Who are they gonna call?

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Formerly known as Supervisor42
HCL Supporter
Dec 16, 2017
I was laying in bed this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, and I was thinking, (yeah, I know I shouldn't do that :().
Thinking about the people in the big metropolis cities...
Here's the Sourdough scenario:

It is not TEOTWAWKI, but the country has fallen on hard times.
A smart country has damaged our supply-chain infrastructure.
There is plenty of:
Electric power.
Running water.
Internet (and financial transactions).
The grocery stores are empty, and the gas stations are all closed, (no gas or diesel).
There is food and fuel being rationed out in a couple of places, but you don't know where.
Who are you gonna call?

First off, take state and federal government offices off the list, they won't even answer their phones in good times. :mad:
Ha Ha. I don't need to call anyone. Our kids would be showing up. I doubt that most of our neighbors need to call anyone.
Now, now, you were supposed to use your imagination and put yourself in a skyscraper, in a big city.
I can't think or breathe in a city. See my avatar photo? That's where I need to be. Dirt roads. Farms. Amish people. Growing good food.

If I was a nutcase in the city in an apartment, I'd probably call 911 like they all do. And I wouldn't be able to get through. And no one would come. I did take the CERT fema classes and have the vest and the hardhat. I guess I'd put them on and go act like I was the boss of something to maybe get out of the city. Ha Ha.
Now, now, you were supposed to use your imagination and put yourself in a skyscraper, in a big city.
That is Never gonna happen again. I'm retired, they cant even ask anymore :p

The real tragedy is running out of cold beer :(
I would go to the local VFW, look for Marines in Hawaiian shirts, offer them beer and crayons to ensure the security of my property, then enjoy some beans & rice on the patio as the sounds of gunfire ring out in the distance.
Ok, you are supposed to pretend you live like Right Here:

Somebody does, and so do hundreds of others. :(
No food or fuel, whatcha gonna do?
Ok, you are supposed to pretend you live like Right Here:
View attachment 156563
Somebody does, and so do hundreds of others. :(
No food or fuel, whatcha gonna do?

Okay, change of plans. I would just jump. That's high enough to ensure I will die on impact.

People in that building and city are going to go feral very quickly, so your only real choice is to grab what you have and head out on foot. There is always food and resources out there somewhere. You just have to survive long enough to find it and again while you find the next source. All the while competing against others for those resources. Survival in this situation is a competition and the person who is willing to do whatever it takes will win.
Okay, change of plans. I would just jump. That's high enough to ensure I will die on impact.

People in that building and city are going to go feral very quickly, so your only real choice is to grab what you have and head out on foot. There is always food and resources out there somewhere. You just have to survive long enough to find it and again while you find the next source. All the while competing against others for those resources. Survival in this situation is a competition and the person who is willing to do whatever it takes will win.
Bet you could land in the pool below, try not to splash too much water on me!!
I lived in a high rise once, when I was eleven, for one month, never again. If I were forced to do that again I’d buy an old 4X4 diesel truck. I'd fit it with a shell with a roof rack, 2” receivers front and rear, and twin fuel tanks. I’d load up with guns, ammo, food, and as much else as I could pack in the vehicle. Many of the high rises have small storage units. I’d have spare fuel in mine and I can put three 15 gallon tanks on each rack. I’d be gone the first day.
Ok, you are supposed to pretend you live like Right Here:
View attachment 156563
Somebody does, and so do hundreds of others. :(
No food or fuel, whatcha gonna do?
And all this time I thought you were my friend. What did I ever do to deserve being put there? 😭😂
Honestly, I would throw on a back pack and start walking being sure to look grungy and delirious (not a stretch I know ;)). Also, online books of wild edibles - dandelions grow in cities. The apartment could be turned into an indoor garden if we weren't allowed to leave but seeds, soil and containers would be needed. You realize in Ch in@ during the hokey pokey, they sealed lg. buildings like this and many perished due to starvation? Yep, there was a report about all the phone numbers that became available from a single apt. high-rise (multiple). So those would be my two options but leaving would be first choice. Otherwise, that building looks pretty tall and even from half way up jumping might not be a bad option to end the suffering. 😖
I would dig out my Alaska Territorial Police Badge, Go door flashing the badge, and "ASK" to see what each apartment had as far as food. "ASK" for a modest amount. Haul it back to my apartment, and just keep doing that hour after hour after day after day.

How is that for thinking outside the box. You can get a State Police Badge for most states. I think I got mine on e-bay about twenty-five years ago. I actually have the complete FILSON suit for the 1950's.

