Who are they gonna call?

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What are they gonna eat?
...Each other? :oops:
So far, no suggestion on who they can call to save them. :(
Phone Home - they will be calling everyone on their list who they think they can beg from, especially those they think are softies.
I guess it is ok if I offer an answer to my own question.
I can only think of one...


They are dictated by gov. and do not allow any other form of relief - they get $$$ for each disaster they serve. I can't now remember which one (thinking Katrina but ???) but a local org. wanted to send folks and supplies down and were not allowed because RC was there.

ETA: I no longer donate to RC :(
They are dictated by gov. and do not allow any other form of relief - they get $$$ for each disaster they serve. I can't now remember which one (thinking Katrina but ???) but a local org. wanted to send folks and supplies down and were not allowed because RC was there.

ETA: I no longer donate to RC :(
I've read the local chapters "volunteer terms/conditions" and no longer support them either, certainly NOT as a volunteer.
Ok, you are supposed to pretend you live like Right Here:
View attachment 156563
Somebody does, and so do hundreds of others. :(
No food or fuel, whatcha gonna do?
If I live right there, that means I'm an idiot. No communication, no self-defense, no preps, no nothin'. What are they gonna do? Most are gonna die in the first two weeks, I expect, if it's a catastrophic situation.

To come closer to answering your question, I had a buddy - a prepper type - who lived in NYC for a short while working at NYU. He had a Harley gassed up and a bag full of gear just in case he needed to scram. I pointed out Manhattan is an island and if they close the bridges, he's screwed unless his Harley is also a sub. That's when he left NYC.

But that sort of planning is probably what I would have to do. I can't imagine letting myself get put in that scenario, though.
When New Orleans has it's last major hurricane we rode it out in our apartment much to her dismay. Been through enough of them to know if I should stay or go. Predictable the power went out but my area had no flooding. I filled my gas tank prior to the storm so I could be mobile if needed. About a week later power was restored in some areas but not mine. Got back to work at a different shop. National Guard was giving ice and a case of MRE's at the baseball stadium. I think it took like 2 1/2 weeks to get power back in my area. We're still here none worse for ware.

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