Is anyone 100% always and truly prepared? If you have a homestead with horses, cows, chickens, pigs, rabbits, etc. then you also need crops, gardens, water, etc. to feed them.....all year round. That is even more difficult to do in areas that have to endure winter. Even the most well prepared are going to have poor crop years. How is your lifestock going to handle that? The time and energy that would be required to sustain that without the aid of machinary would be burdensome. Areas with 4 seasons would probably be the best place to avoid the full devastation of any type of war b/c they are typicaly less populated, but those areas present some unforgiving challenges as well. And we haven't even talked about the challenge of security and other things......
Also, even IF you are 100% prepared, what about friends and family? It would be nice to have zero worries about that, but it's not realistic for most people. Even if they don't come knocking on your door, you are probably going to worry about how they are doing. The emotional toll would be exhausting.
I'd bet if an EMP were to happen and someone gave you the option of going back and undoing would. It would have negative consequences for everyone, even if it really only shut down your option of a backup for supplies or medical care. IMHO, the people who say, "let's do this", aren't thinking it all the way through.
True that. The furthest I get from home anymore is about 150 miles. But even then, it would be difficult to get home while having basic supplies in tow. That would be a looooong walk for sure. We could do it, but with arthritis and other challenges, it wouldn't be fun.
He has the votes, but it didn't matter the last time.
I don't think it matters either way. In fact, I'm still thinking that there won't even be an election. If so, then no matter who wins, the other side is going to raise hell. Patriots aren't going to stand for another steal and the cabal isn't going to let loose of their puppet without a fight. So, a false flag or black swan event IS going to happen between now and the end of the year.
And, in case nobody is paying attention, our dollar is in the midst of a collapse. When this happens, the demons always conjure up WAR. It is the excuse to look elsewhere and avoid the blame for said collapse. It's happening right in front of our eyes.