And NO, I would not impersonate a LEO.........Today current reality.
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And all this time I thought you were my friend. What did I ever do to deserve being put there? 😭😂
Honestly, I would throw on a back pack and start walking being sure to look grungy and delirious (not a stretch I know ;)). Also, online books of wild edibles - dandelions grow in cities. The apartment could be turned into an indoor garden if we weren't allowed to leave but seeds, soil and containers would be needed. You realize in Ch in@ during the hokey pokey, they sealed lg. buildings like this and many perished due to starvation? Yep, there was a report about all the phone numbers that became available from a single apt. high-rise (multiple). So those would be my two options but leaving would be first choice. Otherwise, that building looks pretty tall and even from half way up jumping might not be a bad option to end the suffering. 😖
No swimsuit needed in the pool!!😮😉😃🤣
No swimsuit needed in the pool!!😮😉😃🤣
notice she said hokie pokie......lol..i think hers is spelt different with a different meaning.
Ok, you are supposed to pretend you live like Right Here:
View attachment 156563
Somebody does, and so do hundreds of others. :(
No food or fuel, whatcha gonna do?
ok ole elkhound lives there...here goes off top of my head...first thing i have plenty of water in jugs and more...i need one gallon a day to get by or at most 2 gallon....solar panel on balcony to run my box fan...grill or propane cooker...food in buckets of basics all over...door has super secure bracing and the new braces built for school doors for mass shooter events are a must...also i read about elderly that had food and water and hid in city during riots revolutions in egypt during color revolution stuff and other places..out of sight out of mind...say it again..keep door shut and hide...

poop in bucket....how to get rid of it...in compost tumbler on balcony...only solid and you just need a couple bags of sawdust/peatmoss..if not available poop in heavy duty bag and have a premade giant sling shot bands rigged up to sling the little bags of poop far from your building...hey we talking survival here..sling it at night in dark to not be seen doing it...oh pee..just dump it down drain and probably need to pour a dash of water or clorox/bleach once a week for smells...but no solids.

one biggie...rappelling ropes...this way in a emergency if door is getting chopped in or cut by chainsaw you can go down outside of building to ground and hopefully escape..

for warmth like sourdough preaches..sleeping bag/s.

have the go bag set up and ready to go over side of building just inside balcony.

maybe more..this just off top of my head fast.
various thing not in order

solar panels..i would have one of the solar generator things you see everyone selling these days and doing demos on youtube.This give you a bit of power for various things but mainly cooking and the box fan...have enough sollar to charge it fast and once its getting charged to full start cooking then even if not time to eat because of excess power being generated. use it for instapot,rice cooker these are pretty efficient. put food in thermos to keep warm or do whats called thermos cooking and put hot water in it for later for tea,instant coffee etc.

look into getting a solar cooker too

cook simple easy backpacking type meals...look up ramen bombs for ideas.

washing up...you need two plastic dish pans...put water in both..use one for dishes and other for hand washing..put bleach or clorox in with it and that way a bit of water last at least a week. do dishes clean..lick'em use ya finger ya know be a barbarian so they clean as can be and that way no food residue goes in little dishpans and water last longer. use the second one to get hands clean after various things going to bathroom and more.

little various types of backpacking stoves like the alcohol stoves and other fuels for simple quick cooking in addition to above methods.

have tarp to go up over balcony in case it gets super hot..this way it blocks sun from coming in apartment and others looking in..plus you should have curtains inside it just be double protection maybe from heat and sun and being seen sitting with box fan blowing on your person.

have binoculars and spotting scope to look around...also once i got above taken care of i get a good drone so i could use it to see around building and go out as far as i could to see whats going on ever so often to gather intelligence..especially right before i left..if i was going to escape from that building.

also look up christopher nyerges..i been reading his stuff since 1970's and he has lots of urban and suburban information.
I was laying in bed this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, and I was thinking, (yeah, I know I shouldn't do that :().
Thinking about the people in the big metropolis cities...
Here's the Sourdough scenario:

It is not TEOTWAWKI, but the country has fallen on hard times.
A smart country has damaged our supply-chain infrastructure.
There is plenty of:
Electric power.
Running water.
Internet (and financial transactions).
The grocery stores are empty, and the gas stations are all closed, (no gas or diesel).
There is food and fuel being rationed out in a couple of places, but you don't know where.
Who are you gonna call?

First off, take state and federal government offices off the list, they won't even answer their phones in good times. :mad:
well dang i failed..i didnt see this first post or read details till after seeing the building and going all nerdy on it with ideas..i will respond to this part later with ideas.

having plenty of power and water theres way more you could do.
@Supervisor42 the building looks a little like the ones in "The 100," a sci fi dystopian series that was released a few years ago. Except they were taller and it was freaky how they used the buildings and the security. No electricity, no running water.
Here's the major spoiler. Nah, never mind. :rolleyes:🤪🤔🤣
I think most here would not like it but it has some interesting things that happen, deadly things, inappropriate things, and lots of death. Who is a leader, who is a follower, who rebels, how many groups of people are there?
Playing along with the game, I would hope if I lived there I would own a vehicle and be on a road heading north before anyone realised what was going on. I don't think I could survive in the city, even though I would be prepped. I would know how too- but I wouldn't want to.
Can we have a little more info, Sup? I mean we didn't just get beamed aboard, right? Did we drive there in our car? Do we live there? My thinking it that we will have more than the clothes on our back.

My gut reaction is exactly like Pearl's. No one. I won't call anybody, but my first plan of action will depend on what I have with me, and where I might have to go to get more of what I need. If I live there I will be well fortified, and won't have to call anybody. If I drove there in my car I know I have what I need to stay safe, and I will have enough gas to get home where I will be safe and well fortified. Either way I am bugging in somewhere. The only person I would call would be my wife if we weren't together, to make sure she is safe.

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