with the threatening tones.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion on how wonderful you think your advice is just as trapper is or any other member of this site may think their advice is.

You are certainly at liberty to not respond to anything trapper or any other member posts.

I certainly do not wish to ban anyone, and I believe this forum is large enough for everyone to be on.

No, Trapper did not bring this to my attention. I have received several complaints regarding the attached post made by you.
how does every one cover up their bags? does your bag have a dedicated rain cover? or do u put a trash bag over it? or have you purchased an after market rain cover? is your bag water resistant to withstand a little rain?

It depends on the season for me. I have my marpat tarp/canvas that does alright, likewise I have my poncho which also fits over it It will also fit in a large garbage bag if need be.

The bag is ok for resisting rain a bit. I also pack the stuff in the bag into seperate bags, and anything that can get damp is put in its own bag. If I need to float it I have a garbage bag.

However in generally I'll wrap the marpat around it, and the frame lets me secure it quite well. The marpat tarp also has eyelits so I could tie it down. My ponchotarp also fits over it.. but it is a little delicate to use as my primary rain cover. I also have a dry bag. None the less I've opted t waterproof stuff in the bag instead of the bag itself unless I am carrying the marpat anyway, which I do in the fall, to help with shelter construction, that is it acts as a rain barrier for my sleeping area, while my poncho can act as a personal barrier for when it is really down poring.

I don't mind the rain much especially with those mec pants and the level 6 upper, and cold/wet boots that I have treated to make them more water resistant. its really just things like electronics, perishable food, and clothing that I don't want wet, but those things can be packed into their own waterproof garbage bags or water resistant compression sacs. Also the cordura isn't waterproof but it doesn't really facilitate large amounts of water to pool, there is also a hole in the bottom of the bag, and eyelet that allows water to drain out of it unless plugged.

The dry bag I have I don't really use unless I am doing boat stuff, or expect things to be really wet or diving. If the event was a flood I'd put it into service.
One thing you can do to your bag as a protector is use a water repellant spray. There are several brands on the market. I use them to seal nylon tarps, tents and even packs. It really helps keep water out. It also puts a barrier on the material so if it gets dirty it cleans off easier too. Just spray it on and leave it outside to dry for an hour and its done. I discovered this tip for our canoe packs while trekking. The canoe packs are heavy canvass bag. They would slowly soak up water from the bottom of the canoe. After spraying them it stopped the problem. I first used the spray on tents to seal leaky seams. It worked so well that any material that is exposed to the elements gets treated.

Another thing you can do is place important items in ziplock bags inside your BOB. I carry several bags in quart and gallon size. They weigh nothing and take up no space. The uses for them are endless. From water collection to putting a cleaned grouse in them after harvesting one for your next meal. It is a cheap and easy way to protect your electronics if caught in the rain.

Also get a large contractor grade garbage bag for your BOB. Again it takes up little space. It can be used for many things, including a cover up for your BOB. If you can get a big enough one it will cover you as well as your bag when its on your back.
yeah.i didnt even think of thanking you clyde when i read what you posted yesterday..thanks for that.it's greatly appreciated..
Thank you Clyde, but I personally don't think the idiot will stop. It would take common sense for him to do that and he has proven that he has none. I hope you don't let us lose some GOOD members for this YO YO. He is 100 times worst than RVKitty was. As you know, I have said that we are a family here and I'm sure that myself and most of the other members don't want William as a family member. I will not comment to William because he is not worth my time.
One thing you can do to your bag as a protector is use a water repellant spray. There are several brands on the market. I use them to seal nylon tarps, tents and even packs. It really helps keep water out. It also puts a barrier on the material so if it gets dirty it cleans off easier too. Just spray it on and leave it outside to dry for an hour and its done. I discovered this tip for our canoe packs while trekking. The canoe packs are heavy canvass bag. They would slowly soak up water from the bottom of the canoe. After spraying them it stopped the problem. I first used the spray on tents to seal leaky seams. It worked so well that any material that is exposed to the elements gets treated.

Another thing you can do is place important items in ziplock bags inside your BOB. I carry several bags in quart and gallon size. They weigh nothing and take up no space. The uses for them are endless. From water collection to putting a cleaned grouse in them after harvesting one for your next meal. It is a cheap and easy way to protect your electronics if caught in the rain.

Also get a large contractor grade garbage bag for your BOB. Again it takes up little space. It can be used for many things, including a cover up for your BOB. If you can get a big enough one it will cover you as well as your bag when its on your back.

Great IDEA, should be common sense and can't believe I hadn't thought of that before........That stuff would be very useful with a wide variety of items...Ziplock Baggies I do as well and vaccum seal stuff I can put into quart size bags..
Hmm whats in my Bug Out equip.
hypochlorite-water purification.
sewing kit
mini tin fish kit
fire starter kit with multiple methods
main fixed blade
backup fixed blade
case hawk bill pocket knife
multi tool/backup multi tool
2 led flash lights/batteries
550 cord
marine cord
nylon rope
SAR 9mm/xtra rounds
recurve bow/arrows
mess kit
2x tarps
light weight alluminum stakes
sleeping bag/blanket
old army issue tin cup
2x 1in. rolls gorilla duct tape
all in one knife hone /compass/emergency whistle
map compass
pocket oil stone
55gal drum liner x2
zip lock freezer bags /sandwich bags
neon orange survey tape
folding saw
gortex hat /never leave home without it!
first aid kit equiped to stitch gashes and wounds
2x sail needles
i think thats everything i like to pack kinda heavy.
oh 550 cord bracelette that never leaves my wrist!

will soon be adding a butt pack to my bob for xtra clothing.
forgot a couple things i also have a water proof survival manual and a book on compass navigation and map reading.
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