When is this global warming supposed to hit?

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I think we should all take the last three months of the year off and just chill somewhere if we want to "save the earth" No work, no nothing. bring out the electric-powered general stores and park them every mile or so, so you can walk or bike to them.

Hmm just like a lunch wagon. Might be one hell of a money-making idea in crap holes like Chicago! And think of how much gas and time it would save!
I had to cry uncle with this last snow of what ended up being 22 inches. A lodge about 20 miles from us has kept record of the snow, they say 117 inches to date. The snowblower engine blew Sunday but fortunately after three passes, leaving just enough path for my truck to make it down to the road. The snow berms are too high to push with a plow. I tried all day Sunday to move them and I failed.

We went back to town for Christmas with the boys. Heading back out today and will look for someone to hire with a bulldozer to come push the berms. Hopefully the plow trucks didn’t plow the berms to high on the highway so I can pull off. Gotta love it!
my area has a vintage truck from back in the day that has a giant blower with 3 or 4 augers on front to get through deep snow...or they did still have it. we use motor graders and occasional bulldozer to bust through deep windblown sections of roads.

i seen one place..cant recall..but up north in u.p. or n.y. where they get lake effect snows they didnt have anywhere else to push snow so they have a truck they load and it melts the snow and runs out in storm drain.first time i seen that..it was a few years ago.

That would work!

I pushed snow all day yesterday and will again today. I have someone with a bulldozer coming this evening to push the berms that I am making. Tomorrow I am taking the snow blower into town to have the Honda power sports shop see if they can fix the Honda GX630 engine. I need that snowblower fixed and back up the hill before the next big snowfall.
That would work!

I pushed snow all day yesterday and will again today. I have someone with a bulldozer coming this evening to push the berms that I am making. Tomorrow I am taking the snow blower into town to have the Honda power sports shop see if they can fix the Honda GX630 engine. I need that snowblower fixed and back up the hill before the next big snowfall.
Could you at least just get a new engine while in town and swap it out to keep going? engines available in closest town you will travel to?
This must have been the warmest Christmas since I left Australia... here's a summary of our 2023, report released yesterday
  • 2023 was the warmest year on record for Ireland (record length 124 years).
  • For the first time, Ireland’s average annual temperature rises above 11°C.
  • 2023 saw the warmest June on record.
  • 2023 saw the wettest March and the wettest July on record.
  • For the first time in 23 years, four months of the year were within their top 5 warmest months on record (average stays between one and two months every year since the year 2000).
The issue I take with those reports is the phrase "on record." The authors of those reports never really put that phrase into context, although the first and last bullet point adds some. Twenty-three years and 124 years really aren't that long of a timeline to make assumptions about "change".

It was warm here in New Jersey this past year too. In fact, snow-wise it was one of the least amounts of snowfall I can remember in the last 18 months. Two of the only four snowfalls we had, the fella that takes care of snow removal for our building was able to use a leaf blower to clean the sidewalks. Our home heating oil budget actually went down. Good for us--we can keep more money. Now I can also contrast this with 1993 when it literally snowed every Wednesday (I remember vividly because I worked for Mercedes Benz back then and they closed the office when it snowed:rolleyes:) It snowed so much we had to get up on the flat roofs of our building to remove the snow for fear of collapse.

This was all during a 30 year period. Two "extremes." Is this indicative of a detrimental change in the planet and it's climate. I don't know--I'm not qualified to make that judgement. What I do know is that God made us stewards of this planet. Are there people (read as governments, corporations and greedy b@st@rds) who are taking advantage of that? Absolutely.
and they know this how? A lot of this stuff is total guess work based on things you can't verify.
I had a geology class in college. They named all the rock layers and how old they supposedly were. But there are many areas were the rocks are in the wrong layers. This they say was caused by some "massive earthquakes and land shifts " but they really don't know any definite details. Just like the dinosaurs. THere are all sorts of theories out there ( asteroid, climate change, super vulcano, etc) but they can't prove any of it.

And even if the earth is warming a lot, so what? You might be able to grow crops in Greenland and Alaska.
still cold everywhere, don't see any 70 degrees out there, not even in Florida
I remember many times in the past, even 30 years ago, when we had the AC on in Florida during the holidays

if you think the place you live in is actually consistantly warming, keep track yourself, and you will know for sure. Don't just measure the extremes but every day. All you need is a themometer for a few $ and piece of paper , or if you want a spreadsheet
still cold everywhere, don't see any 70 degrees out there, not even in Florida
I remember many times in the past, even 30 years ago, when we had the AC on in Florida during the holidays

if you think the place you live in is actually consistantly warming, keep track yourself, and you will know for sure. Don't just measure the extremes but every day. All you need is a themometer for a few $ and piece of paper , or if you want a spreadsheet
i use to travel to florida for hunting back in the day..i remember one of my last trips on new years eve night at 3a.m. headed to hunting woods driving with windows down and it was 78f.

it was always nice to go down and find it warm...but also in great contrast i was over in sopchoppy one winter and it hit 29f and like to froze...or it felt like it.
and they know this how? A lot of this stuff is total guess work based on things you can't verify.
I had a geology class in college. They named all the rock layers and how old they supposedly were. But there are many areas were the rocks are in the wrong layers. This they say was caused by some "massive earthquakes and land shifts " but they really don't know any definite details. Just like the dinosaurs. THere are all sorts of theories out there ( asteroid, climate change, super vulcano, etc) but they can't prove any of it.

