White flight started in Chicago, Detroit, Philidelphia in the US and spread fast before spreading to places like London, Leicester, Birmingham etc in the UK, then from around 2000 onwards it started in France primarily with the white Jewish community before spreading to every section of French society. Soon after in South Africa after the fall of Apartheid we see Whites fleeing south African cities in growing numbers after nearly 40,000 white deaths including 4000 white farmers. Now its happening in Germany , Denmark, Sweden and Finland as the effects of uncontrolled and unpoliced migration from North Africa and the Middle east start to damage and destabilise nations in the northern Hemisphere.
It took 15 years for White Flight to migrate from the US to the UK in the 90s with over 250,000 white families leaving London in under 5 years alone. Then its driving Whites and jewish people from Paris, Marseilles etc in France from around 2000, Now its the Germans who are fleeing as White Flight gains pace.
White flight started in Chicago, Detroit, Philidelphia in the US and spread fast before spreading to places like London, Leicester, Birmingham etc in the UK, then from around 2000 onwards it started in France primarily with the white Jewish community before spreading to every section of French society. Soon after in South Africa after the fall of Apartheid we see Whites fleeing south African cities in growing numbers after nearly 40,000 white deaths including 4000 white farmers. Now its happening in Germany , Denmark, Sweden and Finland as the effects of uncontrolled and unpoliced migration from North Africa and the Middle east start to damage and destabilise nations in the northern Hemisphere.
It took 15 years for White Flight to migrate from the US to the UK in the 90s with over 250,000 white families leaving London in under 5 years alone. Then its driving Whites and jewish people from Paris, Marseilles etc in France from around 2000, Now its the Germans who are fleeing as White Flight gains pace.