When the KKK passes out candy, it's a "hate crime!"

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Ancient AH Pilot, Retired CWO W4.
Dec 31, 2017

Excerpt: "And here’s Andrew Cuomo’s take on all of this:
“While President Trump and Republicans in Washington sow divisiveness and hate that is spreading like a cancer across the country, in New York we say not here, not now, not ever. I have directed State Police to investigate the appalling distribution of KKK material in several counties and send a clear message that New York has zero tolerance for intolerance. Today more than ever, New York must fight against hate crimes and stand as a beacon of equality and diversity,” said Cuomo.

You got that? The KKK passing out candy bars is a hate crime and it’s not only President Trump’s fault, but all Republicans. If I dropped 10 hits of acid after suffering a major concussion while sniffing glue, I couldn’t have come up with something this far from reality.

It’s not even a hate crime in New York when a black person punches or stabs a white person while shouting anti-white racial slurs, but the KKK handing out candy bars is grounds for a hate crime investigation? I guess if they were passing out white chocolate, maybe, but those Snickers bars are brown.

It gets worse when you consider that NY is a sanctuary state where illegal aliens are basically above the law. This is Andrew Cuomo saying he doesn’t care if illegal aliens rape and kill people, but he’ll be damned if the KKK passes out candy bars. Liberal positions always sound dumber when you say them out loud."
New York must fight against hate crimes and stand as a beacon of equality and diversity,” said Cuomo.
Do they have any idea of how utterly hypocritical that statement is? Do they know what the word "diversity" even means? It sure the hell doesn't mean "You are OK if we like you but not if we don't."

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