Hi Guys...an update on this post. Our property was always 7 miles from the city limits, they have recently extended the city limit to just the property after mine, so now we are in the city limits....damn....recently my son was at our shelter and he heard someone talking and laughing nearby so he snuck on them. It was a city work crew, they cut the lock on our back road access gate and were posting signs of "no access to waterway". My son watched them, and they were not aware of his presence, and he was taking pictures, to his surprise when they were finished installing their posts and signs, they backed their truck into the brook sat on the tailgate, and had a cooler of beer, tossing the empties into the brook. He has a really good pic of one guy taking a piss in the brook. Once they were gone my son called city hall and spoke with the manager, he made an appointment to meet the manager and mayor to discuss this occurrence. My son advised me that the meeting started with them on the defense and citing the local laws and regulations, my son let them talk then showed them the pictures and advised the manager he was taking the pics and story to the local newspaper and TV news. They changed their tune quite quickly and made a deal with him that NO one would ever go through our locked gate ever again, and we will be left alone. They asked him to delete the pics but he said no... it's our only insurance that they will abide by the agreement. Let's see what happens.