And even if the earth is warming a lot, so what? You might be able to grow crops in Greenland and Alaska.
still cold everywhere, don't see any 70 degrees out there, not even in Florida
I remember many times in the past, even 30 years ago, when we had the AC on in Florida during the holidays

if you think the place you live in is actually consistantly warming, keep track yourself, and you will know for sure. Don't just measure the extremes but every day. All you need is a themometer for a few $ and piece of paper , or if you want a spreadsheet
Put the weather station next to an asphalt parking lot and watch global warming kick in. Eliminate half of the weather reporting stations, in cooler spots, and watch global warming kick in.
Put the weather station next to an asphalt parking lot and watch global warming kick in. Eliminate half of the weather reporting stations, in cooler spots, and watch global warming kick in.
I hate cold so I'm one of the ones cheering global warming on :thumbs: .
I am fine with 100+ temps, just have to make sure I don't run out of beer:D.
I've never seen a tornado in Alaska. They are rare here but not unheard of.

Probably July of 2013, we were camping along the Denali Highway about MP 96 or so where you can see forever looking west, north and east. We spotted a tornado west of us and watched it head NE. Never touched the ground from what we could tell and it danced about for a good 10 minutes before low clouds north of us blocked the view.

-20 this morning, perfectly clear and no wind. It’s been like this since Tuesday. Probably only going out to the woodshed to collect more wood. But I would much rather have this than the snow. Looks like we have another week of it. Hopefully the Honda place can fix that engine in the snow blower and I can get it back up the mountain before the next snow.
As an update, I will be picking up my Bercomac Snowblower on Thursday after a part came in. Compression in both cylinders were off, the full mixture was too rich and a few other items and the repairs and parts are less than $300, so I consider myself blessed. We have also had a few weeks of a cold dry spell and I should be able to get the RZR and snowblower up the mountain without any problems. Another reason to feel blessed.

Here is a picture from late November after I winched myself out of a ravine. Notice my beagle supervising from inside the heated cab with a worried look on his face. I was pushing snow into the ravine on both sides of the road and the front wheels went over. Great to have a 3 ton come along. This is at the top of the first hill in a series of hills getting to my place. Lots of fun figuring how to get unstuck actually, but the beagle doesn’t agree.

The berms are now higher than the Polaris ranger thanks to the bulldozer I hired a few weeks ago. It will be good to get the snowblower back so I can deal with what’s next.

As an update, I will be picking up my Bercomac Snowblower on Thursday after a part came in. Compression in both cylinders were off, the full mixture was too rich and a few other items and the repairs and parts are less than $300, so I consider myself blessed. We have also had a few weeks of a cold dry spell and I should be able to get the RZR and snowblower up the mountain without any problems. Another reason to feel blessed.

Here is a picture from late November after I winched myself out of a ravine. Notice my beagle supervising from inside the heated cab with a worried look on his face. I was pushing snow into the ravine on both sides of the road and the front wheels went over. Great to have a 3 ton come along. This is at the top of the first hill in a series of hills getting to my place. Lots of fun figuring how to get unstuck actually, but the beagle doesn’t agree.

The berms are now higher than the Polaris ranger thanks to the bulldozer I hired a few weeks ago. It will be good to get the snowblower back so I can deal with what’s next.

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I envy you your heated cab.
I envy you your heated cab.

As the misses, the puppy and I were driving around today checking on our neighbors property who is wintering in the lower 48 we commented on why it took us so long to get a side by side with a heated cab. The Polaris Northstar is well insulated and the heater works great. The RZR pushing the snowblower just has a roof and a windshield and no heater. When the wind is blowing every inch of my body is covered in snow.
As an update, I will be picking up my Bercomac Snowblower on Thursday after a part came in. Compression in both cylinders were off, the full mixture was too rich and a few other items and the repairs and parts are less than $300, so I consider myself blessed. We have also had a few weeks of a cold dry spell and I should be able to get the RZR and snowblower up the mountain without any problems. Another reason to feel blessed.

Here is a picture from late November after I winched myself out of a ravine. Notice my beagle supervising from inside the heated cab with a worried look on his face. I was pushing snow into the ravine on both sides of the road and the front wheels went over. Great to have a 3 ton come along. This is at the top of the first hill in a series of hills getting to my place. Lots of fun figuring how to get unstuck actually, but the beagle doesn’t agree.

The berms are now higher than the Polaris ranger thanks to the bulldozer I hired a few weeks ago. It will be good to get the snowblower back so I can deal with what’s next.

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I bought my Bercomac snow blower 4 years ago. Got it mounted on my 2020 CanAm HD10 side by side. I love the heated cab, and the cup holders.

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